Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

they have like two dozen examples ever.

I've got one: Kayleigh McEnany voted absentee in Florida using her parents house, even though she lives in DC and has a NJ driver's license
Voter fraud is ONE THING .... one vote, one fraud.
Election Fraud is a totally entirely different thing ... one or a few persons obstructing and/or destroying hundreds and thousands of election forms.
Latina, do you think if honest voting was THAT important to the Republicans that they would have not truly addressed it with a new voting system by now? Several states, with OLD voting machines, decline to update their voting systems for a reason ... it would create more accurate & honest voting. They prefer NOT doing that. With the Republican base shrinking YEARLY, do you wonder who would benefit from a crooked voting system? Come on, man, you're smarter than that, surely. That's one of the first questions that come out of an investigator's mouth when investigating a ******* ... "who benefits from this?".
So, don't piss on our backs, here, and tell us its raining, ok? The ones who continually get caught with voter tampering are the Republicans. They really have NO CHOICE if they continue ignoring the failure of "trickle down" politics. It NEVER bleeds down to the ones who are usually asked to vote to support it yet they believe the Republicans in their "tax cut" philosophies and get poorer by the voting cycles.
So my question to you. What does it hurt in these races that are so close in one of the most important elections of our life time to ensure it's on the up and up? I would feel differently if the Blue wave hit and Trump wanted a national recount. I'd even tell him to go fuck himself.
So my question to you. What does it hurt in these races that are so close in one of the most important elections of our life time to ensure it's on the up and up? I would feel differently if the Blue wave hit and Trump wanted a national recount. I'd even tell him to go fuck himself.
They CAN request recounts and investigations if they have evidence that improprieties have been committed. Its at the expense of the one doing the complaining. So, HERE, we have a ORANGE President that does things freelancing style ... if it disagrees with him, he calls it fraud and hires lawyers to prove HIM RIGHT at the expense of, guess whoooooo ..... the TAX PAYORS, because Trump's a big liar to begin with ... sort of like the boy who called WOLF too many times.

Little Joke For YOU ....
Trump is standing in the oval office looking out the window ... its raining so he's not getting to play golf today. He needs SOMETHING to do, so he calls in his accountants, his lawyers, his Senate head, etc and asks them all ONE QUESTION:
"What is the status of the US Economy right now. I want to use it in my campaigns and meetings with the media ..."
Up pops the accountants, they're working their computers, etc ... and say to him "not good sir, we wouldn't recommend it right now"​
He turns to his head of Senate and the McConnell says the same thing .... "not good sir, we wouldn't recommend it right now", SIR.​
Then he turns to the lawyers and Rudy Giuliani and asks them the same question ...​
Rudy Giuliani jumps up, goes over and drops the blinds to the windows, he lowers the lighting in the room, turns up the "white noise" in the room and leans over to President Trump and whispers in his ear .... "Sir, what would you like it to be?"
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So my question to you. What does it hurt in these races that are so close in one of the most important elections of our life time to ensure it's on the up and up? I would feel differently if the Blue wave hit and Trump wanted a national recount. I'd even tell him to go fuck himself.

“Blue Wave” refers not just to the presidential race, but is more about all of the down ballot races too. In the presidential race, Biden still has a path to over 300 electoral votes. He is also up by FOUR MILLION in the popular vote. All told, that’s a pretty good whuppin’!!! And in any event, you sore losers are just flailing about whining and looking for excuses and making unfounded claims, including in court wasting time and resources. Accept the outcome, and then just go fuck yourselves!!!
This bitch is literally crying about 23 cases of fraud in 22 years in a state. Lmao

They CAN request recounts and investigations if they have evidence that improprieties have been committed. Its at the expense of the one doing the complaining. So, HERE, we have a ORANGE President that does thins freelancing style ... if it disagrees with him, he calls it fraud and hires lawyers at the expense of, guess whoooooo ..... the TAX PAYORS, because Trump's a big liar to begin with ... sort of like the boy who called WOLF too many times.
So do you think if the tables were turned the Dems wouldn't do the same? I would understand it.
So do you think if the tables were turned the Dems wouldn't do the same? I would understand it.
How did Democrats handle the Florida votes with VP Gore ran in 2000 .... Did GORE pull out his lawyers? Go read about it.
The Republicans with George W Bush's money & influence, and biased Republican judges ROBBED Gore of the Presidency.
Had Gore been chosen President in 2000 it is very doubtful we'd have the issues with the Nat'l Debt and deficit spending we have now.
If you don't like how the United States runs its elections..

Get the hell out and go to Russia. Until then let the elected & appointed officials do their jobs..

You might be PREVENTING a Trump win, that's how dumb you are.
No thats how dumb you are. If in the end a recount in these close races results in a Biden win then so be it for the 101st time.
How did Democrats handle the Florida votes with VP Gore ran in 2000 .... go read about it. Did GORE pull out his lawyers? Go read about it.

Yeah, they try to justify their despicable behavior by saying we would do it too. No we wouldn’t! And it isn’t just talk and denial. Just look at the reality of the FACTS. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullSHYit!!!!
its a different time Mac! Like you have said a time or two, that was a long time ago.
It was just 2 decades ago, Latina ... and it is the Republicans that started the political polarization war that exist to THIS DAY. Ask Newt Gingrich about THAT!
Thing is, if Biden gets elected, he's probably goinjg to have to deal with a Republican Senate lead by Mitch McConnell.
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It was just 2 decades ago, Latina ... and it is the Republicans that started the political polarization war that exist to THIS DAY. Ask Newt Gingrich about THAT!

Hillary Clinton as a candidate was just FOUR years ago. These people are a piece of work! I mean really! And even if it was a long time ago, there is no statute of limitations on doing the right thing.
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Latina, what you have with the Republicans is a party that spends more time trying to cheat the system, than working for the citizens of this great country. Republicans refuse to admit that their voter base is dwindling to nothing ... that the old "trickle down" economics they live by is NOT working for the poor or middle class. They just keep cheating to maintain their power. Now they're appointing SCOTUS/AGs that will back their cheating ways instead of applying unbiased legal representation. What does THIS say as to the direction of OUR COUNTRY?
Hell, we've been criticizing dictators for ages and guess what ... our country is slowly BECOMING ONE.
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