Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

In NV, MI, WI, PA, and GA, it all comes down to the urban areas of Las Vegas, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Those areas voted for Biden almost 2 to 1 on same day voting.

I Just got off the phone with my sister who lives in Las Vegas. She was just asked yesterday by a member of the trump team in Vegas to provide information, which she has access to, about registered voters who have either moved or are deceased. She said there is a lot.

In such a close race and the shady mail in ballots I don't see how anyone can disagree with Trump taking legal action. If this was the "Blue" wave like so many liberals expected then I'd say hand the keys over to Biden and let him start doing his damage.
Nearly 70 million American citizens voted by mail pal... "good luck" fighting that🤦‍♂️
Nearly 70 million American citizens voted by mail pal... "good luck" fighting that🤦‍♂️
Thanks for the update. I voted by mail myself. That isn't the issue at all. When you have a race, NV for instance, with an 11,000 vote difference it makes perfect sense to ensure the ballots counted are legit. Re-count CA, OR , WA, etc.? No. That makes zero sense. You can't be that naive to think the possibility exists deceased and non-resident votes were counted. It's happens! Just like when the government sent out the stimulus checks. Lots of mistakes!
Thanks for the update. I voted by mail myself. That isn't the issue at all. When you have a race, NV for instance, with an 11,000 vote difference it makes perfect sense to ensure the ballots counted are legit. Re-count CA, OR , WA, etc.? No. That makes zero sense. You can't be that naive to think the possibility exists deceased and non-residents votes were counted. It's happens! Just like when the government sent out the stimulus checks. Lots of mistakes!
Do you want me to believe you or the experts? You sound like a sore loser, crying "foul" BEFORE the votes are counted.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

I do think that the slow rate of the release of results in Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada is unacceptable. A whole additional day has passed, and the numbers have barely moved, and in the case of Nevada, not at all. That’s BS.

Again Nevada officials are doing a terrible job of handling their count! They don’t have nearly the number of ballots of far more populous states, and they say we have to wait until 10 a.m. their time tomorrow for 50,000 votes??? Give me a break!
Do you want me to believe you or the experts? You sound like a sore loser, crying "foul" BEFORE the votes are counted.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Sore loser??? OK I'll try this real slow for you.. Yes.... I.... voted..... for.... Trump..... If..... Biden.... wins.... I.... will... accept... the... outcome.... I... will... lose... zero... sleep... if... he... does... win!!!
The fucking level of sheer stupidity is astounding!

You are making America look like a 3rd world BANANA REPUBLIC you fools! Who "hereby declares victory" with 214 electoral college votes!


It’s Trumpism. Un-democratic, anti-American, and dangerous. It’s why these Trumptards must be defeated and run out of office all over the land . . . starting with the Oval Office.
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Sore loser??? OK I'll try this real slow for you.. Yes.... I.... voted..... for.... Trump..... If..... Biden.... wins.... I.... will... accept... the... outcome.... I... will... lose... zero... sleep... if... he... does... win!!!
I Just got off the phone with my sister who lives in Las Vegas. She was just asked yesterday by a member of the trump team in Vegas to provide information, which she has access to, about registered voters who have either moved or are deceased. She said there is a lot.
Latina, do you think if honest voting was THAT important to the Republicans that they would have not truly addressed it with a new voting system by now? Several states, with OLD voting machines, decline to update their voting systems for a reason ... it would create more accurate & honest voting. They prefer NOT doing that. With the Republican base shrinking YEARLY, do you wonder who would benefit from a crooked voting system? Come on, man, you're smarter than that, surely. That's one of the first questions that come out of an investigator's mouth when investigating a ******* ... "who benefits from this?".
So, don't piss on our backs, here, and tell us its raining, ok? The ones who continually get caught with voter tampering are the Republicans. They really have NO CHOICE if they continue ignoring the failure of "trickle down" politics. It NEVER bleeds down to the ones who are usually asked to vote to support it yet they believe the Republicans in their "tax cut" philosophies and get poorer by the voting cycles.