OK, listen up people...........here's your voting review over the last decade or 2, so everyone can understand, that both parties lie, cheat, and dont take defeat honorably. Both parties are guilty of the very same underhanded acts, and yet nobody within each party is willing to admit to it. Al Gore gets narrowly beat by the Bush in Florida (Jeb's state), where polling places were moved at the last minute, ballots were redesigned so the punctures were made somewhere near the binding of the ballot book, which gave us NEW terms like 'hanging chad', and where the chads were hanging, those votes didnt count. This was total manipulation of the voting process. Then, in 2016, it appears as tho the Russians tampered with the voting process. Now Trump is up in arms about how votes are being counted, and is suing everyone in sight ? All I can say is what goes around, comes around. It just seems like whoever loses screams that they got screwed. But there are many more carbon copy behavior issues. It appears Hunter Biden received money from Ukraine, well so did Jerod Kushner. Kushner received money for his families real estate business (yeah right). Clinton cheated on his wife while she was upstairs sleeping, and Trump cheated with 2 Porn Stars and paid them 1/4 of a million to keep quiet. Gary Hart had an affair with Donna Rice, and Newt Gingrich fathered a ******* with a staff member. Both these acts hurt each of these guys political careers. There was also Gary Condit and Shaundra Levy. Ms Levy is dead, by the way. Trump was upset during his campaign back in 2015 because someone 'bugged' his office, and he claimed how TERRIBLE the Dems were for doing such a thing. He didnt think about how TERRIBLE the GOP acted when they broke into the DNC which created the 'Watergate' fisaco ? Yes people, both parties cheat on their wives, both parties rig elections when they can, both parties accept money from outside sources, both parties 'bug' each others headquarters, etc, etc. Dont you see people, both parties are guilty of the same underhanded schemes. Some are on a more serious scale than others, but they all act the same.