Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Thanks for the update. I voted by mail myself. That isn't the issue at all. When you have a race, NV for instance, with an 11,000 vote difference it makes perfect sense to ensure the ballots counted are legit. Re-count CA, OR , WA, etc.? No. That makes zero sense. You can't be that naive to think the possibility exists deceased and non-resident votes were counted. It's happens! Just like when the government sent out the stimulus checks. Lots of mistakes!
Every election. So far, not enough to turn an election. And, you have to be specific in lawsuits that will turn over and election.
The reason this takes so long is that votes are being counted and verified through signature matches or whatever. Every ballot is agreed upon by the counter and the Democratic and Republican poll watchers.
What's the complaint? Dead votes? What's your proof? None? Just happenstance? Not legal grounds.
If you've been paying attention. Trumps lawsuits all over the place are being thrown out of courts by Republican judges in republican states.
What is the complaint?
OK, listen up's your voting review over the last decade or 2, so everyone can understand, that both parties lie, cheat, and dont take defeat honorably. Both parties are guilty of the very same underhanded acts, and yet nobody within each party is willing to admit to it. Al Gore gets narrowly beat by the Bush in Florida (Jeb's state), where polling places were moved at the last minute, ballots were redesigned so the punctures were made somewhere near the binding of the ballot book, which gave us NEW terms like 'hanging chad', and where the chads were hanging, those votes didnt count. This was total manipulation of the voting process. Then, in 2016, it appears as tho the Russians tampered with the voting process. Now Trump is up in arms about how votes are being counted, and is suing everyone in sight ? All I can say is what goes around, comes around. It just seems like whoever loses screams that they got screwed. But there are many more carbon copy behavior issues. It appears Hunter Biden received money from Ukraine, well so did Jerod Kushner. Kushner received money for his families real estate business (yeah right). Clinton cheated on his wife while she was upstairs sleeping, and Trump cheated with 2 Porn Stars and paid them 1/4 of a million to keep quiet. Gary Hart had an affair with Donna Rice, and Newt Gingrich fathered a ******* with a staff member. Both these acts hurt each of these guys political careers. There was also Gary Condit and Shaundra Levy. Ms Levy is dead, by the way. Trump was upset during his campaign back in 2015 because someone 'bugged' his office, and he claimed how TERRIBLE the Dems were for doing such a thing. He didnt think about how TERRIBLE the GOP acted when they broke into the DNC which created the 'Watergate' fisaco ? Yes people, both parties cheat on their wives, both parties rig elections when they can, both parties accept money from outside sources, both parties 'bug' each others headquarters, etc, etc. Dont you see people, both parties are guilty of the same underhanded schemes. Some are on a more serious scale than others, but they all act the same.
We are all fucking dumber just by reading this.
That CNN 'both sides' milquetoast 'everyone is corrupt' bullshit is a weak copout.
There is always a reason something happens. Fault lies with the decisions of one or individuals, not all.
You clearly coach little league in an everyone wins district.
I was there in 2000, my first presidential race. It was the recount that was stopped and the Supreme Court stepped in and decided on Bush.
Again Nevada officials are doing a terrible job of handling their count! They don’t have nearly the number of ballots of far more populous states, and they say we have to wait until 10 a.m. their time tomorrow for 50,000 votes??? Give me a break!
Hand counting and matching with the paper. Plus, I'm sure a lot of people looked at the Trumptards outside and decided not to come back
I think you meant the Trump scandals concocted by leftist media and the deep state. So far, there haven't been any legitimate scandals.
Russia collusion was a hoax. Mueller and his team found Trump did nothing illegal.
The Ukranian call that led to impeachment was a joke and based on hearsay. And it ended up as not guilty in the Senate.
The pandemic isn't a scandal. What is a scandal is Cuomo putting sick people in nursing homes, leading to the death of tens of thousands. So I'm curious what scandals you're talking about.
Not going to write down everything but here is part of the report:

Special Counsel Mueller declined to exonerate President Trump and instead detailed multiple episodes in which he engaged in obstructive conduct

  • The Mueller Report states that if the Special Counsel’s Office felt they could clear the president of wrongdoing, they would have said so. Instead, the Report explicitly states that it “does not exonerate” the President[10] and explains that the Office of Special Counsel “accepted” the Department of Justice policy that a sitting President cannot be indicted

  • You do the common sense math on this. Basically he is following Doj guidelines of not charging a sitting president. But that’s fine. SDNY is coming for him. They don’t play politics. God by to the orange racist pig
I have thought that when it comes tp our moronovirus n chief with his bleach adds and etc.....but then most don't consider trump an adult

from an adult?

View attachment 3705179

and more..

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View attachment 3705187They would have to register him as specially challenged. The courts will believe his lawyers because all the lawyer needs to do is show the courts video clips from the past 4 yrs. everyone knows an adult doesn’t act that way.
This Is The Biggest Problem You Face...Stateside...Not Sustainable

Our debt / GDP ratio is getting high, but it's unclear how much that actually impacts the economy since 1) we solely control the world's dominant reserve currency (the dollar), and 2) a bunch of trading partners would throw themselves at the alter of the US buying market rather than face trade problems if the dollar drops