Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The Republicans insisting on the mail in early vote remaining in envelopes until yesterday- and legislated that, was part of this plan.
Having supporters like @submission52 who say they were winning they went to sleep and suddenly losing when he wakes up, so there must be fraud- is what the GOP count on. Reactionary idiots.

One thing they didn't count on, THEIR media, Fox News, has basically called it for Biden.
Thanks why the usual Trumptards are not here and crying in their Jell-O
The Republicans insisting on the mail in early vote remaining in envelopes until yesterday- and legislated that, was part of this plan.
Having supporters like @submission52 who say they were winning they went to sleep and suddenly losing when he wakes up, so there must be fraud- is what the GOP count on. Reactionary idiots.

One thing they didn't count on, THEIR media, Fox News, has basically called it for Biden.
Thanks why the usual Trumptards are not here and crying in their Jell-O
When intellect is so shunned by your leader that people can't grasp the concept of how counting works.. 🤦🏻 Counting votes isn't stealing an election, it literally IS AN ELECTION.

My heart breaks for all the legit good Americans who, regardless of the outcome of this election, have to sit with the fact that so many of their peers voted for 4 more years of fascism, misogyny and racism. 4 more years of a president who cares more about his Twitter feed than the hundreds of thousands of Americans that have died from his negligent handling of the pandemic.

It's unconscionable.
This country is getting so fucked up
I know some people here read that with a bit of humor, but, I take it damn serious. I mean, imagine if Trump DID decided to tell his followers/base/militia it was TIME FOR ACTION. These people follow his every comment as if its the gospel. And to think almost 80 million or so voted for this crazy orange man. Those people are flat dab fucking crazy, indeed.
This is the kind of cult following that dictators hope for ... Hitler had the same affect on his people. Only thing Trump did wrong is not capturing enough base before making his moves. Otherwise, we could kiss our government GOODBYE.
When intellect is so shunned by your leader that people can't grasp the concept of how counting works.. 🤦🏻 Counting votes isn't stealing an election, it literally IS AN ELECTION.

My heart breaks for all the legit good Americans who, regardless of the outcome of this election, have to sit with the fact that so many of their peers voted for 4 more years of fascism, misogyny and racism. 4 more years of a president who cares more about his Twitter feed than the hundreds of thousands of Americans that have died from his negligent handling of the pandemic.

It's unconscionable.
My god you're an idiot.
President Trump won this election, it may take awhile to straighten out all the Democratic fraud, this is pure evil and anyone on here that sees it different are following and submitting to a leader that they don't realize is ******* of lies.
win...lose....or draw...…...we can already see the difference...….Biden with CLASS has shown he wants to unite the country......trump wants to sue claiming election fraud

kind of like some of your class...….trump might win fair and square who knows....the vote count will tell.....but to say it is a fraud just shows how small trumptards are

but Just from the comments from the two....I think we have had a taste of class!
All the lawsuits and fraud claims cant overwhelm the fact that states are COUNTING ballots. All ballots go into a machine that counts the little black dots that we all put in the little circles. And when the counting is over, we will have a winner. Its that plain and simple. There arent any ballot counters that are changing votes. They are counting ballots the American people submitted. Its called the Democratic election process, and its been this way since they started this great country. If your candidate didnt win, blame it on the voice of the American people via the election process. Those that dont understand what is written here need to read it over, and over, until they 'get it'
It is no surprise that the genius leader that said injecting "chlorine dioxide" can cure corona is now telling the American people that knowing how to count is bad.

Win or lose don't forget that Trump is still getting a historic amount of votes. This is going to be a rough four years but at least he'll be gone. Senate ain't looking good (thanks Florida and Texas 😑) but House might hold.

Why are so many Americans miserable assholes?