Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You can't talk to these people, you give it an honest effort and I agree with you.
Well, you are a proven dipshit. So it's par for the course.
No matter what Trump has won this election.
Except he didn't. No one has yet. Maybe in your dream country people stop counting votes when they are ahead. You don't stop a football game in the 3rd quarter. You don't stop a baseball game in the 5th inning. You don't call an election until all votes are counted.
There is all kinds of evidence of complete fraud. If anyone can't see the truth there is no hope for them.
Oh yeah? Can you name one? Just one of your 'all kinds of evidence of complete fraud'. I got some truth for you:
In Miami-Dade, how can it be that out of over 200,000 newly registered voters, 99% voted for Trump?
That seems to be a statistical impossibility.
These counts are transparent. The timing of the count is the rules mostly pushed on us by the GOP. Now you're bitching about it.
Hey! Those polls were real accurate weren't they.
Biden is winning the popular vote by 3.5 million with the most votes in history. Like 'nobody has ever seen'.
Biden will probably have about 307 Electoral College Votes.
The investigation after the election will probably show more foreign interference but the will to remove tRump was to strong and record number of voters too high.

You can go back to bedwetting over this supposed fraud.

You can't talk to these people, you give it an honest effort and I agree with you. No matter what Trump has won this election. There is all kinds of evidence of complete fraud. If anyone can't see the truth there is no hope for them. Hey! Those polls were real accurate weren't they.
Imagine complaining about fraud and supporting Trump.

You lose credibility on that alone.

The only thing there is evidence for is that Biden is up by like 3-4 million in the popular vote and he still has to wait to find out if he won because the party famous for voter suppression and trying to control voter demographics. Are literally telling voting precincts to stop doing their job and counting. LOL, y'all are as goofy as him.

Imagine complaining about fraud and supporting Trump.

You lose credibility on that alone.

The only thing there is evidence for is that Biden is up by like 3-4 million in the popular vote and he still has to wait to find out if he won because the party famous for voter suppression and trying to control voter demographics. Are literally telling voting precincts to stop doing their job and counting. LOL, y'all are as goofy as him.
Hey man!! These idiots are unfamiliar with their own country’s voting system and how it is conducted??
No matter what Trump has won this election. There is all kinds of evidence of complete fraud. If anyone can't see the truth there is no hope for them. Hey! Those polls were real accurate weren't they.
No matter what, huh? Currently the actual votes show Biden received over 3.5 million more people voting for HIM than for Trump. And only NOW are they starting to tabulate some of the mail-in votes mailed weeks ago and locked up until AFTER the 3rd. Trump wants THOSE tossed OUT? Really? He voted by mail-in. Many of the Floridians voted by mail-in ... l haven't heard him complaining mail-in in Florida, even after 200,000 votes suddenly & miraculously showed up in Dade County.
But I do agree, this election, like the LAST ELECTION shows that the USA needs to go to a newer, more tamper-proof voting system. We NOW have the technology to do just that but it seems one orange colored President didn't want to really investigate and fix voter tampering, not REALLY ... just when it might apply to him.
We can't COUNT THE VOTES because YOUR PRESIDENT doesn't want the votes COUNTED. Didn't want the mail-in votes counted AS THEY ARRIVED, and didn't want the mail-in votes counted after the final day of voting ... but he voted mail-in and that was ok.
You Trumptards want it both ways ... just as a dictator would.
OK, so let's suppose Trump is elected ... this fool might want to go to the middle east type style of voting ... go in and vote, stick your finger into a bottle of permanent ink to show you already voted. Except, Trumpnuts would want Democrats to stick their fingers in blue ink and Republicans voting for him into red ink ... and show everyone. With a dictator, its always about eliminating your adversaries.
Don't forget Maine. Need those 3 in Maine.
Biden has conceded North Carolina. The media and state officials have not called it.
Biden doesn't need PA or Georgia. Though he is leading in both.

This is what happens when the republicans in the courts and legislators try to slow down the vote in the urban areas.
They also refused to let them count the early vote before election day (Trump wanted them to stop it last night).
Follow this:
So, there are still millions of votes to be counted. Those votes are mailed in ballots that have been counted as legit and arrived before polling closed last night. Mail in votes have slanted heavily toward Biden.
In NV, MI, WI, PA, and GA, it all comes down to the urban areas of Las Vegas, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Those areas voted for Biden almost 2 to 1 on same day voting.
This is why Trump wants to stop the vote. There is no way he can win, maybe Georgia, but that's it.
You Trumptards have one path, cry about some kind of cheating.
Can you imagine is Trump would not have fired up so many people during early voting by trying to throw shade?
That fuck face might have won re election.
In NV, MI, WI, PA, and GA, it all comes down to the urban areas of Las Vegas, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Those areas voted for Biden almost 2 to 1 on same day voting.

I Just got off the phone with my sister who lives in Las Vegas. She was just asked yesterday by a member of the trump team in Vegas to provide information, which she has access to, about registered voters who have either moved or are deceased. She said there is a lot.

In such a close race and the shady mail in ballots I don't see how anyone can disagree with Trump taking legal action. If this was the "Blue" wave like so many liberals expected then I'd say hand the keys over to Biden and let him start doing his damage.
In NV, MI, WI, PA, and GA, it all comes down to the urban areas of Las Vegas, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Those areas voted for Biden almost 2 to 1 on same day voting.

I Just got off the phone with my sister who lives in Las Vegas. She was just asked yesterday by a member of the trump team in Vegas to provide information, which she has access to, about registered voters who have either moved or are deceased. She said there is a lot.

In such a close race and the shady mail in ballots I don't see how anyone can disagree with Trump taking legal action. If this was the "Blue" wave like so many liberals expected then I'd say hand the keys over to Biden and let him start doing his damage.

When the Nevada vote count is finalized, it’s going to be a PICK SIX for Joooooeeeeee Biden 🏈!!! He COULD . . . GO . . . ALL . . . THE . . . WAAAAAYYY!!! And he will too :)
When the Nevada vote count is finalized, it’s going to be a PICK SIX for Joooooeeeeee Biden 🏈!!!
And if it is Jooooooeeeee then great! I have said 100 times before, Unlike liberals I'll accept what our democracy hands us and hope whoever is the President succeeds! I am an optimist but that optimism is the lowest it's been in my voting lifetime if Biden wins. I hope I am wrong!
Always said I support the president if America picks biden I'll just have to work harder for 4 years. But I have faith go Trump

If you say so . . . so be it . . . he could choose to run again . . . of course he will have to pay off all of his felon fees to the state of Florida first. And I don’t believe that Bloomberg will be prepared to help him either!
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