Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trudeau has never assaulted a woman, mocked a mentally handicapped person, incited racist groups.. The list goes on and on. The fact that you think it's even comparable just speaks to your unfathomable ignorance.
Neither has Trump.
It's not assault if the woman wants it. Ask any woman on here who likes to be choked. Oops, there goes that argument.
Trump was attacking a journalist who attacked him first. The fact that he was disabled PHYSICALLY had nothing to do with it. Trump's hand motion was something he had done long before he ran for President. There's video of it in 2005 on the Larry King show.
Trump hasn't incited racist groups. That's the left, sweetheart. Trump has condemned racist groups dozens of times. It's all on video.
Your ignorance on American politics isn't surprising. What is surprising is that you think we care what a Canadian with a racist leader thinks about us.
Bullshit! I don’t know of a single righty who gave Obama a chance. And I know some pretty disconnected righties. Every single one of them hated Obama. You aren’t special. You hated him from the start! Your attitude gives it away! Hypocrite much??? I hope you enjoy the next 4 years as much as I will!
I'm telling you, I did. I took two of my good Democrat friends to watch Obama speak at a university commencement speech here in Arizona after he was elected. I gave him a chance. And he was awful. I reserved my judgment for him until after his presidency was done. I didn't a post single comment about him on social media during his presidency. I did comment about Obamacare being a disaster with its skyrocketing premiums. But I waited until Obama was done before I judged his performance.
None of you on the left gave Trump that courtesy.
WTF happened last night. I went to bed at 2AM (4AM East coast Time), Joe had been leading by 1.7 million popular votes most of the night. I wake up, and suddenly Joe is now up by 2.6 million votes. Somehow, 900,000 votes, all for Biden, were suddenly discovered.

Mathematically, it was impossible for Biden to win Wisconsin last night when I went to bed. Now suddenly, Biden is ahead, with enough votes found by just 2% of precincts. What??

Watch what's going to happen in PA. We will see the same nonsense. Trump and his lawyers absolutely need to take this to the Supreme Court. There is mail-in corruption on a grand scale going on here.
Don’t forget to blame hand sanitizer too! Smudges the ballot! Oh, that’s right you’re a trumpster! You don’t need to use hand sanitizer. Take two bleach tablets and stick a uv light stick up your ass and call the dr in the morning!
Don’t forget to blame hand sanitizer too! Smudges the ballot! Oh, that’s right you’re a trumpster! You don’t need to use hand sanitizer. Take two bleach tablets and stick a uv light stick up your ass and call the dr in the morning!
And you turn into the baby we all know you are. How do you look at yourself in the mirror after saying dumb, childish ******* like that?
I'm telling you, I did. I took two of my good Democrat friends to watch Obama speak at a university commencement speech here in Arizona after he was elected. I gave him a chance. And he was awful. I reserved my judgment for him until after his presidency was done. I didn't a post single comment about him on social media during his presidency. I did comment about Obamacare being a disaster with its skyrocketing premiums. But I waited until Obama was done before I judged his performance.
None of you on the left gave Trump that courtesy.
Listen dr Phil.. I’m not buying the bullshit you’re shoveling!
Don’t forget to blame hand sanitizer too! Smudges the ballot! Oh, that’s right you’re a trumpster! You don’t need to use hand sanitizer. Take two bleach tablets and stick a uv light stick up your ass and call the dr in the morning!

Man, I stopped responding to that ASSHOE months ago! He is one with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and is not worth your time. Except for rubbing in the fact that Biden will win his state of ARIZONA 😜!!!
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Listen dr Phil.. I’m not buying the bullshit you’re shoveling!
I don't care if you buy it or not. I went to Arizona State University, and as an alumni, I was given 4 tickets to see the commencement. Obama had agreed to make that speech before he was elected. You can look it up. Arizona State University commencement speaker 2009. I had never seen a President in person, so I thought it would be a good opportunity. I invited a Republican couple to go with me, but they couldn't go, so I thought I would take two friends, one co-worker friend, and a black friend from high school (I was in his wedding as a groomsman), who are both Democrats. We sat in the nosebleeds to the President's upper right.
They aren't hateful people like you. But even they didn't give Trump a chance before he was elected.
And you turn into the baby we all know you are. How do you look at yourself in the mirror after saying dumb, childish ******* like that?
I like what I see in the mirror! Your on here spouting your bullshit on how much you gave Obama a chance! No the fuck you didnt! Im not going to try and make myself into some saint like you are! Trump is a ******* show!
Neither has Trump.
It's not assault if the woman wants it. Ask any woman on here who likes to be choked. Oops, there goes that argument.
Trump was attacking a journalist who attacked him first. The fact that he was disabled PHYSICALLY had nothing to do with it. Trump's hand motion was something he had done long before he ran for President. There's video of it in 2005 on the Larry King show.
Trump hasn't incited racist groups. That's the left, sweetheart. Trump has condemned racist groups dozens of times. It's all on video.
Your ignorance on American politics isn't surprising. What is surprising is that you think we care what a Canadian with a racist leader thinks about us.
LMAO of course you're a ******* apologist too, why wouldn't you be?

If a woman likes to be choked she's asking to be raped, what the FUCK is wrong with you..

Seriously the more you write here the more I wonder of you embraced the cuck life because no woman wanted you anywhere near her.
I like what I see in the mirror! Your on here spouting your bullshit on how much you gave Obama a chance! No the fuck you didnt! Im not going to try and make myself into some saint like you are! Trump is a ******* show!
Next time you look in the mirror, think about what you wrote about UV lights and bleach and ask yourself, was that something an adult should say? If you say "Yes, that was mature and adult-like", then I'll give you a pass. But I think you won't. I think you'll say, "Why did I say something so stupid when the argument wasn't going my way?"
I like what I see in the mirror! Your on here spouting your bullshit on how much you gave Obama a chance! No the fuck you didnt! Im not going to try and make myself into some saint like you are! Trump is a ******* show!

Errrrrrrrr . . . WTF does any of this have do to with Obama anyway??? I mean, his (Sub52's) very obsession with the man STILL after all of these years is evidence of his hatred towards him! I did NOT give Donald Trump a chance because for me it was plain to see what was coming. And he proved me to be 100% right! I guess plenty of others did give him a chance, but now it's time for his trifling ass to gets ta steppiiiiiiiiiin'!!!
LMAO of course you're a ******* apologist too, why wouldn't you be?

If a woman likes to be choked she's asking to be raped, what the FUCK is wrong with you..

Seriously the more you write here the more I wonder of you embraced the cuck life because no woman wanted you anywhere near her.
*******? Who said anything about *******?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Assault does not equal *******. Crack a dictionary.
I can't imagine anyone would want to put their dick in you.
I don't care if you buy it or not. I went to Arizona State University, and as an alumni, I was given 4 tickets to see the commencement. Obama had agreed to make that speech before he was elected. You can look it up. Arizona State University commencement speaker 2009. I had never seen a President in person, so I thought it would be a good opportunity. I invited a Republican couple to go with me, but they couldn't go, so I thought I would take two friends, one co-worker friend, and a black friend from high school (I was in his wedding as a groomsman), who are both Democrats. We sat in the nosebleeds to the President's upper right.
They aren't hateful people like you. But even they didn't give Trump a chance before he was elected.
The Commencement Address that ASU refused to bestow an honorary degree to the First Black President, who was a US Senator, state legislator, successful community activist, Nobel prize winner and best selling author?
Though, every commencement speaker has received one for less that each one of those accomplishments.
A school appropriate for you. Though, I doubt you actually graduated. Or have a black friend.
Next time you look in the mirror, think about what you wrote about UV lights and bleach and ask yourself, was that something an adult should say? If you say "Yes, that was mature and adult-like", then I'll give you a pass. But I think you won't. I think you'll say, "Why did I say something so stupid when the argument wasn't going my way?"
The Commencement Address that ASU refused to bestow an honorary degree to the First Black President, who was a US Senator, state legislator, successful community activist, Nobel prize winner and best selling author?
Though, every commencement speaker has received one for less that each one of those accomplishments.
A school appropriate for you. Though, I doubt you actually graduated. Or have a black friend.

ASU = ASSHOE State University!!!!