Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

*******? Who said anything about *******?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Assault does not equal *******. Crack a dictionary.
I can't imagine anyone would want to put their dick in you.
Penetration against someone's consent is *******, you limp noodle. Grabbing women by the pussy is *******. Full stop.

Take a stroll through my personal ad or media for a look at just how wrong you are. But I'm sure that's a feeling you're long since used to.
See, the difference between you and me is, while I didn't vote for Obama, I still hoped he would succeed and do great things for America, including race relations. I didn't dislike him as a person when he started. He seemed positive and charismatic. But over 8 years, he was a disaster. Printing money to get us out of a deep recession isn't good policy. Race relations got worse. He undermined cops. His foreign policy was abysmal. Bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America. Utter weakness. The list goes on.

But you didn't like Trump from before he even started. You didn't even give him a chance before he started. So your opinion is skewed. You were hateful and petty from before the election. And you're naive, to have believed every lie the leftist media told you.
The tension and divisiveness in this country today isn't from Trump, because his policies helped everyone economically. It is from the left not handling the loss in 2016 well.

Those are the facts.
It's not a good policy but it got the country back on track. then the national debt was going down until Trump (who has no experience managing money) brought it back up again. how is race relations worst. when during Obama time in office you say race baiting like this. militia trying to ******* government. FBI report stats since the election of Trump here was an increase in hat crime, right wing militia. where do you get your states from? Hate crimes reached a 16-year high in 2018, according to the FBI's annual report.

Trump is a racist just because he didn’t come out right and say it doesn’t make it so. He gave the racist a voice a movement. That is why he is always ****** to denounced them, never can come out and say it without being pressed. if you don’t know about subliminal messages or never used it then i understand why you don’t think so. refusing to rent to black people. black worker had to leave the area in his hotel when he came through. If he loses your suburbs will be destroyed. when suburban house wife crap. so out touch doesn’t realize the suburbs are mixed. telling people who are American to go back where they come from. The worst part of him. He doesn’t realize how an idiot he is. Only people who should be supporting trump is corporations. He is making them money hand over fist. Anyone else you believe in his bigotry
I just said it above. And you can do the research.

Here's a start for you.
compared to Trump scandals, this is would be considered a joke. are you seriouse trying to compare scandals. lol
you ahve really drank the kool aid.
compared to Trump scandals, this is would be considered a joke. are you seriouse trying to compare scandals. lol
you ahve really drank the kool aid.
I think you meant the Trump scandals concocted by leftist media and the deep state. So far, there haven't been any legitimate scandals.
Russia collusion was a hoax. Mueller and his team found Trump did nothing illegal.
The Ukranian call that led to impeachment was a joke and based on hearsay. And it ended up as not guilty in the Senate.
The pandemic isn't a scandal. What is a scandal is Cuomo putting sick people in nursing homes, leading to the death of tens of thousands. So I'm curious what scandals you're talking about.
It's not a good policy but it got the country back on track. then the national debt was going down until Trump (who has no experience managing money) brought it back up again. how is race relations worst. when during Obama time in office you say race baiting like this. militia trying to ******* government. FBI report stats since the election of Trump here was an increase in hat crime, right wing militia. where do you get your states from? Hate crimes reached a 16-year high in 2018, according to the FBI's annual report.

Trump is a racist just because he didn’t come out right and say it doesn’t make it so. He gave the racist a voice a movement. That is why he is always ****** to denounced them, never can come out and say it without being pressed. if you don’t know about subliminal messages or never used it then i understand why you don’t think so. refusing to rent to black people. black worker had to leave the area in his hotel when he came through. If he loses your suburbs will be destroyed. when suburban house wife crap. so out touch doesn’t realize the suburbs are mixed. telling people who are American to go back where they come from. The worst part of him. He doesn’t realize how an idiot he is. Only people who should be supporting trump is corporations. He is making them money hand over fist. Anyone else you believe in his bigotry
Unlike you, I actually watched the national debt clock. At the start of Trump's tenure, the debt went down a bit. But the spending bills the Republicans wanted weren't enough. Pelosi and the left crammed in hundreds of millions of dollars into each bill before they would approve it.
It's all on record.
And with pandemic, state and city leaders (largely Democrat) shut down economies. In order to help them eat, the government had to bail them out. So of course debt increases. But it was caused by Democrats by and large. Some Republicans are at fault too.

Trump is not a racist. Sorry. The anecdote of one black person not being allowed to rent is nonsense.
If he was a racist though, he's a not a good one. Because he brought black unemployment down to its lowest level in recorded history. Same for Hispanics. Same for Asians.
WTF happened last night. I went to bed at 2AM (4AM East coast Time), Joe had been leading by 1.7 million popular votes most of the night. I wake up, and suddenly Joe is now up by 2.6 million votes. Somehow, 900,000 votes, all for Biden, were suddenly discovered.

Mathematically, it was impossible for Biden to win Wisconsin last night when I went to bed. Now suddenly, Biden is ahead, with enough votes found by just 2% of precincts. What??

Watch what's going to happen in PA. We will see the same nonsense. Trump and his lawyers absolutely need to take this to the Supreme Court. There is mail-in corruption on a grand scale going on here.
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Next time you look in the mirror, think about what you wrote about UV lights and bleach and ask yourself, was that something an adult should say? If you say "Yes, that was mature and adult-like", then I'll give you a pass. But I think you won't. I think you'll say, "Why did I say something so stupid when the argument wasn't going my way?"
I have thought that when it comes tp our moronovirus n chief with his bleach adds and etc.....but then most don't consider trump an adult

from an adult?

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and more..

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Get out & VOTE! Under my Administration, our ECONOMY is growing at the fastest rate EVER at 33.1%. Next year will be the GREATEST ECONOMIC YEAR in American History! hanging chad.jpg