Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

WTF happened last night. I went to bed at 2AM (4AM East coast Time), Joe had been leading by 1.7 million popular votes most of the night. I wake up, and suddenly Joe is now up by 2.6 million votes. Somehow, 900,000 votes, all for Biden, were suddenly discovered.

Mathematically, it was impossible for Biden to win Wisconsin last night when I went to bed. Now suddenly, Biden is ahead, with enough votes found by just 2% of precincts. What??

Watch what's going to happen in PA. We will see the same nonsense. Trump and his lawyers absolutely need to take this to the Supreme Court. There is mail-in corruption on a grand scale going on here.
Shut the fuck up.
You know damn well, early vote ballots were set aside and Republicans didn't allow early counting. You do remember that almost 100 million people voted early.
Take this phony Trump whiney bullshit to your QAnon site.
You went to sleep. The rest of the nation has been watching all night. Go back to sleep loser.
WTF happened last night. I went to bed at 2AM (4AM East coast Time), Joe had been leading by 1.7 million popular votes most of the night. I wake up, and suddenly Joe is now up by 2.6 million votes. Somehow, 900,000 votes, all for Biden, were suddenly discovered.

Mathematically, it was impossible for Biden to win Wisconsin last night when I went to bed. Now suddenly, Biden is ahead, with enough votes found by just 2% of precincts. What??

Watch what's going to happen in PA. We will see the same nonsense. Trump and his lawyers absolutely need to take this to the Supreme Court. There is mail-in corruption on a grand scale going on here.
And, if you knew anything about the law, you don't go straight to the Supreme Court.
If you knew anything about American elections, votes are counted for several days in lots of states every election.
If you knew anything about history, there has been about zero mail in vote corruption. Conservative states have been doing it for years. Like Arizona, where you live. Among my people.
You can remove Obama and insert trump in your opinion and you have mine!!
See, the difference between you and me is, while I didn't vote for Obama, I still hoped he would succeed and do great things for America, including race relations. I didn't dislike him as a person when he started. He seemed positive and charismatic. But over 8 years, he was a disaster. Printing money to get us out of a deep recession isn't good policy. Race relations got worse. He undermined cops. His foreign policy was abysmal. Bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America. Utter weakness. The list goes on.

But you didn't like Trump from before he even started. You didn't even give him a chance before he started. So your opinion is skewed. You were hateful and petty from before the election. And you're naive, to have believed every lie the leftist media told you.
The tension and divisiveness in this country today isn't from Trump, because his policies helped everyone economically. It is from the left not handling the loss in 2016 well.

Those are the facts.
Biden doesn't even need Pennsylvania.. that's icing.. just needs Michigan.
WTF happened last night. I went to bed at 2AM (4AM East coast Time), Joe had been leading by 1.7 million popular votes most of the night. I wake up, and suddenly Joe is now up by 2.6 million votes. Somehow, 900,000 votes, all for Biden, were suddenly discovered.

Mathematically, it was impossible for Biden to win Wisconsin last night when I went to bed. Now suddenly, Biden is ahead, with enough votes found by just 2% of precincts. What??

Watch what's going to happen in PA. We will see the same nonsense. Trump and his lawyers absolutely need to take this to the Supreme Court. There is mail-in corruption on a grand scale going on here.
You could move to Canada if you're crying about it?
See, the difference between you and me is, while I didn't vote for Obama, I still hoped he would succeed and do great things for America, including race relations. I didn't dislike him as a person when he started. He seemed positive and charismatic. But over 8 years, he was a disaster. Printing money to get us out of a deep recession isn't good policy. Race relations got worse. He undermined cops. His foreign policy was abysmal. Bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America. Utter weakness. The list goes on.

But you didn't like Trump from before he even started. You didn't even give him a chance before he started. So your opinion is skewed. You were hateful and petty from before the election. And you're naive, to have believed every lie the leftist media told you.
The tension and divisiveness in this country today isn't from Trump, because his policies helped everyone economically. It is from the left not handling the loss in 2016 well.

Those are the facts.
What did he Fuck up that wasn’t fucked Up when he got into office?
I just said it above. And you can do the research.

Here's a start for you.
See, the difference between you and me is, while I didn't vote for Obama, I still hoped he would succeed and do great things for America, including race relations. I didn't dislike him as a person when he started. He seemed positive and charismatic. But over 8 years, he was a disaster. Printing money to get us out of a deep recession isn't good policy. Race relations got worse. He undermined cops. His foreign policy was abysmal. Bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America. Utter weakness. The list goes on.

But you didn't like Trump from before he even started. You didn't even give him a chance before he started. So your opinion is skewed. You were hateful and petty from before the election. And you're naive, to have believed every lie the leftist media told you.
The tension and divisiveness in this country today isn't from Trump, because his policies helped everyone economically. It is from the left not handling the loss in 2016 well.

Those are the facts.
I gave trump the same chance you “say” you gave Obama! Guess what?? I feel the exact way about trump after 4 years of the ******* show he is! He has done nothing but drive a fucking wedge through this country! The orange douche bag is happy to be the president of the divided states! I want a president of the United States! Facts!
See, the difference between you and me is, while I didn't vote for Obama, I still hoped he would succeed and do great things for America, including race relations.
Of course you didn't. You hate other Americans.
I didn't dislike him as a person when he started. He seemed positive and charismatic. But over 8 years, he was a disaster.
Yeah OK. You woke up this morning on some bullshit, and now trying to spread it to the world. Do I have to pull up your racist arguments from the Spring and Summer?
Printing money to get us out of a deep recession isn't good policy. Race relations got worse. He undermined cops. His foreign policy was abysmal. Bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America. Utter weakness. The list goes on.
Printing money? You mean the bailouts? Those were actually approved under Bush at the last minute. Obama made sure we were paid back with interest, EARLY!
Race relations? Again, you're a racist so I assume you mean having to look at a black man everyday lead this country out of a recession.
I don't remember armed whites, kkk, boogaloo bois, proud boys, neo nazis, racist militias, riots, fires, talk of a race war and etc, which all happened under Trump.
I remember seeing minorities reach higher aspirations, I remember police representatives and the Obama Justice Department sitting together and coming up with decrees for better policing.
Never apologies for American and not bowing to another nation. Trump has stepped in and broke our integrity and bent over for our adversaries. The list goes on.
But you didn't like Trump from before he even started. You didn't even give him a chance before he started. So your opinion is skewed. You were hateful and petty from before the election. And you're naive, to have believed every lie the leftist media told you.
No. Some of us saw who he was from the beginning. A failed businessman who blew his family's fortune on his failures. An all talk and no show con man who lies from the moment he opens his mouth. A race baiting hater who seeks out ways to divide people and sow fear and hate.
That's not what the media told us, it's his life story.

The tension and divisiveness in this country today isn't from Trump, because his policies helped everyone economically. It is from the left not handling the loss in 2016 well.
Of course it isn't. The buck always stop somewhere else. Just like his response to the pandemic, it's not his fault, it's the governors fault. Although it was a national issue and previous presidents have prepared for pandemics.
Those are the facts.
Not facts. Horseshit.
I just said it above. And you can do the research.

Here's a start for you.
Read the first line. Breitbart 'news'. :rolleyes:
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I gave trump the same chance you “say” you gave Obama! Guess what?? I feel the exact way about trump after 4 years of the ******* show he is! He has done nothing but drive a fucking wedge through this country! The orange douche bag is happy to be the president of the divided states! I want a president of the United States! Facts!
Bullshit. I don't know of a single leftist who gave Trump a chance. And I know some pretty disconnected leftists. Every single one of them hated Trump. You aren't special. You hated him from the start. Your attitude gives it away.
Bullshit. I don't know of a single leftist who gave Trump a chance. And I know some pretty disconnected leftists. Every single one of them hated Trump. You aren't special. You hated him from the start. Your attitude gives it away.
Wow, for an asshole who says he gives everyone a chance, including the President of an opposite party, you sure jumped to conclusion about someone you don't know except for a couple of messages.
You really are a dick. Enjoy your loss.
Don't forget Maine. Need those 3 in Maine.
Biden has conceded North Carolina. The media and state officials have not called it.
Biden doesn't need PA or Georgia. Though he is leading in both.

This is what happens when the republicans in the courts and legislators try to slow down the vote in the urban areas.
They also refused to let them count the early vote before election day (Trump wanted them to stop it last night).
Follow this:
So, there are still millions of votes to be counted. Those votes are mailed in ballots that have been counted as legit and arrived before polling closed last night. Mail in votes have slanted heavily toward Biden.
In NV, MI, WI, PA, and GA, it all comes down to the urban areas of Las Vegas, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Those areas voted for Biden almost 2 to 1 on same day voting.
This is why Trump wants to stop the vote. There is no way he can win, maybe Georgia, but that's it.
You Trumptards have one path, cry about some kind of cheating.
Can you imagine is Trump would not have fired up so many people during early voting by trying to throw shade?
That fuck face might have won re election.

I was including three votes from Maine, and CNN JUST called it that way for Biden!!!
Bullshit. I don't know of a single leftist who gave Trump a chance. And I know some pretty disconnected leftists. Every single one of them hated Trump. You aren't special. You hated him from the start. Your attitude gives it away.
Bullshit! I don’t know of a single righty who gave Obama a chance. And I know some pretty disconnected righties. Every single one of them hated Obama. You aren’t special. You hated him from the start! Your attitude gives it away! Hypocrite much??? I hope you enjoy the next 4 years as much as I will!