Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Taint whining a bit - only thing really pisses me off about all of this is how the media in this country is no longer reliable and is completely one sided. If not for the constant nonstop pounding President Trump took from your media 24 / 7 for years and them not even reporting on the Bidens selling out to China and other countries - this election wouldn’t even be close. Seems your media was able to bamboozle a pretty large amount of the populace. Hell look at you guys - the Dems in here are totally brainwashed by your media’s bullfurt.

Dude . . . Ed already outted you for whining about the same ******* . . . over, and over, and OVER again (like right now)!!! STFU and stop whining yourself and let the chips fall where they may :D You're goin' down . . . you're goin' down . . . YOU'RE GOIN' DOWN :LOL:
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Yeah, except for the dumb motherfuckers in south Florida who bought into the bullSHYit about Democrats being "socialists" :rolleyes: If that was true, I wouldn't be voting for Biden, and it was why I was vehemently opposed to a Bernie Sanders presidency!

Yeah? Well who's whining now about whining over the loss you know is coming???
You have me all wrong like most of you liberals on here. When this is over, regardless of the outcome, I will continue my life journey and accept what our democracy gives us. I no doubt would be very disappointed and concerned for our country if Biden pulls this off but there's nothing I can do about it except wait until the next election. It is what it is!
You have me all wrong like most of you liberals on here. When this is over, regardless of the outcome, I will continue my life journey and accept what our democracy gives us. I no doubt would be very disappointed and concerned for our country if Biden pulls this off but there's nothing I can do about it except wait until the next election. It is what it is!

Again . . . I'm not a liberal . . . I'm a left of center moderate, like most African-American voters. I can't stand people like Bernie Sanders and AOC (although I would fuck her . . . gruuuuuuudge fuck!).
You have me all wrong like most of you liberals on here. When this is over, regardless of the outcome, I will continue my life journey and accept what our democracy gives us. I no doubt would be very disappointed and concerned for our country if Biden pulls this off but there's nothing I can do about it except wait until the next election. It is what it is!
Still whining dude???
The only good thing I can think of if President Trump loses the election is not having to listen to Dems whine constantly about EVERYFUCKINTHING but then I remembered you guys will still be whining and blaming President Trump for EVERYFUCKINTHING anyways so REALLY nothing good can come of it :{
When he loses.
The only good thing I can think of if President Trump loses the election is not having to listen to Dems whine constantly about EVERYFUCKINTHING but then I remembered you guys will still be whining and blaming President Trump for EVERYFUCKINTHING anyways so REALLY nothing good can come of it :{
Kinda like trump the last 4 years whining and blaming Obama for EVERYFUCKINTHING ! And yes, nothing good came from that!
WTF happened last night. I went to bed at 2AM (4AM East coast Time), Joe had been leading by 1.7 million popular votes most of the night. I wake up, and suddenly Joe is now up by 2.6 million votes. Somehow, 900,000 votes, all for Biden, were suddenly discovered.

Mathematically, it was impossible for Biden to win Wisconsin last night when I went to bed. Now suddenly, Biden is ahead, with enough votes found by just 2% of precincts. What??

Watch what's going to happen in PA. We will see the same nonsense. Trump and his lawyers absolutely need to take this to the Supreme Court. There is mail-in corruption on a grand scale going on here.
Michigan + Wisconsin + Nevada + Arizona (THANK YOU ghost of John McCain) = 270 electoral votes (y) I hope Trump realizes now that he should have respected John McCain, instead of being his usual jerk self!
Don't forget Maine. Need those 3 in Maine.
Biden has conceded North Carolina. The media and state officials have not called it.
Biden doesn't need PA or Georgia. Though he is leading in both.

This is what happens when the republicans in the courts and legislators try to slow down the vote in the urban areas.
They also refused to let them count the early vote before election day (Trump wanted them to stop it last night).
Follow this:
So, there are still millions of votes to be counted. Those votes are mailed in ballots that have been counted as legit and arrived before polling closed last night. Mail in votes have slanted heavily toward Biden.
In NV, MI, WI, PA, and GA, it all comes down to the urban areas of Las Vegas, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
Those areas voted for Biden almost 2 to 1 on same day voting.
This is why Trump wants to stop the vote. There is no way he can win, maybe Georgia, but that's it.
You Trumptards have one path, cry about some kind of cheating.
Can you imagine is Trump would not have fired up so many people during early voting by trying to throw shade?
That fuck face might have won re election.