Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I would NEVER have dreamed it would be this close....forgetting the polls.....the virus and the economy are more than enough to make it not close...and yet here we are

the people you have to feel sorry for are those without...they are hurting income no nothing....and if trump stays they will sink even further we could end up with a third of the country below the poverty level....all the while the rich get richer.....and predictions matter who is pres.....we are going to have a big recession next year

it just adds to that old greed myth the country has been suffering from for a long time...."what can you do for me and fuck everyone else".....that same thinking has china getting wealthier and the us more dependent on china...same with a lot of other jobs currently going a higher rate than ever before!

if we have another 4 years of trump...I think the country will see the republican party for just what they are...….right now even if Biden should win....we will have another 4 years similar to what we had with Obama....biden trying to fix...McConnel trying to block!

Actually, the presidential election is playing out pretty much how consensus had it (but not the Senate or House races) . . . Biden was expected to win with about 290 electoral votes . . . he still has a clear path to get that many electoral votes. Not saying he will, but I do think he will win with somewhere between 270 and 290 electoral votes. Biggest disappointment of them all (so far) has been Pennsylvania . . . .
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fuck...I don't know if I can keep posting anti trump meme's for another 4 years!

sometimes I think this country deserves trump

for the life of me I can not see how they say he is good on the economy when it is in the tanks...and was in the tanks BEFORE the trump many reasons for a no vote....and this!

SURE ya can !!!!

Can easily whine for another 4 years too - you’re a Dem.
The only good thing I can think of if President Trump loses the election is not having to listen to Dems whine constantly 👀 about EVERYFUCKINTHING but then I remembered you guys will still be whining and blaming President Trump for EVERYFUCKINTHING anyways so REALLY nothing good can come of it :{
The only good thing I can think of if President Trump loses the election is not having to listen to Dems whine constantly about EVERYFUCKINTHING but then I remembered you guys will still be whining and blaming President Trump for EVERYFUCKINTHING anyways so REALLY nothing good can come of it :{

Yeah . . . kinda like Trump blames OBAMA for everything . . . what goes around comes around! FUCK Donald Chump!
The only good thing I can think of if President Trump loses the election is not having to listen to Dems whine constantly about EVERYFUCKINTHING but then I remembered you guys will still be whining and blaming President Trump for EVERYFUCKINTHING anyways so REALLY nothing good can come of it :{
No they will continue to whine. It will be McConnell's fault again
Are you sure pal? Hispanics are overwhelmingly Democratics. Maybe that's what they told you...😌

Yeah, except for the dumb motherfuckers in south Florida who bought into the bullSHYit about Democrats being "socialists" :rolleyes: If that was true, I wouldn't be voting for Biden, and it was why I was vehemently opposed to a Bernie Sanders presidency! He's too far left for me. Can't let him and "The Squad" take over the party the way the pieces of ******* Trumpists have taken over the GOP.
Taint whining a bit - only thing really pisses me off about all of this is how the media in this country is no longer reliable and is completely one sided. If not for the constant nonstop pounding President Trump took from your media 24 / 7 for years and them not even reporting on the Bidens selling out to China and other countries - this election wouldn’t even be close. Seems your media was able to bamboozle a pretty large amount of the populace. Hell look at you guys - the Dems in here are totally brainwashed by your media’s bullfurt.