Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I see protesting, peaceful, no arson, no looting, no assaults, no murders, no graffiti, no torn down statues, no commandeered city blocks with anarchy, no demands for law enforcement to be defunded.... etc. Which is the exact opposite of a BLM/Antifa riot. i.e. Your people.
it's not over yet...….besides with a few in jail and others on the hook....might slow things down

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Trump still has one path, and he's holding his own. However, under performing or just making it to his 2016 numbers.
Biden still has four different paths, and holding his own. Over performing Hillary's numbers except in in Miami-Dade.
The Cuban vote is always Republican but those Venezuelans voters fell hook, line and sinker for the Biden is a socialist bullshit. Maybe they need a memory refresher on what a socialist dictator is.

Michigan won't have a total until Friday.
Wisconsin won't have one until tomorrow morning.
Pennsylvania won't have one until tomorrow or Wednesday.
Arizona should be tonight. Nebraska CD2 should be tonight.
The House has been called for the Democrats.

I'm taking the dog out to chase rabbits and maybe a coyote and open a bottle of Japanese Whiskey. It's gonna be long night/24 hours.
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Trump still has one path, and it holding his own. However under performing or just making it to his 2016 numbers.
Biden still has four different paths, and holding his own. Over performing Hillary's numbers except in in Miami-Dade.
The Cuban vote is always Republican but those Venezuelans voters fell hook, line and sinker for the Biden is a socialist bullshit. Maybe they need a memory refresher on what a socialist dictator is.

Michigan won't have a total until Friday.
Wisconsin won't have one until tomorrow morning.
Pennsylvania won't have one until tomorrow or Wednesday.
Arizona should be tonight. Nebraska CD2 should be tonight.
The House has been called for the Democrats.

I'm taking the dog out to chase rabbits and maybe a coyote and open a bottle of Japanese Whiskey. It's gonna be long night/24 hours.

More votes coming from NC too.
Your polls still need work - this election is soooooooooo freaking close !!!!
Learn what an MoE is, or Margin of Error.
At this point, we ******* the bed in Miami-Dade. Biden will win it with about 9 points. Hillary took it by 29 and Obama by 26 I believe.
The rest of Florida, Biden over performed. That one county sank that SS Florida-Dem hopes.
But, Biden's Campaign did not think they would win this one. Democrats thought they would.
Fuck Florida. Enjoy Climate Change Miami.
Your polls still need work - this election is soooooooooo freaking close !!!!

There have been ZERO surprises in this election so far . . . none . . . each candidate has been winning where they were expected to win. Or if it was a toss up, then that means it could have gone either way. If we get Arizona, that would be the first real "steal" of the election. Even if it became a toss-up in the last few days, AZ has been reliably Republican for a long time. McSally is also gettin' her ass whupped. GOOD!
I didn't come here, and it's none of my business, but I'll leave it here:

Donald Trump GIF by Election 2020
Not over till it's over but God bless America
I would NEVER have dreamed it would be this close....forgetting the polls.....the virus and the economy are more than enough to make it not close...and yet here we are

the people you have to feel sorry for are those without...they are hurting income no nothing....and if trump stays they will sink even further we could end up with a third of the country below the poverty level....all the while the rich get richer.....and predictions matter who is pres.....we are going to have a big recession next year

it just adds to that old greed myth the country has been suffering from for a long time...."what can you do for me and fuck everyone else".....that same thinking has china getting wealthier and the us more dependent on china...same with a lot of other jobs currently going a higher rate than ever before!

if we have another 4 years of trump...I think the country will see the republican party for just what they are...….right now even if Biden should win....we will have another 4 years similar to what we had with Obama....biden trying to fix...McConnel trying to block!
I would NEVER have dreamed it would be this close....forgetting the polls.....the virus and the economy are more than enough to make it not close...and yet here we are

the people you have to feel sorry for are those without...they are hurting income no nothing....and if trump stays they will sink even further we could end up with a third of the country below the poverty level....all the while the rich get richer.....and predictions matter who is pres.....we are going to have a big recession next year

it just adds to that old greed myth the country has been suffering from for a long time...."what can you do for me and fuck everyone else".....that same thinking has china getting wealthier and the us more dependent on china...same with a lot of other jobs currently going a higher rate than ever before!
Of course this is where we are. I do agree I NEVER thought it would be this close either. I figured I would have gone to bed last night celebrating Trumps landslide victory.

You can thank your miserable party for why we are where we are!