Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

No your taking media bait hook line and sinker
Media bait? Or, facts in the real world.
You are listening to Trump, way too much. Even for a moment, it's too much.
Trump Administration did not defeat Coronavirus as he stated yesterday. 80,000 more cases just yesterday.
Trump is not ahead in the polls- any poll, in Michigan and Pennsylvania as he stated over the last two days. No poll.
We will stop there as those were the only examples I gave. Now you, go a get some sources showing were I am wrong and falling for media bait. Show us that you're not a fucking trump-tit sucking Trumptard, and I'm full of *******.
Come on, try it.
I stand behind what I posted 100% I didn't write it I shared it. If any of you don't agree with truth that I posted. Then stop bitching about facts, there is a level of people in the know and you aren't one of them.
Name one fact in that 20 year old email.
First, define the word 'fact'.

You stated companies will leave America, including Chase.
It's JP Morgan Chase, not Chase. Any investor would call it by that name, as that is how it's listed on the market as you say you watch everyday.
Well, first non-fact lie is that JP Morgan Chase will leave. They are predicting stability under Biden.
JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, US Bank, and Citibank. Basically, Wall Street.

That same email was used in 2000 and 2008 with some slight changes. It relies on the fear, hatred and ignorance of the reader to not understand the markets, political elections, economy, or even the bible (with your whole evil section).
FACTS don't bear out your position.
Did you see Kamala's turnout in Arizona today?
Did you see Biden/Harris winning in Az?

Arizona Polls: Trump vs. Biden​

Polling Data​

PollDateSampleMoEBiden (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average10/16 - 10/27----48.446.2Biden +2.2
Reuters/Ipsos10/21 - 10/27714 LV4.04846Biden +2
OH Predictive Insights*10/22 - 10/25716 LV3.74946Biden +3
Susquehanna*10/19 - 10/22500 LV4.34647Trump +1
Rasmussen Reports10/18 - 10/19800 LV3.54847Biden +1
CNBC/Change Research (D)10/16 - 10/19232 LV--5145Biden +6

Or how about this:

Enjoy your death rallies, Democrats are voting.