Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I could just as easily say "Trump's not the candidate, a leaking bag of garbage left out in the July sun is"

You're avoiding the whole point. Why do you have this obsession with a Trump fail-******* dynasty? I've seen you even talk about president Barron. What do you know about Barron that makes you think he'd be a good president? Where does this desire come from?

Mostly just ball busting , to be honest
Not the question. The question was, with former Republican president, and presidential nominees alive, how come they have not come out for Trump?
2 sisters left alive and not one went to talk to a womens group?
Zero female relatives trying to make the appeal to women? Or any relative that don't work for him, out campaigning for him?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Do you get along with your family
I take it that all of these massive Trump Rallies , one after another, after another, after another mean zip ! The leftist Democrats that darken the political threads on this site are the real evidence of how far they have slid into the slime of scum know as liberal government. Ridgelyfan, that is a real reach claiming you only talk to people who engage with actual thoughts and words. You, Hardblackcandy, Ed4mwf, BBCSceptre, Subhub174014, MacNfries and the others that pop in to show their blind opinion once in a blue moon, don't communicate. Mac is about the only leftist that can try to be civil once in awhile. Language, without using vulgarity and always putting others down are signs of intelligence, wisdom, real class and respect for others, and more than that respect for oneself. Not only do you people fall way short of good character, you are dragging this country down into the pits of hell with you.
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I take it that all of these massive Trump Rallies , one after another, after another, after another mean zip ! The leftist Democrats that darken the political threads on this site are the real evidence of how far they have slid into the slime of scum know as liberal government. Ridgelyfan, that is a real reach claiming you only talk to people who engage with actual thoughts and words. You, Hardblackcandy, Ed4mwf, BBCSceptre, SCBlknNsty, Subhub174014, MacNfries and the others that pop in to show their blind opinion once in a blue moon, don't communicate. Mac is about the only leftist that can try to be civil once in awhile. Language, without using vulgarity and always putting others down are signs of intelligence, wisdom, real class and respect for others, and more than that respect for oneself. Not only do you people fall way short of good character, you are dragging this country down into the pits of hell with you.

Yep . . . Mac is reeaallllll civil . . . you were saying??? HAHAHAHAHAHA :p😝😜!!!
