Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

No, I announced Last night that today, Wednesday the market would tank. The threat that there is a chance of a Biden win (I will have you know) is the cause and If he wins. America will suffer a depression, the worst in history.

So you're borrowing all the money you possibly can to short the SNP500 super aggressively so you'll be rich as heck?

Lol yeah I doubt it.

Again last evening, more looting ,and murders across the big cities. I have concluded Evil has descended upon our world

Weird, I was out last night in the biggest city in the US with friends and it was pretty relaxed. Nobody looting or murdering anywhere in sight.

I believe Biden and Harris are but the spawns of the ruler of the underworld. And once elected will release Evil upon the world.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Yes. YESSSSSSS!

Hail Satan :devil:

The Gates, Buffets and others, feel they will ascend into the ruling class, They will keep their money, and live well, as the ruling class will.
I thought you liked it when billionaires got huge tax breaks and bought politicians. You sound.... Socialist!!
Listen to the words come out of hid mouth
hid Russian bots work so hard to slander the over look the issue of trump...but then hell isn't that what p.utin is paying you to do?

Joe Biden: Trump And His Allies 'Like' Russia Interfering ...

Biden on Sunday said he’s been targeted by Russian bots on Facebook because the Kremlin doesn’t want him to be the Democratic nominee. Asked whether it was Facebook or U.S. intelligence officials who informed him of this, Biden said he was alerted by his staff.

Facebook takedowns show new Russian activity targeted ...

Facebook takedowns show new Russian activity targeted Biden, praised Trump The company disabled a network of accounts that posed at times as locals in swing states to post on divisive political ...

2020 Russian trolls are disrupting social media, but we ...

Russian trolls infest social media. If you think it was bad in 2016, it’s going to be much worse this year. The goal of these trolls isn’t just to manipulate our elections, it’s to ...

you really have to ask your self....why would one of our biggest enemies want to choose who they want for president?

maybe because they can manipulate trump...and are afraid of Biden?

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Are you happy now? I don't carry the hatred you do so what you think of me has no value. I am not interested in kissing your black anything, I have an ass but it is not used in a sexual way so your demand holds no merit. It is a good thing that you are not here to present yourself as a nice humble man because you fall short. It is attitudes just like you are displaying that will destroy any hope of equality in our country today. It is not I that is ignorant, it is people like you that thinks you can awake the sleeping giant to do battle with and survive. The Giant is now awake, prepare for it's response.
How the fuck is his attitude destroying any hope of equality? No one was talking about race. But in your eyes, black men better stay in their place or white people won't want to act like decent people? We are not allowed to speak out? Fuck off Loser.
hid Russian bots work so hard to slander the over look the issue of trump...but then hell isn't that what p.utin is paying you to do?

Joe Biden: Trump And His Allies 'Like' Russia Interfering ...

Biden on Sunday said he’s been targeted by Russian bots on Facebook because the Kremlin doesn’t want him to be the Democratic nominee. Asked whether it was Facebook or U.S. intelligence officials who informed him of this, Biden said he was alerted by his staff.

Facebook takedowns show new Russian activity targeted ...

Facebook takedowns show new Russian activity targeted Biden, praised Trump The company disabled a network of accounts that posed at times as locals in swing states to post on divisive political ...

2020 Russian trolls are disrupting social media, but we ...

Russian trolls infest social media. If you think it was bad in 2016, it’s going to be much worse this year. The goal of these trolls isn’t just to manipulate our elections, it’s to ...

you really have to ask your self....why would one of our biggest enemies want to choose who they want for president?

maybe because they can manipulate trump...and are afraid of Biden?

View attachment 3692348
Either his brain is mush or he flat out admitted he's not intended president
Like Ted was,saying the media is no longer objective
******* man, with Trump in the White House the media has to ignore half the lies Trump put out there. He lies so much everyday that you get mad because he gets bad headlines and have no clue that it's only a portion of the ******* Trump puts out there.
Trump knows people like you will eat it up. He knows his lies will never be as important are Joe Biden misspeaking or stumbling through a sentence (which happens to people who once had a severe stutter but, someone's disability has never been off limits for you assholes, has it?).
Today, for instance.
No, I announced Last night that today, Wednesday the market would tank. The threat that there is a chance of a Biden win (I will have you know) is the cause and If he wins. America will suffer a depression, the worst in history.

The major sell off is due to no Stimulus package, and the polls showing the race is close. I will tell you many companies are posed to go offshore should Biden win. Exxon/ Mobile is prepared to become a Grand Bahamas Company, as well as Marathon, and Texaco oil. Citi, and Chase are ready to leave America .DuPont, Pilfer , and Raytheon .as well . I also will remove 2.9 trillion from America . Boeing, and General Dynamics also are ready to leave. Altogether some 579,000 jobs and 309 trillion will leave America , It will become worse than the 1920 depression for most Americans , Many people me included understand what socialism brings. America will not survive. I have positioned my Family and Company to leave America , America owes 23,9 trillion dollars to which 13.9 trillion needs to be paid back as the debt required by companies leaving America that are calling in the loans that they have given to our government.

I will spend the day watching and directing stocks ,to sell or buy, over the next days as the election approaches ,it is going to be a roller coaster Market.

Again last evening, more looting ,and murders across the big cities. I have concluded Evil has descended upon our world , Throughout the Middle East, South America, The streets of our big cities, are red with *******. We have destroyed our schools, and University. Teachers no longer teach, They now indoctrinate, The Socialist Party has replaced the Democratic Party. They just like all Fascist, they wish to change our system into an Authoritarian, Autocracy. Taking over Companies to Nationalism ,and replace the Government of today with Absolute Rule , By party ruling class . This is the system of utter failure , put forth by the evil people of today's Socialist Party .

I believe Biden and Harris are but the spawns of the ruler of the underworld. And once elected will release Evil upon the world. It would in principle just be the return and the raising of a New Third Reich . Just like the past the Anti-Semitism in America is growing, The Socialist are trying to stomp out Christianity, During the Barrett hearings for her Supreme Court appointment. Many stood against her Religion . I find it telling of all the phony Democrats who oppose the right of Freedom of Religion, The right to bear arms. These are the key points that must be removed from Society for true Fascism to take hold . Example Nazi Germany I will not take part ,and I most certainly will not Finance it.

The Gates, Buffets and others, feel they will ascend into the ruling class, They will keep their money, and live well, as the ruling class will. While the Surfs and Peasants ( American Citizens as they will become ) just the class that labors to feed the ruling class. Throughout History Fascism, as always failed and ends in the ******* of it's Nations people. Only the very ignorant ( Democrat Voters ) think there going to receive all the free stuff promised without a cost.
You're really a psychopath on loan for the Halloween Weekend aren't you?
You also must not be a native english speaker comrade. Or, a bad cutter and paster.
This tripe you posted has no base in fact, history, math, or reality and- you still manage to contradict yourself!
Even you know you're full of *******.
First few words, despite Biden's strong lead in the polls...
Do you understand how you posted a story that is good for Biden supporters?
It's saying that in spite of the polls where we are kicking Trump's fat ass, Biden supporters are still coming out strong because we don't believe the polls.
You Trumptards are sitting back listening to Trump lie to you about being ahead in Michigan by 3, and Pennsylvania by 4- both false by a lot. He's down by 8 in Michigan and 7-9 in Pennsylvania. However, Michigan and Pennsylvania Democrats and Republicans for Biden are voting like we're losing if we don't.
So, you keep posting your Go Trump *******, articles about boat parades and car rides for Trump- we'll keep voting.
Oh- remember how excited you was when Trump was campaigning in New Jersey? How is that working out?
First few words, despite Biden's strong lead in the polls...
Do you understand how you posted a story that is good for Biden supporters?
It's saying that in spite of the polls where we are kicking Trump's fat ass, Biden supporters are still coming out strong because we don't believe the polls.
You Trumptards are sitting back listening to Trump lie to you about being ahead in Michigan by 3, and Pennsylvania by 4- both false by a lot. He's down by 8 in Michigan and 7-9 in Pennsylvania. However, Michigan and Pennsylvania Democrats and Republicans for Biden are voting like we're losing if we don't.
So, you keep posting your Go Trump *******, articles about boat parades and car rides for Trump- we'll keep voting.
Oh- remember how excited you was when Trump was campaigning in New Jersey? How is that working out?

No your taking media bait hook line and sinker
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