Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

And they would do it again it's support biden has none

Biden is leading Trump 2 to 1 in the early voting and, by consensus, is projected to win the election. That looks like Biden has plenty of support to me. And before you go there, this is not 2016 and this is not Hillary Clinton. But in about a week, it will be the end of this bullSHYit thread . . . GO AWAY TRUMP sayeth the clear majority of American people who really do care about this country and the planet that we live on. You dumb fucks wanna pull a Herman Cain and give your lives for this jerk who doesn't give a damn about you, then go for it!

Biden is leading Trump 2 to 1 in the early voting and, by consensus, is projected to win the election. That looks like Biden has plenty of support to me. And before you go there, this is not 2016 and this is not Hillary Clinton. But in about a week, it will be the end of this bullSHYit thread

The bullshit won't end on election day. With all the early voting and mail-in voting, we're going to be getting weeks of the cultists in here claiming "VOTER FRAUD!!!111!!" as they watch Trump's lead get eaten by the massive amount of Democratic ballots that were mailed in over the last few weeks.
The bullshit won't end on election day. With all the early voting and mail-in voting, we're going to be getting weeks of the cultists in here claiming "VOTER FRAUD!!!111!!" as they watch Trump's lead get eaten by the massive amount of Democratic ballots that were mailed in over the last few weeks.

I said over a week from now, which will carry us past election day. But once this thing is over after Trump and all of his stupid Trumptard followers get their asses handed to them . . . I'm out . . . but not before I rub it in :) And they can cry FRAUD all they want to until the cows come home! I don't have to be here to listen to it ;) And I won't . . . fuck 'um :mad: After Chump loses this election, this bullSHYit thread becomes irrelevant to me.
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I said over a week from now, which will carry us past election day. But once this thing is over after Trump and all of his stupid Trumptard followers get their asses handed to them . . . I'm out . . . but not before I rub it in :) And they can cry FRAUD all they want to until the cows come home! I don't have to be here to listen to it ;) And I won't . . . fuck 'um :mad: After Chump loses this election, this bullSHYit thread becomes irrelevant to me.

Going. Strong 4 more years then change from Donald to ivanka or Eric
I'll see that one unknown "Democrat" and raise you 200 known Republican operatives.
And poor Biden only has 3 former United States Presidents and 2 Vice Presidents, and thousands of former Administration officials and state legislators. Not to mention Harry Styles.
Why aren't there ANY former Presidents or Presidential nominees supporting Trump?
Like seriously how often do you see liberals all "8 years of Joe then 8 years of Hunter!"

This whole obsession with and pining for political dynasties has to be part of some deeply-held need to be subjugated. Maybe that's why all Trump supporters are huge cucks
And poor Biden only has 3 former United States Presidents and 2 Vice Presidents, and thousands of former Administration officials and state legislators. Not to mention Harry Styles.
Why aren't there ANY former Presidents or Presidential nominees supporting Trump?

That's not biden just his skin
Like seriously how often do you see liberals all "8 years of Joe then 8 years of Hunter!"

This whole obsession with and pining for political dynasties has to be part of some deeply-held need to be subjugated. Maybe that's why all Trump supporters are huge cucks
Cause biden ain't the candidate does Harris have *******
That's not biden just his skin
Not the question. The question was, with former Republican president, and presidential nominees alive, how come they have not come out for Trump?
2 sisters left alive and not one went to talk to a womens group?
Zero female relatives trying to make the appeal to women? Or any relative that don't work for him, out campaigning for him?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Cause biden ain't the candidate does Harris have *******

I could just as easily say "Trump's not the candidate, a leaking bag of garbage left out in the July sun is"

You're avoiding the whole point. Why do you have this obsession with a Trump fail-******* dynasty? I've seen you even talk about president Barron. What do you know about Barron that makes you think he'd be a good president? Where does this desire come from?