Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I stand behind what I posted 100% I didn't write it I shared it. If any of you don't agree with truth that I posted. Then stop bitching about facts, there is a level of people in the know and you aren't one of them.

that is the problem...… right wingers actually believe trickle down economics work! NEVER has...…..only in the minds of those wanting that tax break or etc...…….it NEVER trickles down...…...the economy is based on what the middle class make it.....if they flourish so does the rest of the country...….if they suffer so does the country...… money to the wealthy is a waste of time...they keep for themselves...invest overseas.....anything but letting it trickle down....good example recently...trump gave corps his big tax Bell used the money to move their call centers to India....that is true trickle any perception that you posted pure fucking right winger need to peddle your foolishness elsewhere.....most of us know better....

that is the problem...… right wingers actually believe trickle down economics work! NEVER has...…..only in the minds of those wanting that tax break or etc...…….it NEVER trickles down...…...

Pretty much. Not even Republicans believe in trickle-down. When the economy is in the shitter, the first thing they do is start mailing checks to everyone who filed a tax return. When regular people have money in their bank accounts, they use it to buy food, clothes, car repairs, rent, phone bills, and other things that the economy actually runs on. Billionaires buy yachts, islands, and hide money in offshore accounts. None of that helps the economy.