Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Fake news I gather :unsure:??? Or just another opportunistic Republicunt???

She creeps me out. I think it's the ridiculous amount of botox making it so that her face never has any normal human expression; it's like Uncanny Valley *******
Closes 943 points down!!! And that's on top of other losses that occurred days earlier.

And it couldn't happen at a better time either . . . right on the eve of the election so "Chump" can't even claim that as a positive. I've never seen a presidential campaign implode so badly like this on an incumbent president ever. Donald Chump is as good as gone! It's rigged! It's rigged! The stock market is rigged against Donald Chump :p😜😝!!!
No, I announced Last night that today, Wednesday the market would tank. The threat that there is a chance of a Biden win (I will have you know) is the cause and If he wins. America will suffer a depression, the worst in history.

The major sell off is due to no Stimulus package, and the polls showing the race is close. I will tell you many companies are posed to go offshore should Biden win. Exxon/ Mobile is prepared to become a Grand Bahamas Company, as well as Marathon, and Texaco oil. Citi, and Chase are ready to leave America .DuPont, Pilfer , and Raytheon .as well . I also will remove 2.9 trillion from America . Boeing, and General Dynamics also are ready to leave. Altogether some 579,000 jobs and 309 trillion will leave America , It will become worse than the 1920 depression for most Americans , Many people me included understand what socialism brings. America will not survive. I have positioned my Family and Company to leave America , America owes 23,9 trillion dollars to which 13.9 trillion needs to be paid back as the debt required by companies leaving America that are calling in the loans that they have given to our government.

I will spend the day watching and directing stocks ,to sell or buy, over the next days as the election approaches ,it is going to be a roller coaster Market.

Again last evening, more looting ,and murders across the big cities. I have concluded Evil has descended upon our world , Throughout the Middle East, South America, The streets of our big cities, are red with *******. We have destroyed our schools, and University. Teachers no longer teach, They now indoctrinate, The Socialist Party has replaced the Democratic Party. They just like all Fascist, they wish to change our system into an Authoritarian, Autocracy. Taking over Companies to Nationalism ,and replace the Government of today with Absolute Rule , By party ruling class . This is the system of utter failure , put forth by the evil people of today's Socialist Party .

I believe Biden and Harris are but the spawns of the ruler of the underworld. And once elected will release Evil upon the world. It would in principle just be the return and the raising of a New Third Reich . Just like the past the Anti-Semitism in America is growing, The Socialist are trying to stomp out Christianity, During the Barrett hearings for her Supreme Court appointment. Many stood against her Religion . I find it telling of all the phony Democrats who oppose the right of Freedom of Religion, The right to bear arms. These are the key points that must be removed from Society for true Fascism to take hold . Example Nazi Germany I will not take part ,and I most certainly will not Finance it.

The Gates, Buffets and others, feel they will ascend into the ruling class, They will keep their money, and live well, as the ruling class will. While the Surfs and Peasants ( American Citizens as they will become ) just the class that labors to feed the ruling class. Throughout History Fascism, as always failed and ends in the ******* of it's Nations people. Only the very ignorant ( Democrat Voters ) think there going to receive all the free stuff promised without a cost.
No, I announced Last night that today, Wednesday the market would tank. The threat that there is a chance of a Biden win (I will have you know) is the cause and If he wins. America will suffer a depression, the worst in history.

The major sell off is due to no Stimulus package, and the polls showing the race is close. I will tell you many companies are posed to go offshore should Biden win. Exxon/ Mobile is prepared to become a Grand Bahamas Company, as well as Marathon, and Texaco oil. Citi, and Chase are ready to leave America .DuPont, Pilfer , and Raytheon .as well . I also will remove 2.9 trillion from America . Boeing, and General Dynamics also are ready to leave. Altogether some 579,000 jobs and 309 trillion will leave America , It will become worse than the 1920 depression for most Americans , Many people me included understand what socialism brings. America will not survive. I have positioned my Family and Company to leave America , America owes 23,9 trillion dollars to which 13.9 trillion needs to be paid back as the debt required by companies leaving America that are calling in the loans that they have given to our government.

I will spend the day watching and directing stocks ,to sell or buy, over the next days as the election approaches ,it is going to be a roller coaster Market.

Again last evening, more looting ,and murders across the big cities. I have concluded Evil has descended upon our world , Throughout the Middle East, South America, The streets of our big cities, are red with *******. We have destroyed our schools, and University. Teachers no longer teach, They now indoctrinate, The Socialist Party has replaced the Democratic Party. They just like all Fascist, they wish to change our system into an Authoritarian, Autocracy. Taking over Companies to Nationalism ,and replace the Government of today with Absolute Rule , By party ruling class . This is the system of utter failure , put forth by the evil people of today's Socialist Party .

I believe Biden and Harris are but the spawns of the ruler of the underworld. And once elected will release Evil upon the world. It would in principle just be the return and the raising of a New Third Reich . Just like the past the Anti-Semitism in America is growing, The Socialist are trying to stomp out Christianity, During the Barrett hearings for her Supreme Court appointment. Many stood against her Religion . I find it telling of all the phony Democrats who oppose the right of Freedom of Religion, The right to bear arms. These are the key points that must be removed from Society for true Fascism to take hold . Example Nazi Germany I will not take part ,and I most certainly will not Finance it.

The Gates, Buffets and others, feel they will ascend into the ruling class, They will keep their money, and live well, as the ruling class will. While the Surfs and Peasants ( American Citizens as they will become ) just the class that labors to feed the ruling class. Throughout History Fascism, as always failed and ends in the ******* of it's Nations people. Only the very ignorant ( Democrat Voters ) think there going to receive all the free stuff promised without a cost.

Folks nut case in the house! Nut case in the house! Is there a doctor 👨‍⚕️ in the house??? We need a straight jacket! Somebody call 911!!! Nut case in the house!!! This boy sick, this boy sick . . . this boy is mentally ill!!!
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fox news....what a fucking joke

President Trump’s 3,400 conflicts of interest - CREW ...

Sep 24, 2020 · Meanwhile, his allies in Congress have embraced this new normal, rather than fulfilling their constitutional duty and providing a check on the out-of-control conflicts of interest that have become the defining characteristic of the Trump presidency. CREW has tracked more than 3,400 conflicts of interest, but that number is still growing.

Trump's Conflicts of Interest - Center for American Progress

Jun 14, 2017 · This series, accessible via an easily navigable map of the world, spells out Donald Trump’s and his family’s conflicts of interest in 25 countries around the globe.

Donald Trump: List of His Biggest Conflicts of Interest | Time

Nov 22, 2016 · More than 100 Trump companies have done business in 18 countries. One extraordinary conflict of interest is an effort by eight mysterious Trump companies established on the eve of Trump

want more....there is plenty to look at while you have those alligator tears and ignoring all the bullshit you support...….he would and has sold out this country over his personnel dealings
No, I announced Last night that today, Wednesday the market would tank. The threat that there is a chance of a Biden win (I will have you know) is the cause and If he wins. America will suffer a depression, the worst in history.

The major sell off is due to no Stimulus package, and the polls showing the race is close. I will tell you many companies are posed to go offshore should Biden win. Exxon/ Mobile is prepared to become a Grand Bahamas Company, as well as Marathon, and Texaco oil. Citi, and Chase are ready to leave America .DuPont, Pilfer , and Raytheon .as well . I also will remove 2.9 trillion from America . Boeing, and General Dynamics also are ready to leave. Altogether some 579,000 jobs and 309 trillion will leave America , It will become worse than the 1920 depression for most Americans , Many people me included understand what socialism brings. America will not survive. I have positioned my Family and Company to leave America , America owes 23,9 trillion dollars to which 13.9 trillion needs to be paid back as the debt required by companies leaving America that are calling in the loans that they have given to our government.

I will spend the day watching and directing stocks ,to sell or buy, over the next days as the election approaches ,it is going to be a roller coaster Market.

Again last evening, more looting ,and murders across the big cities. I have concluded Evil has descended upon our world , Throughout the Middle East, South America, The streets of our big cities, are red with *******. We have destroyed our schools, and University. Teachers no longer teach, They now indoctrinate, The Socialist Party has replaced the Democratic Party. They just like all Fascist, they wish to change our system into an Authoritarian, Autocracy. Taking over Companies to Nationalism ,and replace the Government of today with Absolute Rule , By party ruling class . This is the system of utter failure , put forth by the evil people of today's Socialist Party .

I believe Biden and Harris are but the spawns of the ruler of the underworld. And once elected will release Evil upon the world. It would in principle just be the return and the raising of a New Third Reich . Just like the past the Anti-Semitism in America is growing, The Socialist are trying to stomp out Christianity, During the Barrett hearings for her Supreme Court appointment. Many stood against her Religion . I find it telling of all the phony Democrats who oppose the right of Freedom of Religion, The right to bear arms. These are the key points that must be removed from Society for true Fascism to take hold . Example Nazi Germany I will not take part ,and I most certainly will not Finance it.

The Gates, Buffets and others, feel they will ascend into the ruling class, They will keep their money, and live well, as the ruling class will. While the Surfs and Peasants ( American Citizens as they will become ) just the class that labors to feed the ruling class. Throughout History Fascism, as always failed and ends in the ******* of it's Nations people. Only the very ignorant ( Democrat Voters ) think there going to receive all the free stuff promised without a cost.
Interesting in as much as I've heard many refer to Trump as evil, enough to lead me to consider the question...I don't think he is evil, I do think he is seriously flawed. For three years, he has
Fake news I gather :unsure:??? Or just another opportunistic Republicunt???

you won't hear that on the fox entertainment network...….shouldn't that be brought up in congress?
No, I announced Last night that today, Wednesday the market would tank. The threat that there is a chance of a Biden win (I will have you know) is the cause and If he wins. America will suffer a depression, the worst in history.

The major sell off is due to no Stimulus package, and the polls showing the race is close. I will tell you many companies are posed to go offshore should Biden win. Exxon/ Mobile is prepared to become a Grand Bahamas Company, as well as Marathon, and Texaco oil. Citi, and Chase are ready to leave America .DuPont, Pilfer , and Raytheon .as well . I also will remove 2.9 trillion from America . Boeing, and General Dynamics also are ready to leave. Altogether some 579,000 jobs and 309 trillion will leave America , It will become worse than the 1920 depression for most Americans , Many people me included understand what socialism brings. America will not survive. I have positioned my Family and Company to leave America , America owes 23,9 trillion dollars to which 13.9 trillion needs to be paid back as the debt required by companies leaving America that are calling in the loans that they have given to our government.

I will spend the day watching and directing stocks ,to sell or buy, over the next days as the election approaches ,it is going to be a roller coaster Market.

Again last evening, more looting ,and murders across the big cities. I have concluded Evil has descended upon our world , Throughout the Middle East, South America, The streets of our big cities, are red with *******. We have destroyed our schools, and University. Teachers no longer teach, They now indoctrinate, The Socialist Party has replaced the Democratic Party. They just like all Fascist, they wish to change our system into an Authoritarian, Autocracy. Taking over Companies to Nationalism ,and replace the Government of today with Absolute Rule , By party ruling class . This is the system of utter failure , put forth by the evil people of today's Socialist Party .

I believe Biden and Harris are but the spawns of the ruler of the underworld. And once elected will release Evil upon the world. It would in principle just be the return and the raising of a New Third Reich . Just like the past the Anti-Semitism in America is growing, The Socialist are trying to stomp out Christianity, During the Barrett hearings for her Supreme Court appointment. Many stood against her Religion . I find it telling of all the phony Democrats who oppose the right of Freedom of Religion, The right to bear arms. These are the key points that must be removed from Society for true Fascism to take hold . Example Nazi Germany I will not take part ,and I most certainly will not Finance it.

The Gates, Buffets and others, feel they will ascend into the ruling class, They will keep their money, and live well, as the ruling class will. While the Surfs and Peasants ( American Citizens as they will become ) just the class that labors to feed the ruling class. Throughout History Fascism, as always failed and ends in the ******* of it's Nations people. Only the very ignorant ( Democrat Voters ) think there going to receive all the free stuff promised without a cost.

you are full of more ******* than the Christmas Turkey

Listen to what he said " you think I'm joking, I'm not joking"
your fucking it! off your meds again?

Biden calls himself Harris' running mate during campaign event in Atlanta
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden jokingly introduced himself as Sen. Kamala Harris' running mate during the beginning of his stump speech in Atlanta on Tuesday.