TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Yes, I noticed that same thing also! What I do not understand is how most of these white folks are couples on here looking for Black men and then disrespect an American who is Black! Now, if I was to call the couple a Racist, then I would get the response back, "Well how can they be a Racist when they are on this website?" It's the same reverse psychology BS that most of them play! Quite frankly, to be honest, the ones that liked "mepawg"'s post, I wonder to myself would they react the same way if that same American was White? I want an honest answer from them too, which I know I will not get! For them, they would rather LIE than tell the truth!!

It's s.h.i.t. like that is one of the main reasons why I don't come on this thread often! It's the same s.h.i.t. 24/7 on this site! Main reason why I prefer to stick with strictly Black people because it's
NO BULLS.H.I.T. going on!!

Don’t matter to me whether she’s black or white - but - the reason she’s home and they traded the “Merchant of Death” for her is because she is black and a lesbian no doubt in my mind.

Clarence Thomas Faces Fresh Investigation Calls Over 'Spousal Support'​

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is facing fresh calls for an investigation following the release of his wife's testimony to the House of Representatives' January 6 committee.

Conservative activist Virginia 'Ginni' Thomas told the committee that she "never spoke" with her husband about challenges to the 2020 presidential election but some of her comments have led to calls for a probe into Justice Thomas.

ark Meadows saying she had spoken to her "best friend" and identified that person as her husband.

Thomas was asked what she and her husband had talked about and she replied: "I wish I could remember but I have no memory of the specifics. My husband often administers spousal support to the wife that's upset. So I assume that's what it was. I don't have a specific memory of it."

Her comment about "spousal support" has been seized on by some critics, who have renewed calls for an investigation into the justice.

"It appears, from Ginni Thomas J6 Comte. transcript, that Justice Thomas provided his wife with some form of counseling that reassured her as she plotted to overturn the 2020 Pres. election," tweeted legal reporter Lyle Denniston. "That's enough for full public airing in Senate Judic. Comte., w/ subpoenas to both."

David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America, shared that tweet and added: "More fodder for Clarence Thomas's impeachment inquiry."

Morning Joe shreds Ginni Thomas for playing 'victim' when she's married to one of the most powerful men in America​

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough bashed Ginni Thomas for trying to help Donald Trump overturn his election loss based on flimsy claims of fraud.

Transcripts of her testimony were released Friday by the House select committee, and the "Morning Joe" host was appalled by her willingness to toss away the votes of millions of Americans to keep the defeated former president in offie.

"I have to say, I have known her for a very long time and, of course, when was until the House she was always, of course, focused on helping Republicans in power," Scarborough said. "That's all she cared about. For conservatives like us that were actually trying to bring reform, she constantly fought us, constantly saw us as the enemy. Now on the other side of it, you've got Donald Trump who loses an election, and she's drawn to power and willing to do just about anything, says they're mainstream, says her views are mainstream."

"You know, there's this victimhood," he added. "You look at her statements and her lawyer's statement, she doesn't really regret that she sent these texts. If you read the transcript, she regrets that they were printed. That's all she regrets, and this victimhood, again, I think it fits perfectly into the twisted logic of Trumpism, that the most powerful people in America, the richest billionaires in America, the people that have run America for 400 years, they're the ones who are victimized, the rich are victimized, asked to pay average tax rates. The powerful are victimized by 'woke' college professors and, in her case, the powerful are victimized when they were asked to respond to texts that show that she is trying to overthrow Madisonian democracy and the white majority that has run the United States for 400 years is victimized, well, by everyone, especially when they don't win every election."

Merrick Garland’s unprecedented dilemma​

In the new year, Merrick Garland will face two unprecedented scenarios: He could become the first attorney general in American history to indict a former president, as well as the first attorney general to be impeached by Congress.
My personal Question concerning Racism is why. If the Ukraine is far more racist then America why would America support this racist country with tens of Billions of White's, Black's, Jew's, Asian's, Latino's and all other's Tax Money ? Why is Racism against Blacks and Jewish people such a world wide problem ?


Clarence Thomas Faces Fresh Investigation Calls Over 'Spousal Support'​

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is facing fresh calls for an investigation following the release of his wife's testimony to the House of Representatives' January 6 committee.

Conservative activist Virginia 'Ginni' Thomas told the committee that she "never spoke" with her husband about challenges to the 2020 presidential election but some of her comments have led to calls for a probe into Justice Thomas.

ark Meadows saying she had spoken to her "best friend" and identified that person as her husband.

Thomas was asked what she and her husband had talked about and she replied: "I wish I could remember but I have no memory of the specifics. My husband often administers spousal support to the wife that's upset. So I assume that's what it was. I don't have a specific memory of it."

Her comment about "spousal support" has been seized on by some critics, who have renewed calls for an investigation into the justice.

"It appears, from Ginni Thomas J6 Comte. transcript, that Justice Thomas provided his wife with some form of counseling that reassured her as she plotted to overturn the 2020 Pres. election," tweeted legal reporter Lyle Denniston. "That's enough for full public airing in Senate Judic. Comte., w/ subpoenas to both."

David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America, shared that tweet and added: "More fodder for Clarence Thomas's impeachment inquiry."

Morning Joe shreds Ginni Thomas for playing 'victim' when she's married to one of the most powerful men in America​

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough bashed Ginni Thomas for trying to help Donald Trump overturn his election loss based on flimsy claims of fraud.

Transcripts of her testimony were released Friday by the House select committee, and the "Morning Joe" host was appalled by her willingness to toss away the votes of millions of Americans to keep the defeated former president in offie.

"I have to say, I have known her for a very long time and, of course, when was until the House she was always, of course, focused on helping Republicans in power," Scarborough said. "That's all she cared about. For conservatives like us that were actually trying to bring reform, she constantly fought us, constantly saw us as the enemy. Now on the other side of it, you've got Donald Trump who loses an election, and she's drawn to power and willing to do just about anything, says they're mainstream, says her views are mainstream."

"You know, there's this victimhood," he added. "You look at her statements and her lawyer's statement, she doesn't really regret that she sent these texts. If you read the transcript, she regrets that they were printed. That's all she regrets, and this victimhood, again, I think it fits perfectly into the twisted logic of Trumpism, that the most powerful people in America, the richest billionaires in America, the people that have run America for 400 years, they're the ones who are victimized, the rich are victimized, asked to pay average tax rates. The powerful are victimized by 'woke' college professors and, in her case, the powerful are victimized when they were asked to respond to texts that show that she is trying to overthrow Madisonian democracy and the white majority that has run the United States for 400 years is victimized, well, by everyone, especially when they don't win every election."

“Morning Joe” 😆
Really...hadn't heard that. We need photos for this site ;)

For those who don't know, Ed Brooke was the first black person elected by popular vote to the US Senate...and was a Republican.
The only Republican elected statewide before that as AG. But, his agenda was liberal. He is another example of Republicans trying to take credit for the individual but ignoring their record and agenda.
Although Brooke supported the Republican Party, his stances were often contrary to the official party line. He typically adopted a liberal agenda with regard to social issues. During his two terms in the Senate, Brooke backed affirmative action, minority business development, and public housing legislation. He also favored extending minimum wage standards to unprotected jobs held by unskilled workers, providing tax incentives to companies with management training programs, and increasing operating subsidies for commuter rail services and mass transit systems. At times Brooke even broke party ranks to work with Democrats in the Senate and the House. For example, Brooke and House Majority Leader Thomas (Tip) O’Neill of Massachusetts recommended a swift increase in Social Security benefits in 1972.
Marjorie Hunter, “Brooke Joins Democrats in Urging Speedy Rise in Social Security Benefits,” 5 May 1972, New York Times: 10.
“Brooke Says Nixon Shuns Black Needs,” 12 March 1970, New York Times: 25.

And yes, he and Walters had an affair in the 70s.
My personal Question concerning Racism is why. If the Ukraine is far more racist then America
Who says this? It's racist but, if you want to measure differences in racism, we are natural born Americans. For generations. And had laws, norms and tales designed specifically to keep us from advancing. The only place in the world, outside of S. Africa this existed.
why would America support this racist country with tens of Billions of White's, Black's, Jew's, Asian's, Latino's and all other's Tax Money ? Why is Racism against Blacks and Jewish people such a world wide problem ?
Because racism is of no real concern when it comes to foreign affairs. Same tax dollars and lives went to fight WWII for freedom and had to come back to the states and live in discrimination and segregation. Freed South Korea from the Communist influence and came back to America to systematic abject poverty and hostility.

What is your point of the question? We support several countries that treat their own citizens like s/hit and don't give a damn about human rights.
This meme is just more racism to state blacks should shut up and be grateful because America is not as bad as Russia. Well, when Vladimir Watson decided to take a knee, then maybe, maybe we can talk.
The point of the protests is to bring attention to a system that doesn't treat all citizens equally. Who really gives a fuck about other countries when you're fighting for basic rights in your own?
Your way or the highway, right, ed ?

This meme is just more racism to state blacks should shut up and be grateful because America is not as bad as Russia. Well, when Vladimir Watson decided to take a knee, then maybe, maybe we can talk.
The point of the protests is to bring attention to a system that doesn't treat all citizens equally. Who really gives a fuck about other countries when you're fighting for basic rights in your own?
My personal Question concerning Racism is why. If the Ukraine is far more racist then America why would America support this racist country with tens of Billions of White's, Black's, Jew's, Asian's, Latino's and all other's Tax Money ? Why is Racism against Blacks and Jewish people such a world wide problem ?

And, Stanley, if we are going to go by which countries are 'more' racist, Russia has a paper trail and policy to reflect their racism that goes back to the end of the Soviet Union when they immediately bounced out all of the none Euro looking Russians back to Kazakhstan, China and Georgia. It was the Moscow for Moscovites Movement in 1992.
Your way or the highway, right, ed ?
You're so below level, your response doesn't make sense.
You Cons can't help but to make something all about individuals. It's exactly why Santos will be seated in the Republican Caucus.
There is a country, the USA. It has stated loudly and proudly what it's about and has taken that message of equality and rights for all citizens around the world and fought wars over it.
So, true patriots, would be all about living up to those ideals, which spend money, weapons and lives on around the globe.

Hypothetically (meaning I'm not exactly addressing you) If an asshole want's to post a meme and mock someone because they demand equal treatment from their government, well, that asshole is just telling world, they are an asshole. A hypocritical asshole. Except for those who agree. Then that asshole's meme serve to expose just how many assholes are out there, and who they are.

I bet you are now wishing you stuck to the silly memes to make your argument?
Bring me your wife.
When white people don't like you, their definition of racism gets really loose.
Without going back over THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS and DONALD TRUMP who still controls that Party.
Let's do the two memes that are not quotes...

Just before the remark, Biden advocated for "orderly integration of society" rather than school integration via busing. "I am not just talking about education but all of society," he said.
He addressed the expert witnesses at the hearing, and then launched into the quote in question: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." "We have got to make some move on this," he added. Biden was not against desegregation — he just advocated for other methods, like housing integration.

So when we have context, we see that Biden was advocating for complete integration not just schools because just bussing ******* in and out of schools will cause racial tensions to explode. And they did! I'm pretty sure @mepawg76 has family that ended up where he is, RI, because of the racial desegregation of Boston.

I've addressed that second one plenty of time. Cons have short memories. He was on a radio call in show and told the caller that because he was contemplating Trump. Since Biden got over 90% of the black vote - there was a 90% chance he was correct that if the called was not voting for him, and claimed to be black, he ain't black.

Now you want to talk about policy that negatively affect the black community on purpose that Republicans ignore great. Who cares iff they are nice to the grocery guy or their neighbor if in their job, they continue with a pattern of systematic racism?
It's just 2pm and I'm already tired of kicking asses. I'm going to walk the dog, and get some fresh 40 degree air. Can't wait for the memes and excuse making when I return