TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

What George Santos did was most definitely wrong but the sad thing is that the Republicans, once again, condone such dishonest behavior over the value of a congressional seat. Many of his followers have taken the words of Donald Trump to heart ... "win at all cost".
Santos is obviously NOT going to step down; he thinks "embellishing his resume", as he calls it, is ok, everybody does it. But then again, this party long left integrity behind when they chose & continued supporting Trump the past 6 years.
It's up to the Democrats & the Democrat candidate that Santos defeated, Robert Zimmerman, to make enough issue about this to fo.rce Republicans to remove Santos from his seat, otherwise this just gives Republicans yet another way to cheat their way into a congressional seat. Its become yet another 'MO' of the "use to be" Party of Lincoln.
Maybe THIS is how Democracy will fall, afterall .... by total, premeditative dishonesty. In the private sector, this kind of behavior would instantaneously cost Santo his job, but not in the public political sector, its embellished and they're not the least embarrassed about it.
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Truer Words have never been spoken ...

"The contrast with Nixon’s post-presidency is poignant. Nixon in exile wrote 10 books, all quite serious, including his memoirs. He clawed back a reputation as a wise man who dispensed advice to presidents. But that’s not the poignant part. Nixon was surrounded with a loving family, lifelong friends and loyal aides who gave him the sort of succor that politics couldn’t. His first — and only — wife was the love of his life. Long after Nixon’s death, they cherished his memory. Nixon in exile still enjoyed the respect not just of his friends but of his enemies."
The famously friendless Trump has admitted that he never had much use for real friends. Trump prefers to be surrounded by people who will tell him what he wants to hear, and what he wants to hear is: You’re awesome. Reportedly, this is why he hit it off so well with a neo-Nazi 'toady' who heaped praise on him at that now notorious dinner with the artist formerly known as Kanye West.​
The key difference of Trump and Nixon is that Nixon’s hunger for respect was tempered by a reciprocal respect, admittedly flawed, for the presidency, his party, the country and for those closest to him. Nixon spared them all the ordeal of impeachment; Trump was impeached twice, then ran again, lost, and then tried to steal the presidency. He recently called for the suspension of the Constitution to reinstall him, because no impediment to his self-glorification deserves respect.​
Also, Nixon’s struggle was complicated because he was complicated. Trump’s struggle is simple because he is simple: All he is is appetite — for fame, power, sex, admiration — shorn of any interior life and unencumbered by exterior attachments.​
Wills may have been right that the secret tapes displayed the “real” Nixon but we don’t need secret tapes to know Trump, because the real Trump is always on display for those with eyes to see him. And, finally, the sight is becoming wearying, even for his fans.​
Words_TheEND-ofTrump.jpg and it can't come soon enough for most of us!
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What George Santos did was most definitely wrong but the sad thing is that the Republicans, once again, condone such dishonest behavior over the value of a congressional seat. Many of his followers have taken the words of Donald Trump to heart ... "win at all cost".
Santos is obviously NOT going to step down; he thinks "embellishing his resume", as he calls it, is ok, everybody does it. But then again, this party long left integrity behind when they chose & continued supporting Trump the past 6 years.
It's up to the Democrats & the Democrat candidate that Santos defeated, Robert Zimmerman, to make enough issue about this to fo.rce Republicans to remove Santos from his seat, otherwise this just gives Republicans yet another way to cheat their way into a congressional seat. Its become yet another 'MO' of the "use to be" Party of Lincoln.
Maybe THIS is how Democracy will fall, afterall .... by total, premeditative dishonesty. In the private sector, this kind of behavior would instantaneously cost Santo his job, but not in the public political sector, its embellished and they're not the least embarrassed about it.

funny how there has always been a double standard....for the right ...corruption is just a way of life.....for the must be punished

hell look at the congressman from Minn a few years ago....booted from office.....even the gal said she knew it was a joke.....and yet trump was facing a number of allegations for goes on to many more over the years
What George Santos did was most definitely wrong but the sad thing is that the Republicans, once again, condone such dishonest behavior over the value of a congressional seat. Many of his followers have taken the words of Donald Trump to heart ... "win at all cost".
Santos is obviously NOT going to step down; he thinks "embellishing his resume", as he calls it, is ok, everybody does it. But then again, this party long left integrity behind when they chose & continued supporting Trump the past 6 years.
It's up to the Democrats & the Democrat candidate that Santos defeated, Robert Zimmerman, to make enough issue about this to fo.rce Republicans to remove Santos from his seat, otherwise this just gives Republicans yet another way to cheat their way into a congressional seat. Its become yet another 'MO' of the "use to be" Party of Lincoln.
Maybe THIS is how Democracy will fall, afterall .... by total, premeditative dishonesty. In the private sector, this kind of behavior would instantaneously cost Santo his job, but not in the public political sector, its embellished and they're not the least embarrassed about it.
Funny how you have been radio silent with regard to democrat Richard Blumenthal lying about having served in Vietnam. "The sad thing is that the Republicans Democrats, once again, condone such dishonest behavior over the value of a congressional seat."

Funny how you support Pervy Joe Biden who lied about graduating in the top half of his law school class when in fact he barely passed, graduating in the bottom 11%.

Why it's almost like you're a hypocrite....
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Funny how you have been radio silent with regard to democrat Richard Blumenthal lying about having served in Vietnam. "The sad thing is that the Republicans Democrats, once again, condone such dishonest behavior over the value of a congressional seat."

Funny how you support Pervy Joe Biden who lied about graduating in the top half of his law school class.

Why it's almost like you're a hypocrite....
Funny how you have been radio silent with regard to democrat Richard Blumenthal lying about having served in Vietnam. "The sad thing is that the Republicans Democrats, once again, condone such dishonest behavior over the value of a congressional seat."

Funny how you support Pervy Joe Biden who lied about graduating in the top half of his law school class.

Why it's almost like you're a hypocrite....
z1 (8).jpg
Funny how you have been radio silent with regard to democrat Richard Blumenthal lying about having served in Vietnam. "The sad thing is that the Republicans Democrats, once again, condone such dishonest behavior over the value of a congressional seat."

Funny how you support Pervy Joe Biden who lied about graduating in the top half of his law school class when in fact he barely passed, graduating in the bottom 11%.

Why it's almost like you're a hypocrite....
Wait richard Blumenthal haven't been in office since 2011🤦🏾😏😂 wtf dude lol

Did Trump ‘Lie' About Salary Donations When President? People Are Angry​

Apparently, Twitter users are ‘shocked' that former President Donald Trump lied about how much of his presidential salary he donated during his tenure as president. While he claimed to donate 100% of his $400,000 salary, it turns out that might not be as factual as he claimed and Twitter has something to say about it.

Twitter user @ybarrap posted a photo of @realDonaldTrump's original tweet.

The post, with more than 404K views and 2300 tweets, certainly got the attention of social media users who had a few things to say about the former president's claims.
A guy who steals from his own charity, about donating to Veterans, takes money from old suckers, and spends his ******* trust fund. is not the type to return salary money.