Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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I like some of the things Johnson supports as well, BUT, you'll be pissing your vote away, as Gary Johnson is only on the state ballots in 47 states. How can you take any candidate serious when they're not even funded/staffed to make a serious run for the Presidency?
Hillary says she's going to reverse Citizens United in the first month of her Presidency. If the Democrats also win the Senate back, you can pretty much bank on that happening. That'll be a great start in controlling the amount of money going into Washington politics. Next thing would be to make every campaign dollar (even paid advertisements by outside sources) accountable, and begin a process of establishing congressional term limits. I don't think anyone, should be able to run for Congress after age 74-75. And it'd be nice if they'd do away with the Electoral College as well ... popular voting for every office. The importance of the people's choices need to be returned to the voters.

I know its pissing my vote away, i just find it very difficult to vote for Trump and i wont vite for Hillary either.
Trump will damage and even destroy overseas relationships with our allies ... I just listened to him on CNN give his press interview. Totally scary with his references to NATO, renegotiating agreements, etc.
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Just how low is this guy willing to go?!
He just called on RUSSIA to hack more emails!

this guy has no morale's at all and will say or do anything to be Pres!
this guy has no morale's at all and will say or do anything to be Pres!
but yet you have those that still listen to him... got to wonder about those people... lot of fools and dummies in this world!
as evidenced right here!

Ryan just made an announcement about how bad he thought Russia was.... yet didn't pull his support for Trump!
Totally scary with his references to NATO, renegotiating agreements, etc.
some senators have already been trying to clean up his remarks with some allies.... as for re-negotiating.... hell he treats everyone that way... doesn't pay after the deal is made... screws people who helped him... worked for him.. it just goes on... this guy just exemplifies everything wrong with this country and some people in it
come to think of it... he really just sums up where the republican's have been going for years... they just tried to hide it better... he is more open about it!
come to think of it... he really just sums up where the republican's have been going for years... they just tried to hide it better... he is more open about it!

True...just like Bernie coming out and all but admitting he was a Socialist. People just dont care anymore.
Just how low is this guy willing to go?!
He just called on RUSSIA to hack more emails!

this guy has no morale's at all and will say or do anything to be Pres!

I dont doubt Russia is behind the leaked emails and it benefits Russia if Trump is President but i doubt Trump is in any kind of cohoots with Russia...Russia is doing thus on their own but Trump should be denouncing the hacks
True...just like Bernie coming out and all but admitting he was a Socialist
this country was all happy and making money and working the last time we had a socialist pres... that's when the repub didn't like it and pushed the term limit.... although they never pushed it for the house or senate
Russia is doing thus on their own but Trump should be denouncing the hacks
true they are doing the hacking... turning it over to wiki leaks.... looking all innocent... but the idea that someone running for pres of this country would ask our greatest enemy to help him win an election... absurd... that people would even consider hum
true they are doing the hacking... turning it over to wiki leaks.... looking all innocent... but the idea that someone running for pres of this country would ask our greatest enemy to help him win an election... absurd... that people would even consider hum

Do you think he is seriously asking or just making a joke of it. Either way i agree its not good. He seems to have a fondness for
I like some of the things Johnson supports as well, BUT, you'll be pissing your vote away, as Gary Johnson is only on the state ballots in 47 states as of July 1st. How can you take any candidate serious when they're not even funded/staffed to make a serious run for the Presidency?
The libertarian party website says he's currently only on the ballot in 36 states, although they have the process underway for the remaining states.

He really doesn't have to win to make things damn interesting in Nov. If he managed to win just a few electors, he could deny both Hillary and Trump the magic 270 needed to win the electoral college. Highly unlikely, but that would make for some fun times watching it play out.
if I remember right ... I think congress then decides....
In theory it could get pretty weird. The 12th amendment spells out what happens. If nobody gets the 270 electoral votes to win:

The House of Representatives votes to select the president. However they can only pick from the top three candidates in the electoral voting....they couldn't pick Ryan. So presumably in this scenario they would have to pick from Shillary, Trump, or Johnson. The other wrinkle is each of the representatives don't get to vote....each state delegation in the house gets just one vote. So 26 votes will win the presidency.

The Senate votes to select the vice president. However they can only pick from the top two candidates in the electoral voting. So Pence or Kaine would be it. Unlike the House, each senator gets one vote....who made this stuff up????

So it is very possible the House could pick the democrat Shillary for president while the Senate picked the Republican Pence for VP.

If the House hasn't picked a president in time, but the Senate has picked the VP, then the VP elect will become acting president until the House finally decides. If the House and Senate are both deadlocked on inauguration day....Hello President Ryan....he automatically assumes the presidency under the succession of powers act.
Maybe this is why Trump is courting Russia

Donald Trump has built properties in Brazil, Panama, Ireland, Scotland, Turkey, South Korea and several other foreign countries. But never in Russia.

He has tried, though. Trump set his sights on Russia as early as 1996, when he tried to build a condominium complex in Moscow. In 2007, he said, “We’ll be in Moscow at some point.” In 2013, he said was hoping to build a Trump Tower in the Russian capital. All of those projects fell through. But after Trump held his Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in November 2013, he raved about the host city, tweeting, “Moscow is a very interesting and amazing place.”
Trump is still thinking a lot about Russia — and upsetting a lot of foreign policy traditionalists in the process. He recently said Russian cyberspies should try to find the 30,000 emails Hillary Clinton deleted from the private server she used when she was Secretary of State. That’s essentially urging a foreign spy agency to conduct surveillance on a US presidential candidate.

Trump added that, if elected, he might recognize Crimea as Russian territory and revoke sanctions placed on the country when Russia forcibly annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. This comes after Trump has repeatedly praised Russia’s strongman president, Vladimir Putin, calling him a “strong leader” and a “powerful leader” late last year.

Trump says he has nothing up his sleeve, but it’s possible he’s currying favor with the Kremlin to help grease future real-estate deals, should he fail to get elected president this fall. And if he does get elected, his firm, the Trump Organization, will still be run by his *******, and still be in a position to profit from any deals it can ink in the former USSR. Russia is one of the trickiest markets for western firms, given the oligarchs who run the economy and the myriad unstated rules of a kleptocracy.

Trump does have some useful connections in Russia. He’s done business with Aras and Emin Agalarov, *******-******* billionaire developers said to be close to Putin. Trump himself has never met Putin, though he did express wishful thinking that the former KGB colonel would show up at the 2013 Miss Universe pageant:

Maybe this is why Trump is courting Russia
Rick Newman 4 hours ago .
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Donald Trump has built properties in Brazil, Panama, Ireland, Scotland, Turkey, South Korea and several other foreign countries. But never in Russia.

He has tried, though. Trump set his sights on Russia as early as 1996, when he tried to build a condominium complex in Moscow. In 2007, he said, “We’ll be in Moscow at some point.” In 2013, he said was hoping to build a Trump Tower in the Russian capital. All of those projects fell through. But after Trump held his Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in November 2013, he raved about the host city, tweeting, “Moscow is a very interesting and amazing place.”

Trump is still thinking a lot about Russia — and upsetting a lot of foreign policy traditionalists in the process. He recently said Russian cyberspies should try to find the 30,000 emails Hillary Clinton deleted from the private server she used when she was Secretary of State. That’s essentially urging a foreign spy agency to conduct surveillance on a US presidential candidate.

Trump added that, if elected, he might recognize Crimea as Russian territory and revoke sanctions placed on the country when Russia forcibly annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. This comes after Trump has repeatedly praised Russia’s strongman president, Vladimir Putin, calling him a “strong leader” and a “powerful leader” late last year.

Trump says he has nothing up his sleeve, but it’s possible he’s currying favor with the Kremlin to help grease future real-estate deals, should he fail to get elected president this fall. And if he does get elected, his firm, the Trump Organization, will still be run by his *******, and still be in a position to profit from any deals it can ink in the former USSR. Russia is one of the trickiest markets for western firms, given the oligarchs who run the economy and the myriad unstated rules of a kleptocracy.

Trump does have some useful connections in Russia. He’s done business with Aras and Emin Agalarov, *******-******* billionaire developers said to be close to Putin. Trump himself has never met Putin, though he did express wishful thinking that the former KGB colonel would show up at the 2013 Miss Universe pageant:

Putin, for his part, has called Trump “a colorful person, talented, without any doubt.” And Russian state media — controlled by Putin — has treated Trump favorably. Maybe it’s time for the two contrarians to get together