Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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you knew damn well who I was thinking of!

Haley Barbour on his pardons of Mississippi prisoners

By Haley Barbour

January 18, 2012

Haley Barbour, a Republican, was governor of Mississippi from 2004 to 2012.

The furor over the pardons I recently granted as governor of Mississippi initially focused on numbers. I would like to set the record straight.

People thought — incorrectly — that I had let 215 prisoners out of jail because the secretary of state reported that many people received clemency.

In fact, 189 of those people were not released from prison. In most cases, they had already been out for many years. These folks are no more a threat to society now than they were the week before I gave them clemency.

I believe in the governor’s power to grant clemency, but I granted fewer than 10 pardons or reprieves in my first term as governor. After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, my staff just didn’t have time to deal with the issue, so at the end of my first term I pardoned only the inmates who had worked successfully at the governor’s mansion that term.

This was not a new thing. For decades, Mississippi governors have granted clemency to the inmates who work at the mansion. I followed that tradition four years ago and did so again at the end of my second term. No one should have been surprised.

Despite all the publicity this month, few seem to notice the limited scope of my recent actions. I authorized the release of 26 prisoners from custody. As of last week, there were 21,342 inmates in the state corrections system and 60,517 people under Mississippi Department of Corrections supervision. I released 12 one-hundredths of 1 percent (0.0012) of our state’s inmates. About 95 percent of the clemencies I approved were recommended by our state parole board, and I accepted the parole board’s recommendations about 95 percent of the time.

When people realized that only 26 prisoners were being released — and that half of those 26 were given suspended sentences for medical reasons — the political attacks on my pardons shifted. The story became that many of the 13 non-medical releases were murderers. Of those 13, only 10 were pardoned; the other three were put under house arrest or a revocable, indefinite suspension.

All this public noise, then, boils down to 10 inmates — in particular, the five who worked at the governor’s mansion during my second term.

No I didn't know who you were "thinking" of. Perhaps becasue we were talking about presidential pardons. Haley Barbour wasn't a president. Also none of Barbour's pardons were an addictive white substance dealers giving it to ******* girls. Lastly, none of those people Barbour pardoned had the last name....Barbour.

But I'm sure in the mind of the subwoofer you've got concrete proof!
But I'm sure in the mind of the subwoofer you've got concrete proof!
ok.... more for the Golllllie chronicles... he pardoned Killer!... that were working for him!... there have been several questionable pardons by several republicans... but you want to nit pick for your golly chronicles... facts are facts! and there are more but you choose to ignore those!...
Neither they both are immoral, and will give us a 1st class ticket straight to the apocalypse, buckle up boys and girls
That's would be ideal, but there are a lot of ppl that choose not to, for whatever reason

just my opinion... but I still blame the tea party for that!... there was a time when the right and the left worked together for the country.... but since the tea party... and their refusal to budge and inch on their demands... there is just no more working together
You cannot possibly be believing the absolute bullshit BC is spewing. He had to mention that the neighborhood Hillary lived "was mostly white." WTF did that mean? "Oh you poor black people didn't have the opportunity to live in her neighborhood." Can't wait til the Russians release the rest of the truth of what she's about. These people are despicable!
You cannot possibly be believing the absolute bullshit BC is spewing. He had to mention that the neighborhood Hillary lived "was mostly white." WTF did that mean? "Oh you poor black people didn't have the opportunity to live in her neighborhood." Can't wait til the Russians release the rest of the truth of what she's about. These people are despicable!

I think the Clintons are the inspiration for the show House of cards.....i really do. And they are ruthless....ask Jerry Parks widow who she thinks killed her husband.....its very suspicious and scary!!
fwiw Trump has run the most negative campaign in US history. I can't believe that an egotistical bully who spouts insults and slogans for thoughts can be rewarded with the Presidency. And I don't want Republicans naming the next Supreme Court Justices.
I can't believe that an egotistical bully who spouts insults and slogans for thoughts can be rewarded with the Presidency.
I believe Hillary will take care of the "Donald" in the debates ... he'll fire his wealth of knowledge from the hip, say some deep insulting words that will embarrass him further and that will be that. Hillary is a pretty good debater and stays calm ... the insults will be all the Trumpster can muster.
Hillary is a pretty good debater and stays calm ... the insults will be all the Trumpster can muster.
I agree ... when it come to facts and actually knowing/doing things she will turn him into a blubbering idiot!... although it won't take much.... his whole campaign is based on hate and discontent.... and he can't handle pressure.... he turns to insults... it's all he has... I think some will wake up... but I really don't think he will want to debate that much... he knows she will bury his ass!
hell he complained before about 2 hours of debating.. well more insulting than debating... he can't handle it!
Don't suppose any of you Trump lovers took notice of the 2 conventions?... probably not... but the RNC followed Trump's theme of just handing out insults and lies all about Hillary... everyone who came on was about anti-Hillary stories.... and yet the DNC was all about Hillary's past accomplishments!... notice the difference? of course not... Trump has no accomplishments!