Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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I just believe we deserve better
WE DO! but where are they?
most don't want to enter because it is a dirty biz... I would have liked to see Kerry run again.... but after the ******* they pulled on him last time I understand why he wouldn't.... both of the two that are running... it is all just pure ego got them in this... I'm a DEM and make no bones about it... but at least Hillary has dealt with most around the world before and has some experience there... where as Donal hasn't and those that has dealt with... don't like him!.... any real changes in any laws... congress will stop most of it so don't think either will get a lot done!... I think Hillary can improve the economy some more and few other things... where as Donald... everything about him is questionable.. might be great and yet records show everytime a biz man has been in control we went down the tubes!
WE DO! but where are they?
most don't want to enter because it is a dirty biz... I would have liked to see Kerry run again.... but after the ******* they pulled on him last time I understand why he wouldn't.... both of the two that are running... it is all just pure ego got them in this... I'm a DEM and make no bones about it... but at least Hillary has dealt with most around the world before and has some experience there... where as Donal hasn't and those that has dealt with... don't like him!.... any real changes in any laws... congress will stop most of it so don't think either will get a lot done!... I think Hillary can improve the economy some more and few other things... where as Donald... everything about him is questionable.. might be great and yet records show everytime a biz man has been in control we went down the tubes!
I respect your stand on being a Democrat, if we didn't have differences of opinion everything would be dull. My problem is that I think both parties are trying to keep the status quo intact. They don't want to see a united populace challenging them, so they have to divert our attention. Trump is not going to make America great again and I don't think Hillary will do much better. This seems like a bad election all around. We should never have to settle for the lesser of two evils.
Both sides think they know what is best for everyone else
yes it has gotten way out of hand..... the first thing I think needs to happen is churches lose their tax exempt status... they are way into politics.... against what the founding fathers wanted from the start!
yes it has gotten way out of hand..... the first thing I think needs to happen is churches lose their tax exempt status... they are way into politics.... against what the founding fathers wanted from the start!
Well churches certainly should not be tax exempt. Or if they are allowed to keep that status, they certainly should not be allowed to vote on policies that affect others.
Well churches certainly should not be tax exempt. Or if they are allowed to keep that status, they certainly should not be allowed to vote on policies that affect others.
you have that right... but notice how all the right always caters to them wanting their support and vote!
WE DO! but where are they?
most don't want to enter because it is a dirty biz... I would have liked to see Kerry run again.... but after the ******* they pulled on him last time I understand why he wouldn't.... both of the two that are running... it is all just pure ego got them in this... I'm a DEM and make no bones about it... but at least Hillary has dealt with most around the world before and has some experience there... where as Donal hasn't and those that has dealt with... don't like him!.... any real changes in any laws... congress will stop most of it so don't think either will get a lot done!... I think Hillary can improve the economy some more and few other things... where as Donald... everything about him is questionable.. might be great and yet records show everytime a biz man has been in control we went down the tubes!

I think thats why he resonates with a lot of people. They are tired of the washington politicians. They think he is not a politician but a business man with a different take on everything, plus he is not politically correct and a lot of people are tired of the over the top political correctness.Its gonna take me a while to figure out if i will vote for him
shouldn't but that's what we have this time!
Well we certainly are in a bad spot. I feel the media does whatever it can to block out any information on alternatives to the two main parties. People simply believe a 3rd party candidate cannot win so they don't vote for them. I honestly can't even say the 3rd party candidates are all that great.
I feel the media does whatever it can to block out any information on alternatives to the two main parties.
they go strictly for the ratings... want to be the first to uncover the dirt and gore!

even though I am a DEm I am not sold on Hillary.... but I am sold on "NOT TRUMP"
they go strictly for the ratings... want to be the first to uncover the dirt and gore!

even though I am a DEm I am not sold on Hillary.... but I am sold on "NOT TRUMP"
Exactly, see these days when you identify as Democrat or Republican you are automatically labeled a Hillary or Trump supporter. There are divisions within the parties.
There are divisions within the parties.
true.... Hillary has been making the same speech every Dem makes about improving the middle class... and yet since Reagan destroyed it... it is right where it always has been.... so now a lot of the blue collar people are buying Trumps make America great again... without looking at the whole picture... but then like most of the country anymore.. it's about what can you do for me... and as for the republicans.. they have lied and cheated for so long it has caught up with them... they are just about extinct...I bet most of your traditional repub's just don't vote this time... Like Perry and Bush in the primaries... going to be an interesting election
in the state elections the repub's are very well organized right now and limiting the minority vote... but it won't hold up under a National election... but will they vote?

I would have to say right now things are leaning in trumps favor with all the blue collar voters buying his carnival sales pitch.. but if they don't wake up and see that anything he does has to go through congress... and nothing goes through there without some kind of give and take...they could be shooting them selves in the foot!
have to wait and see if Hillary can rally the troops!... now we will get to see the wild side of trump again... you know they will slam him... and he doesn't respond to criticism very well!
true.... Hillary has been making the same speech every Dem makes about improving the middle class... and yet since Reagan destroyed it... it is right where it always has been.... so now a lot of the blue collar people are buying Trumps make America great again... without looking at the whole picture... but then like most of the country anymore.. it's about what can you do for me... and as for the republicans.. they have lied and cheated for so long it has caught up with them... they are just about extinct...I bet most of your traditional repub's just don't vote this time... Like Perry and Bush in the primaries... going to be an interesting election
in the state elections the repub's are very well organized right now and limiting the minority vote... but it won't hold up under a National election... but will they vote?

I would have to say right now things are leaning in trumps favor with all the blue collar voters buying his carnival sales pitch.. but if they don't wake up and see that anything he does has to go through congress... and nothing goes through there without some kind of give and take...they could be shooting them selves in the foot!
have to wait and see if Hillary can rally the troops!... now we will get to see the wild side of trump again... you know they will slam him... and he doesn't respond to criticism very well!
Well what really bothers me about Hillary is the Benghazi incident. I cannot shake the feeling that everyone is being taken for a fool. As for Trump? Well I listened to many of his speeches but they are a lot of flash and no substance. He tends to repeat the same things over and over again but he never really goes anywhere. Congress is a bunch of self-serving parasites that need to be cleaned out before anybody can move forward. That's my opinion though. What are your thoughts on Sanders if I may ask?
Well what really bothers me about Hillary is the Benghazi incident
Benghazi is all a political stunt... bush had 11 bengahzis and nothing said... the email same thing... when congress wanted info on the Iraq war... all of a sudden 30,000 emails vanished.. and they were on an RNC server... not a gov server.. it's all political

Congress is a bunch of self-serving parasites that need to be cleaned out before anybody can move forward.

that's true... but it would take years because everyone thinks their congressman is ok and the problem is with the others... they all hang together!
Hell look at Obama... he flat trounced McCain... the people spoke!... but what did congress do... block everything he tried to do because it wasn't what they wanted
tell me how it will be different with Trump?.. if he makes it.. the people spoke!.... but Ryan is already holding out with his "wants"... I don't think Ryan endorsed Trump either... he just spoke about party unity and platform!... he is the head snake I think... there are several... but he leads the pack with his double standards on everything... the first politician EVER to be booed at an AARP meeting!
Benghazi is all a political stunt... bush had 11 bengahzis and nothing said... the email same thing... when congress wanted info on the Iraq war... all of a sudden 30,000 emails vanished.. and they were on an RNC server... not a gov server.. it's all political

that's true... but it would take years because everyone thinks their congressman is ok and the problem is with the others... they all hang together!
Hell look at Obama... he flat trounced McCain... the people spoke!... but what did congress do... block everything he tried to do because it wasn't what they wanted
tell me how it will be different with Trump?.. if he makes it.. the people spoke!.... but Ryan is already holding out with his "wants"... I don't think Ryan endorsed Trump either... he just spoke about party unity and platform!... he is the head snake I think... there are several... but he leads the pack with his double standards on everything... the first politician EVER to be booed at an AARP meeting!
Well I think many things can be classified as political stunts for sure. Bush was one of the worst presidents we have ever had. Jeb being governor of florida was a little too convenient. Bush lit the fuse for this but I feel that the rest have made it burn faster. Like I said, I don't know for sure what exactly went down with the emails but the controversy and secrecy make me uneasy. It was around the time that people were talking about her not being indicted that suddenly the media is only talking about police shootings of black men. I feel that it is an easy sore for the powers that be to poke and they tend to use it when they know they are about to be caught knee deep in *******. But you best believe I will never support Trump. Yeah.. being booed at that meeting is definitely not good for sure.
If Republicans give Trump too much grief, it wouldn't surprise me if he ran as an independent. Don't count on him as the GOP nominee, however. And obtaining the POTUS ... dream on. Trump speaks his mind because he doesn't rely on big dollar donors to support his campaign. And, I think he's a bit more liberal thinking inclined than you might realize.
Republicans don't have a public supported platform to run on. Please say jobs? hahahaha!
The economy is recovering quite nicely despite the roadblocks and obstacles the Republicans have tossed out.
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Bet you regret saying that now
Bet you regret saying that now
.....I don't regret anything I say about Trump, or even the Republicans right now. Besides, OPINIONS are like assholes ... you know how that goes, right?

.....The GOP deserves exactly what they're getting ... and their embarrassments with Trump haven't really even begun. I have a feeling he's really going to "trump himself" between now and November.

Wait until his last 3-4 years of Tax Returns come out ... and they will come out one way or the other.
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