Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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If I remember right last night he mentioned those who always put out those "untrue" cartoons!

trying to move people away from her real accomplishments.... and just what accomplishments does your man have?
well he opened an enterprise with Russia and they supplied all the money.... no wonder he likes them so much... probably wants to team up with them and their money to do things here
and outside of blowing his own horn... I haven't seen that many jumping at the chance to help blow his own horn!.... most of his friends and biz partners are suing him!.... everyone that gave a positive speech during the RNC.... all had the last name TRUMP!
I dont like Trump eitherbut whats amazing even more is the people that actually want Hillary? Does everyone forget all the Scandal she and Bill have been involved with not just now but back in Arkansas.....she is far from honest and it cant be proven but there is a good bit of suspicious evidence pointing in the Clintons direction of even links to *******...

I know thats all just a conspiracy but its a pretty convincing one....But as they say its not what you know its what you can prove and it will never be proven.

I think i will vote my conscious and go witb Gary Johnson
Does everyone forget all the Scandal she and Bill have been involved with not just now but back in Arkansas.....she is far from honest and it cant be proven but there is a good bit of suspicious evidence pointing in the Clintons direction of even links to *******...
all put out by the republicans... if there was ANYTHING to it... the law would be involved... just like the emails thing they like to make a big deal out of... she screwed up... but how can you prosecute her and make anything stick when others have done the same thing... and one other even intentionally gave secrets away.... and nothing done or said... but because she is a DEM and repub's are in control it's an issue... but legally because of others... and even though the repub's want something done... prior precedence nothing done before for even more serious issues
Besides why is it Trump's campaign... and really the republican policy for years... is about trashing the opponent instead of focusing on issues and accomplishments?
The Dems is about past progress and future plans!
Guess the repub's have nothing positive to put out... and never a genuine candidate so all they have is trash talk!... works out well for trump... that's been his whole campaign so far
all put out by the republicans... if there was ANYTHING to it... the law would be involved... just like the emails thing they like to make a big deal out of... she screwed up... but how can you prosecute her and make anything stick when others have done the same thing... and one other even intentionally gave secrets away.... and nothing done or said... but because she is a DEM and repub's are in control it's an issue... but legally because of others... and even though the repub's want something done... prior precedence nothing done before for even more serious issues

I dont think its just Republicans, do you really think when her husband was President he was not caple of having people silenced without anyone being suspicious. Read some about Jerry Parks ******* and his background with the clintons, its very suspicious and very damning.

Read how when Jerry Parks found out Vince Foster committed suicide he told his ******* the Clintons are cleaning house i am a dead man, 2 months later dead.

I am just saying the Clintons are not who we want in the white house again. As bad as Trump is Hillary is even worse.
Besides why is it Trump's campaign... and really the republican policy for years... is about trashing the opponent instead of focusing on issues and accomplishments?
The Dems is about past progress and future plans!
Guess the repub's have nothing positive to put out... and never a genuine candidate so all they have is trash talk!... works out well for trump... that's been his whole campaign so far

Again i gotta disagree.....the trashing is done on both sides and always is. Yes Trump is hitting her hard but she will be doing the same shortly. Politics is ugly and it always is trashing each other.
It IS going to be a very interesting election that's for sure

There are a lot of discriminating people in the world... and Trump has them all fired up that's for sure.... and people wanting a job or a better job... and think because he has money he can get them some... but don't really look that close as to just how he got his... then you have the die hard repub's that hate the man... how will they vote? will they even vote.. some didn't in the primary!.. some will vote for him and hope to get him swayed to their way of thinking... but that's a gamble!...
Then you have the Dems... that know most of the BS against Hillary is all put out by the repub's and will support her!... then there is the Bernie people.. will they even vote? and for who?
there already has been republican Senators going to and talking to different nations apologizing for some of Trumps remarks and telling them that the cabinet can stop him from implementing any of his crazy ideas... he isn't even in the white house yet and we are already apologizing for him... what are they going to do when someone comes here for a visit or he travels... of course he won't have that trouble with Russia... wants to be friends with them... and wants to disregard our allies?
President he was not caple of having people silenced without anyone being suspicious.
not in todays day and age... someone would eventually find out... just makes good reading especially if it is a repub putting it out to add doubt to a Clinto... they never did like the changes/repairs made to the economy.. going against their die hard policies... that didn't work!
some people just love the conspiracy thing anyway... look at how many there are with Kennedy on the assignation... and to why he was shot... there are a load of people that get off on all that... why do you think ******* mystery's sell so well?
not in todays day and age... someone would eventually find out... just makes good reading especially if it is a repub putting it out to add doubt to a Clinto... they never did like the changes/repairs made to the economy.. going against their die hard policies... that didn't work!
some people just love the conspiracy thing anyway... look at how many there are with Kennedy on the assignation... and to why he was shot... there are a load of people that get off on all that... why do you think ******* mystery's sell so well?

Really, not in todays day and age. Dude if you think the top leaders of government are not capable of eliminating people and nobody is the wiser then you need to take off the rose colored happens and has happened. Who is gonna talk when their life is on the line?

It happens in countries all over the world.
It happens in countries all over the world.
yes but here there are way to many people wanting to make a buck or a name breaking the big story!... greed takes over here!
you need to look at the news in general and what they cover and how quick they are to sell death/destruction/greed!
maybe in Russia or a dictatorship.. yes all the time... but not here or even in the UK
I think i will vote my conscious and go witb Gary Johnson
I like some of the things Johnson supports as well, BUT, you'll be pissing your vote away, as Gary Johnson is only on the state ballots in 47 states as of July 1st. How can you take any candidate serious when they're not even funded/staffed to make a serious run for the Presidency?
Hillary says she's going to reverse Citizens United in the first month of her Presidency. If the Democrats also win the Senate back, you can pretty much bank on that happening. That'll be a great start in controlling the amount of money going into Washington politics. Next thing would be to make every campaign dollar (even paid advertisements by outside sources) accountable, and begin a process of establishing congressional term limits. I don't think anyone, should be able to run for Congress after age 74-75. And it'd be nice if they'd do away with the Electoral College as well ... popular voting for every office. The importance of the people's choices need to be returned to the voters.
if there was even a hint at anything like that there would be a bunch of people all over it wanting to be the first with the story and big money and fame!

But when only a few people have real knowledge of the truth and they end up dead it easy to keep it quiet.

I will find the article on Jerry Parks and how he was connected to Vince Foster and the Clintons, its a very strange tangled web. I just find it suspicious that a car can pull up beside you, shoot at you....then have someone get out of the passenger side of the suspects car, finish you off and people witness it. You get back in the car and and the getaway driver drives off and the police never solve the case, find any leads or anything.

Oh well, i doubt it will ever be solved so who knows what happened.