Seeing a lot of men (white) claiming it's B.S. I firmly believe that some of these ideas, thoughts and fantasies help to make a white woman more curious about black men, and has them thinking, "IS there a difference, and I'd like to find out, even if it's a quiet, discreet encounter." I've had many white women that I've worked with loosen up after a beer/cocktail or two (when out in a social setting) and get close enough to "brush their body" against mine, find a way to slip a hand across my dick or come right out and ask if I'd be interested in having the next sip at their place. I'd like to think it's all me, but I've seen them in the work environment and they show no inclination at all towards being interested in a black guy. That's why it's usually a big surprise to me when it happens. It's partly the curiosity, and some of that is generated by items on this list.