Top 9 reasons why white women “love”/ are obsess with black men: quoting them :

Again, another failed attempt to blanket label people.
very true. I could agree with a few of those, maybe. Most of my gfs have said at one point or another they have a few fantasies about blk guys. Nothing obsessive. I think girls like me are the exception for sure. You put a hot, well dressed and articulate blk man in front of me, I'll be reaching under my skirt to take my own underwear off. I can't say any of my gf would do the same.
Seeing a lot of men (white) claiming it's B.S. I firmly believe that some of these ideas, thoughts and fantasies help to make a white woman more curious about black men, and has them thinking, "IS there a difference, and I'd like to find out, even if it's a quiet, discreet encounter." I've had many white women that I've worked with loosen up after a beer/cocktail or two (when out in a social setting) and get close enough to "brush their body" against mine, find a way to slip a hand across my dick or come right out and ask if I'd be interested in having the next sip at their place. I'd like to think it's all me, but I've seen them in the work environment and they show no inclination at all towards being interested in a black guy. That's why it's usually a big surprise to me when it happens. It's partly the curiosity, and some of that is generated by items on this list.
Do you find that the type of women are unpredictable as well? For example, the good girl that doesn't seem very sexual, but makes moves towards you?
Seeing a lot of men (white) claiming it's B.S. I firmly believe that some of these ideas, thoughts and fantasies help to make a white woman more curious about black men, and has them thinking, "IS there a difference, and I'd like to find out, even if it's a quiet, discreet encounter." I've had many white women that I've worked with loosen up after a beer/cocktail or two (when out in a social setting) and get close enough to "brush their body" against mine, find a way to slip a hand across my dick or come right out and ask if I'd be interested in having the next sip at their place. I'd like to think it's all me, but I've seen them in the work environment and they show no inclination at all towards being interested in a black guy. That's why it's usually a big surprise to me when it happens. It's partly the curiosity, and some of that is generated by items on this list.
When women come across prejudice white men, it only pushes them further to wanting black men. I agree with you 👏
Do you find that the type of women are unpredictable as well? For example, the good girl that doesn't seem very sexual, but makes moves towards you?
All the time. That's why, more often than not, it catches me by surprise. Someone that I'd never envision being interested, discreetly rubbing her hand over my thigh or squeezing my ass. At first you think, "she's just playing," but if they're serious, they'll find a way to make a second pass. The most surprising are the first timers. It takes them so much nerve and courage to make an approach, that it's harder to say, no. Especially in the case of women who work for directly for me (or, in one instance, a woman who was 2 levels above me).
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When women come across prejudice white men, it only pushes them further to wanting black men. I agree with you 👏
They'll even tell me that "it's a relief to get away" from that type of guy--even if she is friends with him/them. Many women reach a point where they know that the stuff many white guys are saying is only meant to keep white women away from black men like me. That only emboldens the women to prove them wrong (even if the guy never knows she's "crossed over").
And this is all bullshit ! The white man just have to stop trying to hustle his follow white men's money with various treatment against hairloss that doesnt work and simply come up with a cure once and for all!

Now look at this video ! Who the most aesthetic man in this video ? Is it the white man Mike Thurston or the black gentleman to the right? They are equal in size but who wins the battle here in the light (as seen in the thumbnail)

I will fuck both
Yeah, and I heard this one from all races of women who think the grass is greener on the other side -- "3. “Treat them right”
I agree, what I see on hear that many hung black guys seem to treat women like a piece of fuck toy meat but also it seems some white women on here want to be treated like that but if a white guy would treat a white woman like that they would complain that he doesnt respect her and probably bring charges of sexual harassment.
I agree, what I see on hear that many hung black guys seem to treat women like a piece of fuck toy meat but also it seems some white women on here want to be treated like that but if a white guy would treat a white woman like that they would complain that he doesnt respect her and probably bring charges of sexual harassment.
Same for other " lovers". As husband she will may leave if you treat her in that way - also she will often not totally release her inner slut . but with lover the situation is different .
For guys it s often the same , thats why they are visiting prostitutes instead of open up to their wifes .
When my wife and I first started dating, she told me that she pretty much dated black guys only. I had no problem with that, but inevitably the conversation happened about 'why black only?' She pretty much stated the part about confidence, black guys were very confident in approaching her. I will add from observation though, that she definitely puts out some sort of signal, because I have seen black guys approach her when we are out together. She left out the other parts but it has definitely been proven to me, she is just really attracted to black guys, and they fuck her good. Oh, and they have big dicks .
Ich bin ein Blackman und das ist Blödsinn. Ich garantiere, das ist irgendein „CUCK“-Fantasie-Scheiß, denn jeder ist ANDERS. Ich kenne weiße Kerle, die wahnsinnig vollgestopft sind. Und schwarze Kerle, die verdammt vollgestopft sind, LOL. Wer auch immer das geschrieben hat, ist ein Idiot hinter einer Tastatur. Plan & Simple und Leute sollten sich von Crack fernhalten, weil es schlecht für euch ist.🤷🏽‍♂️🤣🤣🤣
Wir verstehen diesen Konkurrenzkampf und diese totale Unterwürfigkeit nicht, wir mögen den Kontrast, schwarze Männer haben aber genauso Standfestigkeit zB weil sie zB. Aufgeregt sind..oder nur eine durchschnittliche Schwanzgröße...was solls, die schwarzen Männer mit denen ich gefickt habe, hatten eine tolle Ausdauer, das mag auch daran liegen, dass sie einfach locker und erfahren sind.,,.ich kann daraus kein machen Stereotyp machen und sagen, weiße Männer können das nicht! Ich habe das Glück einen weißen Partner zu haben, der auch über genügend Ausdauer verfügt und trotzdem der Reiz auf Kontrast da ist,... grundsätzlich wollen wir doch alle Spass ohne Drama bei der schönsten Nebensache der Welt!