The wall

Trump is such an uneducated imbecile. Lowest ever crossing - let’s build a wall.
National emergency = 20 vets killing them selves a day, or the homeless or universal health care...
Next you’ll find trump has Russian friends in the construction business who will get the contract!
Trump supporters = fwits
We supported President Clinton trying to build a wall.
We supported President Obama trying to build a wall and forsing everyone to speak English and moving everyone to the back of the line behind the people that have been waiting here.
We support President Trumps wall.
Now now let’s look at the facts..
Trump is a moron.
That’s pretty much it!
Immigration isn't a problem - ILLEGAL immigration IS.

Would you rather he continue to stone wall? Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
Seriously you HAVE to be Russian!
No one could be this stupid?
I really should be more patient with idiots but you are being confronted with the moronic ******* this idiot does every day.., and still you cheer for this imbecile.
If you were Russian I’d be impressed, maybe the top1% of wealthy ppl in America. They are receiving a huge benefit but the rest of Americans- not so much .
We support President Trumps wall.
Did Clinton or Obama make building a wall their primary campaign platform AND promise that the wall would be paid for by Mexico, not US taxpayers?
Same as the "tax cuts for the middleclass" .... what happened to those? Never happened!
Same for the "health plan" that would be better and less expensive than Obamacare that he promised to ******* ... that never happened either!
What about de-nuclearizing N Korea and Iran? That never happened!
Or paying off the National Debt in 8-years ... since it hasn't done anything but go UP since he took office?
Or maybe "draining the swamp" in Washington ... no other administration has EVER had so many senior staff going to prison than Trump. Obama had 'zero' in his eight years.
Should I go on? Like promises to meet with Mueller? Like putting Hillary Clinton in jail ... the opening of coal mines & new jobs?
Today (2-15-2019) Trump declares a Nat'l Emergency on illegal immigration, then promptly boards his plane to go play golf at Mara Largo. Some national emergency, huh? When can you ever recall a President declaring a national emergency and then going to play golf? There IS no National Emergency on the US-Mexico border ... another Trump lie, just like his lying that he's been building the Wall the whole time ... WHERE?
My whole point here is that Trump is a con man & habitual liar that's been proven many times over; even with all 3 of his wives. If it weren't for executive orders, he would have accomplished NOTHING thus far.
There is no one ever been in Washington who has acted as Trump has done. Note, I didn't even bring up Russian collusion or espionage, or sharing highly classified US information with Russia, or money laundering and tax evasion, etc .... those things are surely coming to a man who's been sued over 4,000 times. This time he's intending that he's letting the US taxpayers (you & me) pick up his tab for his legal fees on the Wall.
What still mystifies most of us liberals, is why in the HELL do you people keep believing what this man says and promises to you? Why? Unless you're in the top 1% income bracket, he hasn't fulfilled one thing for you that I can recall. Even cheated to steal Obama's SupCt judge.

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The Russia thing has already been debunked as well.
When did that happen? Are you referring to the Republican senate declaring Trump's innocence? Is THAT what you are referring to, TandJ?
Sort of like my brother being the judge on the jury for some illegal act I might have committed? Surely you're not that dense! Look what the Republicans in the House proved ... nothing! Wonder why that was?? Because they didn't investigate 2433465
When did that happen? Are you referring to the Republican senate declaring Trump's innocence? Is THAT what you are referring to, TandJ?
Sort of like my brother being the judge on the jury for some illegal act I might have committed? Surely you're not that dense! Look what the Republicans in the House proved ... nothing! Wonder why that was?? Because they didn't investigate View attachment 2433465

Lol I did see Republicans saying trump is innocent but not sure Mueller thinks so...
Also you just know you are ******* when Ann Coulter says “ the goal of the national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years”
Lol - like I said trump supporters = dumb asses
It will be funny when the next Democratic President declare a national emergency on
Climate change
Gun Violence
You know ? Things that are really occurring!
You know ? Things that are really occurring!
Thing is, Trump said yesterday that, and I quote his words ... "I didn't HAVE to declare a national emergency, but I wanted things to happen sooner"

So, again, Trump lies to the American people, but THIS time, the ignorantamos ADMITS he's lying. No lawyer is gonna touch this one for the alt-President. Trump needs to change his political advisors ... too much Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity!
Some national emergency, huh? When can you ever recall a President declaring a national emergency and then going to play golf?
Well lets just have a looksy why don't we???

Oct 23 2009 - Obummer declares national emergency over the H1N1 flu
Oct 25 2009 - Obummer goes golfing....this was a record breaker golf outing....Just 10 months into his term he had already played more golf than GW did in his 8 years.

Apr 12 2010 - Obummer declares national emergency over Somali pirates
Apr 18 2010 - Obummer goes golfing

Mar 6 2014 - Obummer declares national emergency over situation in Ukraine
Mar 8 2014 - Obummer goes golfing

Apr 3 2014 - Obummer declares national emergency over South Sudan
Apr 5 2014 - Obummer goes golfing

May 12 2014 - Obummer declares national emergency over Central African Republic
May 17 2014 - Obummer goes golfing

Apr 1 2015 - Obummer declares national emergency over cyber crime (that's no April fools joke!)
Apr 4 2015 - Obummer goes golfing

Nov 22 2015 - Obummer declares national emergency over Burundi
Nov 27 2015 - Obummer goes golfing

Note: I left off those cases where Obummer waited at least 7 days before golfing after one of his national emergency declarations....gotta draw the line somewhere. Of course practically speaking all the presidential golf outings since Nov 14 1979 have been done while we're in a state of national emergency. The US has been in constant "national emergency" status since Carter declared it with executive order 12170 blocking financial transactions with the government of Iran.

Same as the "tax cuts for the middleclass" .... what happened to those? Never happened!
Lets just look at the tax rates under Obummer and Trump. Middle class isn't well defined, but one reasonable definition is what Pew says...incomes ranging from $42k to $125k. That range is split into two tax brackets.

Up to aprox $77k income

Obummer tax rate 15%
Trump tax rate 12%

Above approx $77k to something over $150k

Obummer tax rate 25%
Trump tax rate 22%

So putting them into an equation:

Obummer tax rate (+ or -) Change in tax rate = Trump tax rate

15% (???) 3% = 12%
25% (???) 3% = 22%

Both rates changed by 3%. You've screwed up 3rd grade math before on here Mac, but I know you can do this.....Should those question marks be replaced by a plus sign or a minus sign????

Trump played more golf in 6 months than Obama did in 8 years.
And gw cleared brush instead of golfing.
Even if your statement were true, it isn't pertinent to Mac's Bullshit statement regarding Trump declaring a national emergency and then playing golf.

Of course your statement is also bullshit. Obama golfed 333 times during his 8 years. Trump golfed less than a tenth of that in six months. After two whole years, Trump hasn't quite reached the halfway mark to Obama's total.

Now the real presidential golf king was Democrap Woodrow Wilson. While Woodrow was supposed to be overseeing us fighting World War I, he managed to get about 1,200 round of golf in!

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Even if your statement were true, it isn't pertinent to Mac's Bullshit statement regarding Trump declaring a national emergency and then playing golf.

Of course your statement is also bullshit. Obama golfed 333 times during his 8 years. Trump golfed less than a tenth of that in six months. After two whole years, Trump hasn't quite reached the halfway mark to Obama's total.

Now the real presidential golf king was Democrap Woodrow Wilson. While Woodrow was supposed to be overseeing us fighting World War I, he managed to get about 1,200 round of golf in!

We won ww1
Trump: As of May 18, 2018, the score of confirmed golf outings is Trump 56, Obama 37. Our tally of Trump’s time on the green is likely an undercount.
We won ww1
Another statement that has no pertinence on the topic you replied to.

Trump: As of May 18, 2018, the score of confirmed golf outings is Trump 56, Obama 37. Our tally of Trump’s time on the green is likely an undercount.
It would appear you've copy & pasted from this Politifact article since your wording is verbatim from it:

Had you bothered to read & comprehend you'd have seen this further down the article: "Obama’s first game as president was April 26, 2009. He went on to play 333 times total over his eight years, according to CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller, who tracked Obama’s games." 333...exactly the number I cited for Obummer in my post.
H-H your post doesn't prove a thing other than that Trump declares a false Nat'l Emergency the same day he goes to play golf while Obama filed TRUE Nat'l Emergencies and hung around for days to see them through. In fact, your post simply proved my point, thanks for the hard work.
I'm sure your next declaration will be that Trump has played way less golf than Obama during his first couple years in the White House ... go for it!

As far as the Trump Tax Scam goes, I'm sorry you're as ignorant as a brick or stubborn as a mule (your pick), but current middleclass tax returns are proving exactly what many professionals predicted the past year ... the middleclass did NOT benefit from that tax scam ... just another "Trickle Down Tax Cut" except Trump did provide an increase to the wealthiest & corporations (as usual), and the trickle down, that was suppose to benefit the middle class, got washed away (again) with back-dooring the middleclass with more tax increases and spending cuts . Just a few ... baby care expenses, capping deductions on state & local taxes, medical expenses, property tax write-offs, etc. Over 25% of middleclass tax payers who HAVE itemized in the past, can't itemize for 2018 taxes. And how about the change in the formula for medicare/social security payouts are calculated ... from a Consumer Price Index to something they call a "chained CPI" ... comes right out of the middleclass taxpayers pocket.
On top of that, he calls for his shutdown of government over the wall (poor baby), rescinds the Obama overtime pay rule ... all costs the middleclass again. And when polled, only 45% of voters approve of the Trump Tax Scam ... besides the ignorant Trump Drones, my wonder is just WHO could those people be? Practically everyone is getting less tax refunds than they have in the past ... some by big margins. I know I ran my taxes through (haven't filed them yet) and we're getting $1,845 back this year ... past years we've gotten back $4,000+ or more every year.
In fact, Trump was quite aware of the Tax Scam because he promised to address the middleclass tax cut immediately AFTER the mid-terms. I haven't heard him mention it again since the mid-terms, have you? Just another Trump LIE. Also, his spending has now turned a decreasing deficit under Obama, into a $1billion yearly deficit spending a year ... this coming from a man who said he was going to pay off the National Debt in 10 years.
Here's a few of my sources, "bone head" ... make light of them as much as you can ... that is your PURPOSE here, right, Trumpee?
Oh, and almost forgot ...

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H-H your post doesn't prove a thing other than that Trump declares a false Nat'l Emergency the same day he goes to play golf while Obama filed TRUE Nat'l Emergencies and hung around for days to see them through. In fact, your post simply proved my point, thanks for the hard work.
Actually my data shows that while Trump waited one day to play golf, Obummer waited a whopping 2 days on multiple occasions. I'm sure that one extra day really makes a world of difference....if you're a liberal dolt wearing your rose colored Obummer glasses. Here in the real world not so much.

Actually looking deeper at Obummer's very first national emergency declaration highlights your gullibility on this matter. Looking at Obummer's schedule, on Oct 23 2009 after declaring his first national emergency he went hard to work....with a tour of MIT followed by attending a fundraiser for Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick. So much for hanging "around for days to see them through". Well I bet Obummer's Democrap fundraising trip really stuck it to those H1N1 viruses huh????

Sorry to burst you rose colored bubble....well not really ;)

I'm sure your next declaration will be that Trump has played way less golf than Obama during his first couple years in the White House ... go for it!
Don't waste your keystrokes with your strawman arguments or such lame attempts as this predictive strawman. Of course I wouldn't declare that since it isn't true. Unlike many on here, I'm grounded in the real world.

Your knowledge of the tax system is even worse than your insurance knowledge....wasn't sure that was possible ?
Over 25% of middleclass tax payers who HAVE itemized in the past, can't itemize for 2018 taxes.
Utter bullshit. Anyone can itemize. It's your choice. Many people who used to itemize don't need to anymore since Trump nearly doubled the standard deduction.
Practically everyone is getting less tax refunds than they have in the past ... some by big margins. I know I ran my taxes through (haven't filed them yet) and we're getting $1,845 back this year ... past years we've gotten back $4,000+ or more every year.
Instead of focusing on how much your refund changed, why don't you engage a few neurons and think about what your actual effective tax rate is. Your refund is less because the money you had withheld was a smaller percentage of what you actually owed than last year. It says exactly ZILCH about what you really paid in taxes for the year. You should calculate your effective tax rate for each year and post those....oh wait....that would require > third grade math skills.....

From YOUR link: "Putting aside President Trump’s penchant for exaggeration, independent analysts agree the Republican bill would deliver a tax cut for the majority of Americans." Nice of you to prove yourself wrong :)
I know I ran my taxes through (haven't filed them yet) and we're getting $1,845 back this year ... past years we've gotten back $4,000+ or more every year.

You do realize that is money you paid. If you were getting that much money back each year ($4,000 plus) then you were simply giving the government an interest-free loan. I suggest re-evaluating your W4 form and get that money back each week on your pay check. $4K/52 = $76.92 more per week. (assuming you get a check every week) You would be money ahead by putting that cash into a high interest rate savings like a Christmas fund or something and not touching it for a year, or better yet an IRA.

And not being able to itemize this year will actually benefit me, both in my time doing taxes and my return. There is no law saying you can't itemize. If long form will benefit you more, than I suggest you itemize. If you do not have enough to itemize, then taking the standard deduction is most likely to your benefit. This "25% can't itemize" BS from the media is nothing more than hyper-boil to make the tax cut sound scary.

Besides - I thought you were all for paying higher taxes and "your fair share".