The wall

but i say if we can figure out a way to get the wall built then build it. Its not gonna hurt.
.... Well, two issues to all this, actually. ONE, Trump proposed the wall as something that Mexico would pay for EVEN after Mexico told him to stuff it up his posterior ... he used it as his primary campaign promise. Had he run on that as something taxpayers would pay for, he wouldn't have won the election. Geesh, you conservatives raised all kind of HELL with Obama and his health plan and "if you want to keep your insurance you can" thing. The only difference I see is that Obama tried to make his promise right but republicans refused to even consider any changes, thinking it would be his demise as a second term president. Well, NOW the shoe is on the other foot, right? Except Trump has a hell of a lot more issues than Obama. No one on the Obama administration got indicted for crimes ... where as practically everyone ON Trumps administration has.
..... And, he and his republican friends doubled down on that promise by saying they would provide a much less expensive, much better health plan when, IN FACT, they had no intentions whatsoever to fulfill that promise ... an out and out LIE!
..... And TWO, it sets bad precedence to allow the President to freeze government (hold hostage) until he gets his way ... we can NOT allow one individual to go rouge like this. Never ... especially if we wish to be called "the republic for which WE stand!"
If Trump wants that wall built with taxpayer money, let him offer congress his 10 years of tax returns and 2 hours of testimony with Mueller for it. I'm sure they would NOT turn him down!
That way, he could keep THREE promises he made instead of just one.
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I agree that i am also for more funding for the DHS budget but i say if we can figure out a way to get the wall built then build it. Its not gonna hurt. Will it stop everyone from coming in no but it will surely slow it down.

And that will help DHS in getting control of the situation at the border instead of it being all out mayhem with constant crossings and overloaded detention facilities. Full of illegals and some with criminal histories and violents pasts.

Thanks for responding. I guess I’m looking at it in a different way. I can see what you are talking about for a physical barrier because I looked into that when I was doing a Course of Action (COA) Development. But I proceeded to take two of the most popular suggestions and did an unbiased analysis on the strengths and weaknesses with each one. When we build a wall and still have the same amount of people that aren’t staffed properly to maintain the border AND other ports of entry (a lot of immigrants’ travel by air and sea). Tunnels are relatively easy to build when you know that there isn’t an increase in people to guard the border. This (roughly) $5 billion dollars for a wall is only for a small portion of a wall. I remember DHS submitted a report a way while back that it would be approximately $40 Billion with like $100 million to maintain. Can’t find the source of the report but I know the it was Unclassified and available for public release.

I used an article from British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to support most of my opinions, because to my knowledge BBC has never failed a fact check. I don’t know, I travel all around the world because of my job and live two cities from the border. I don’t really have issues with illegal immigrants right now. But then again, I’ve only seen crimes committed by US citizens so I I can’t relate to those who were victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants.
.... Well, two issues to all this, actually. ONE, Trump proposed the wall as something that Mexico would pay for EVEN after Mexico told him to stuff it up his posterior ... he used it as his primary campaign promise. Had he run on that as something taxpayers would pay for, he wouldn't have won the election. Geesh, you conservatives raised all kind of HELL with Obama and his health plan and "if you want to keep your insurance you can" thing. The only difference I see is that Obama tried to make his promise right but republicans refused to even consider any changes, thinking it would be his demise as a second term president. Well, NOW the shoe is on the other foot, right? Except Trump has a hell of a lot more issues than Obama. No one on the Obama administration got indicted for crimes ... where as practically everyone ON Trumps administration has.
..... And, he and his republican friends doubled down on that promise by saying they would provide a much less expensive, much better health plan when, IN FACT, they had no intentions whatsoever to fulfill that promise ... an out and out LIE!
..... And TWO, it sets bad precedence to allow the President to freeze government (hold hostage) until he gets his way ... we can NOT allow one individual to go rouge like this. Never ... if we are that so called "the republic for which WE stand!"
If Trump wants that wall built with taxpayer money, let him offer congress his 10 years of tax returns and 2 hours of testimony with Mueller for it. I'm sure they would NOT turn him down!

Oddly I disagree with approving a wall if he releases 10 years of tax returns. I guess I’m that guy who wants him to do it because he said he would and used the “under a tax audit” lie (saying it was a lie because Nixon released it while he was being audited). I do believe that any and every President and Vice-President nominee should sign that form for a panel or whatever consisting of a nice balance of senators and an Inspector General to conduct the investigation/audit. But I also think that our congress needs to amend the constitution to include that as a mandatory thing for nominees and the sitting executive branch so it's in the law of the land. Once it’s in the constitution its hard to bullshit that. Oddly most people agreed with that (republicans, democrats, liberals, whatever the fuck I am). Never thought keeping people honest would be so hard.
Oddly I disagree with approving a wall if he releases 10 years of tax returns. I guess I’m that guy who wants him to do it because he said he would and used the “under a tax audit” lie (saying it was a lie because Nixon released it while he was being audited).
Well, of course, and most voters, both liberal and conservative would not want Trump's tax records for the wall, either, BUT, for different reasons. Note I did toss in 2-hours in front of Mueller under oath.
But my point is, Trump wouldn't agree to do either, because either would get him convicted of more crimes. Why do you think Trump owned so many gambling casinos? Use to be the best money laundering vehicle around. Trump's a habitual liar and a con ... has been most his life. He just hasn't figured out the differences in the public & private sectors yet. His gif_CRAP.gif smells just like everyone elses in the public sector, and he can't get that same respect he demanded when overpowering lesser opponents in the private sector with his big bucks. I'm ready for this 'game' with Trump to be over .... ready to see him start paying his dues ... do a little jail time.
Well, of course, and most voters, both liberal and conservative would not want Trump's tax records for the wall, either, BUT, for different reasons. Note I did toss in 2-hours in front of Mueller under oath.
But my point is, Trump wouldn't agree to do either, because either would get him convicted of more crimes. Why do you think Trump owned so many gambling casinos? Use to be the best money laundering vehicle around. Trump's a habitual liar and a con ... has been most his life. He just hasn't figured out the differences in the public & private sectors yet. His View attachment 2413383 smells just like everyone elses in the public sector, and he can't get that same respect he demanded when overpowering lesser opponents in the private sector with his big bucks. I'm ready for this 'game' with Trump to be over .... ready to see him start paying his dues ... do a little jail time.

That’s why in needs to be in the Constitution. Once in there he can’t say no to it. And the President doesn’t have any say in it. I’m looking forward to watching this State of the Union because I’ve been deployed EVERY single other one since he took office.
Oh, so, some congresswoman submits a bill for abortions anytime a woman wants, and you take that as some new platform of the democrats. I can assure you mainstream democrats do not and would not support that kind of bill.
Nearly half of the democrats in the Virginia House have already signed onto the bill as patrons. Perhaps you should try to learn what your mainstream democraps are supporting rather than blather about what you imagine them to be be supporting or not supporting.

Existing Virginia law requires three doctors to all sign off on a third trimester abortion. This law strips that requirement. Now any one doctor can state he believes the birth of the baby "is likely to result in the death of the woman or impair the mental or physical health of the woman."

Existing Virginia law stated the woman's mental or physical health must be "substantially and irremediably" impaired. This bill does away with that. So any level of temporary mental or physical impairment could legally be claimed as justification for an abortion right up to the point the baby was about to be born naturally.
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Nearly half of the democrats in the Virginia House have already signed onto the bill as patrons. Perhaps you should try to learn what your mainstream democraps are supporting rather than blather about what you imagine them to be be supporting or not supporting.

Existing Virginia law requires three doctors to all sign off on a third trimester abortion. This law strips that requirement. Now any one doctor can state he believes the birth of the baby "is likely to result in the death of the woman or impair the mental or physical health of the woman."

Existing Virginia law stated the woman's mental or physical health must be "substantially and irremediably" impaired. This bill does away with that. So any level of temporary mental or physical impairment could legally be claimed as justification for an abortion right up to the point the baby was about to be born naturally.

Oh I read that differently because I thought the determination is for the medical necessity of the mom not what's best legally for her.

§ 18.2-73. When abortion lawful during second trimester of pregnancy.

Notwithstanding any of the provisions of § 18.2-71 and in addition to the provisions of § 18.2-72, it shall be lawful for any physician licensed by the Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery, to terminate or attempt to terminate a human pregnancy or aid or assist in the termination of a human pregnancy by performing an abortion or causing a miscarriage on any woman during the second trimester of pregnancy and prior to the third trimester of pregnancy provided such procedure is performed in a hospital licensed by the State Department of Health or operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

§ 18.2-74. When abortion or termination of pregnancy lawful after second trimester of pregnancy.

Notwithstanding any of the provisions of § 18.2-71 and in addition to the provisions of §§ 18.2-72 and 18.2-73, it shall be lawful for any physician licensed by the Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery to terminate or attempt to terminate a human pregnancy or aid or assist in the termination of a human pregnancy by performing an abortion or causing a miscarriage on any woman in a stage of pregnancy subsequent to the second trimester, provided that the following conditions are met:

(a) 1. Said operation is performed in a hospital licensed by the Virginia State Department of Health or operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

(b) 2. The physician and two consulting physicians certify certifies and so enter enters in the hospital record of the woman, that in theirthe physician's medical opinion, based upon their the physician's best clinical judgment, the continuation of the pregnancy is likely to result in the death of the woman or substantially and irremediably impair the mental or physical health of the woman.

(c) 3. Measures for life support for the product of such abortion or miscarriage must shall be available and utilized if there is any clearly visible evidence of viability.
Its never been about the wall, anyway. Trump, himself, has and still employs illegal entrants in his businesses. Its simply a diversion away from an issue Trump wishes to avoid publicity. Also, this sets a precedence for the President in negotiating with Democrats or anyone in the future on anything he wants done. Its like negotiating with terrorists ... start giving them money for hostages and it only increases hostage taking.
Personally, I'd give him his damn wall, every dime he's asked for ... if he fulfills promises to hand over his tax records for the past 10 years and sits with Mueller under oath for a couple hours. That way we ALL walk away with what we want.

I think that is quite fair.
They are all crooks Mac - why do you keep voting for the left? what is it going to take to convince you the left does not have the peoples interest anymore than Trump does? The left continues one lie after another - no morals and no ethics, so whats your point? Or are you going to try and convince me that what NY just did with abortion is "moral and ethical"?

Actually, Trump has more thought of the people He ended the shutdown, concerned for the workers while Nancy stood on her high ground and said "Let them starve".
Trump is a bucket of *******
Is this the wall Mexicans are paying for ?
No wait . The tax payer but that’s socialism?
No wait. His supporters tried to pay ( idiots!)
Via GOFUNDME.- and got their money returned!
Now back to the tax payer via a national emergency!
Trump is a con man!
His supporters are too stupid to realise
They are all crooks Mac - why do you keep voting for the left? what is it going to take to convince you the left does not have the peoples interest anymore than Trump does? The left continues one lie after another - no morals and no ethics, so whats your point? Or are you going to try and convince me that what NY just did with abortion is "moral and ethical"?

Actually, Trump has more thought of the people He ended the shutdown, concerned for the workers while Nancy stood on her high ground and said "Let them starve".

That's funny. Trying to give trump credit for ending the problem he created! ????
If Texas wants a wall let Texas build it.
I just saw a poll from California where 71percent say immigration is not a problem.

Immigration isn't a problem - ILLEGAL immigration IS.

That's funny. Trying to give trump credit for ending the problem he created! ????
Would you rather he continue to stone wall? Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.