The wall

The Republicans & Democrats did somewhat of a swap in "major issues & platforms" back in the late 50's & 60's. With Eisenhower and the Dixiecrats, the tables kind of flipped over; if you blinked back then, you almost would miss it. People not familiar with US politics tend to think, for example, the Democrats are racists and against the improvement of the minorities as they were after the Civil War to late 1940's.
I still think, however, that once the government started borrowing from SS with Pres. Johnson, etc ... politics took a different direction, especially during Pres. Reagan era. And to this day, Republicans still feel that Supply Side Economics is the only way to go.
The Republicans & Democrats did somewhat of a swap in "major issues & platforms"

Well, not really.
The Republican party got bought out by big business, starting with the Rail Road tycoons and are still "owned" today. They do waht big business tells them to do. The Democratic party is along for the ride and blames the Republicans when ever something goes wrong. Democrats claim to be fighting for the "little guy" - but as you can see the little guy is still suffering and the top 1% are still prospering. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out whats going on.
I would really like to hear from the folks that are against the border wall and why? And i am not talking about the financing of it issue. I already realize that is an issue.

I am talking from a strictly border security issue why some folks are still against it.
I live in Rio Rico, Arizona 7 miles from the Mexico Border. I would prefer the old barbed wire fence that marked our border. I have lived within a few miles from Mexico for 30 years now and worked in Nogales, Sonora Mexico for 5 years. Most people in this area love Mexico and the people. We need real imigration reform i.e. The Bracero Program that allowed vast number of agricultural worker to obtain work permits for nominal charges. We need prision and sentencing reform for ******* abusers and elimination of private prisons. We also need to stop supplying semi automatic weapons to the thugs and mafia thru reinstatement of the '94 weapons ban or something similar. I will walk across the border tonight to enjoy the company of my girlfriend at a restaurant in Nogales Sonora tonight. Mexicans are just like us but we damn sure need intelligent reforms on immigration, ******* abusers, and military style weapons. The wall is an exercise in futility. ******* REFORM AND TREATMENT, SENTENSING REFORM, REFORM ON MILITARY WEAPONS, ( OR SHOULD WE BE ABLE TO BUY ANY FORM OF MILATARY WEAPON WE WANY???), AND OF COURSE A BRACERO PROGRAM FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO DO SEASONAL WORK, GO HOME AND COME BACK NEXT YEAR. OMG IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN
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a 4th century answer to a 20th century problem.....wasted money...facts show most ******* come though regular entry points....most illegals FLY In and have expired Visas!
5 billion for a wall when he just gave major tax cuts to the rich....and major payouts to the farmers over his trade deal

money could be better used for more scanners at border...more agents...and etc.

you do know now that tunnels are the way in anymore....sure we get the caravans...but they go right to the check points so what we have been doing for years...back ground checks and etc...either let them in or send them home......don't separate their families and incarcerate all of them at our expense
Lol much of So Az is former mining. Over. Under. Around. Thru. Entry ports, etc. Duh
I live in Rio Rico, Arizona 7 miles from the Mexico Border. I would prefer the old barbed wire fence that marked our border. I have lived within a few miles from Mexico for 30 years now and worked in Nogales, Sonora Mexico for 5 years. Most people in this area love Mexico and the people. We need real imigration reform i.e. The Bracero Program that allowed vast number of agricultural worker to obtain work permits for nominal charges. We need prision and sentencing reform for ******* abusers and elimination of private prisons. We also need to stop supplying semi automatic weapons to the thugs and mafia thru reinstatement of the '94 weapons ban or something similar. I will walk across the border tonight to enjoy the company of my girlfriend at a restaurant in Nogales Sonora tonight. Mexicans are just like us but we damn sure need intelligent reforms on immigration, ******* abusers, and military style weapons. The wall is an exercise in futility. ******* REFORM AND TREATMENT, SENTENSING REFORM, REFORM ON MILITARY WEAPONS, ( OR SHOULD WE BE ABLE TO BUY ANY FORM OF MILATARY WEAPON WE WANY???), AND OF COURSE A BRACERO PROGRAM FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO DO SEASONAL WORK, GO HOME AND COME BACK NEXT YEAR. OMG IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN
If only the government people had a brain.
You are correct in what you want.
Of course the second amendment gives all those immigrants the right to buy assault whepons.
I live in Rio Rico, Arizona 7 miles from the Mexico Border. I would prefer the old barbed wire fence that marked our border. I have lived within a few miles from Mexico for 30 years now and worked in Nogales, Sonora Mexico for 5 years. Most people in this area love Mexico and the people. We need real imigration reform i.e. The Bracero Program that allowed vast number of agricultural worker to obtain work permits for nominal charges. We need prision and sentencing reform for ******* abusers and elimination of private prisons. We also need to stop supplying semi automatic weapons to the thugs and mafia thru reinstatement of the '94 weapons ban or something similar. I will walk across the border tonight to enjoy the company of my girlfriend at a restaurant in Nogales Sonora tonight. Mexicans are just like us but we damn sure need intelligent reforms on immigration, ******* abusers, and military style weapons. The wall is an exercise in futility. ******* REFORM AND TREATMENT, SENTENSING REFORM, REFORM ON MILITARY WEAPONS, ( OR SHOULD WE BE ABLE TO BUY ANY FORM OF MILATARY WEAPON WE WANY???), AND OF COURSE A BRACERO PROGRAM FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO DO SEASONAL WORK, GO HOME AND COME BACK NEXT YEAR. OMG IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN

I dont have any issue with the Mexican people however i dont want them strolling across the border. I dont care if they are bad people or good. Its still illegal and nobody should be able to do it. Weapons issue i wont comment on because you know full well it has no bearing on the cartel getting weapons. We could ban weapons completely and they would have no trouble getting them and fully automatic ones at that.
The Republicans & Democrats did somewhat of a swap in "major issues & platforms" back in the late 50's & 60's. With Eisenhower and the Dixiecrats, the tables kind of flipped over; if you blinked back then, you almost would miss it. People not familiar with US politics tend to think, for example, the Democrats are racists and against the improvement of the minorities as they were after the Civil War to late 1940's.
I still think, however, that once the government started borrowing from SS with Pres. Johnson, etc ... politics took a different direction, especially during Pres. Reagan era. And to this day, Republicans still feel that Supply Side Economics is the only way to go.


nice to see you found the right thread...….but still not coherent enough to stay on topic

check your history for one thing...they believed in Lincoln and passed on...then the good old boy greed...on and to some of them politics at the dinner table is pretty common place and has been for years...and passed on down......there are a lot of other issuses...but it is inbred......just like the civil war.....only 7% of the south had slaves.....but how many died over it
nice to see you found the right thread...….but still not coherent enough to stay on topic

check your history for one thing...they believed in Lincoln and passed on...then the good old boy greed...on and to some of them politics at the dinner table is pretty common place and has been for years...and passed on down......there are a lot of other issuses...but it is inbred......just like the civil war.....only 7% of the south had slaves.....but how many died over it

Discussion Tangents, ever heard of them?

Did you proof read your/this post? Off topic and incoherent. Do you have the ability to use logic and complete sentences?
Discussion Tangents, ever heard of them?

Did you proof read your/this post? Off topic and incoherent. Do you have the ability to use logic and complete sentences?

true I was wrong in answering your stupid post to begin with since it was off topic....but then keeping up with you is tiring since you go in so many circles......but what can you expect from a trumptard….they have very little in the way of smarts to begin with....mostly just rants and blaming the left for everything wrong with trump...with no factual statements other than what they cook you fit right in
well you have bounced around from thread to thread posting how many lines?....and have yet to say take your cr'etin sayings and go someplace where people like to read them...or just go away might be entertaining 2bi.....but then he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer anyway
"Why Did The Democratic South Become Republican"?
Thanks for the video produced by PragerU. You should know a little bit more about PargerU, so I've attached some history info:

logo_PragerU-2.jpg PragerU, short for Prager University, is an American non-profit organization that creates videos on various political, economic and philosophical topics from a conservative or right-wing perspective.

There's plenty of info on this university; please research it. Note that UTube has banned several of the videos PragerU has produced.

As far as the video they created with Professor Carol Swain, a few things that she mentioned do make sense, however, not sure how valid her information is. Just the fact that both Professor Swain and PragerU are conservative base, it appears fairly obvious they produced this video to detach the rumor that Republicans are racists.
If you research all the information available on the internet as to why the Southern states went Republican, you'll find very little, if none, that support the position Carol Swain took in the video. I only went 2 pages deep in researching, but ALL the information I found followed along the transformation of Democrats following Truman's re-election as President. Just because you found ONE video or article taking the position you support as to which party is "racists", doesn't make it factual.

My history of southern politics is along the lines of the following attachment:
Note that UTube has banned several of the videos PragerU has produced.
Considering youtube is a left wing supporter, it's not surprising. They have have banned several conservative videos simply for being conservative. So this little tid bit looses relevance real quick.

We all know that left wing and right wing sites are going to favor their side of the argument. That is mostly what is wrong with journalism today. But that doesn't make conservative views false any more than it makes left wing views true. To gain true perspective, you need to listen to arguments from both sides.

Individual's are racist - it knows no political party. I have met racist on both sides of the spectrum. However there is one thing that does tend to become apparent. Liberals seem to think minorities are incapable of helping themselves.
Thanks for the video produced by PragerU. You should know a little bit more about PargerU, so I've attached some history info:

View attachment 2636915 PragerU, short for Prager University, is an American non-profit organization that creates videos on various political, economic and philosophical topics from a conservative or right-wing perspective.

There's plenty of info on this university; please research it. Note that UTube has banned several of the videos PragerU has produced.

As far as the video they created with Professor Carol Swain, a few things that she mentioned do make sense, however, not sure how valid her information is. Just the fact that both Professor Swain and PragerU are conservative base, it appears fairly obvious they produced this video to detach the rumor that Republicans are racists.
If you research all the information available on the internet as to why the Southern states went Republican, you'll find very little, if none, that support the position Carol Swain took in the video. I only went 2 pages deep in researching, but ALL the information I found followed along the transformation of Democrats following Truman's re-election as President. Just because you found ONE video or article taking the position you support as to which party is "racists", doesn't make it factual.

My history of southern politics is along the lines of the following attachment:
I’m only answering this because Subhub will hate it since the Thread Name you know. Mac, this time, you should read the whole post before you respond. Maybe twice

Yes Prager is Conservative, however that doesn’t change the facts and points the Dr. in the video made. You know the Black Women PHd Sociologist from Vandi U. who study this extensively. You know, someone you call and Expert.

Thank you for sharing where you get your ‘information’. They are very telling. mom Jones and Daily Beast are completely discredited ‘opinion outlets’ for the far left. What Buzz Feed didn’t have a list?

The other source, Counter Punch, I have never heard of but I doubt they are valid with the article having a second line like, and quoting it, “Republican base and southern politicians bring the baggage of excessively conservative social and greedy irresponsible economic policies into the Republican fold.” After reading this 'source I can say the ‘source’ does nothing to refute the good Dr. in the video. AND the ‘source’ is BS- It is an interview with an author selling a book. Based on one Democrat politician as the ‘support’ for the Dixiecrat myth. This 'source' argument is as incoherent as most of your's and subhub’s. It is also filled with dog whistles for Far Left believers of this myth and ZERO evidence.

Some Questions-
If this Dixiecrat argument is true, why was the southern states in Democrat control until the late 70s early 80s? I mean almost every legislature, governor, city and county board.
Why would Democrat Jim Crow Segregationist switch to a party founded and ran on stopping slavery (fought a war over it), ending Jim Crow, and small government?
Why would Democrat Jim Crow Segregationist leave to join the Republicans who were the only people in Congress to vote for the Civil Rights Act of ‘64?

Based on your Myth- So you are arguing all of the Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act, then based on your myth, the most racists Democrats switch to the party who voted for it? Come on.
a 4th century answer to a 20th century problem.....wasted money...facts show most ******* come though regular entry points....most illegals FLY In and have expired Visas!
5 billion for a wall when he just gave major tax cuts to the rich....and major payouts to the farmers over his trade deal

money could be better used for more scanners at border...more agents...and etc.

you do know now that tunnels are the way in anymore....sure we get the caravans...but they go right to the check points so what we have been doing for years...back ground checks and etc...either let them in or send them home......don't separate their families and incarcerate all of them at our expense
I live in Rio Rico, AZ about 7 miles from Mexico and worked in Mexico for 5 years. The wall is about stirring the people that don't understand the Dynamics of the border. This is about nothing but xenophobia, and being a non blonde haired, blue eyed American originating from Northern Europe. If that aren't a carbon copy of N Europe the haters are going to stir and misrepresent. There are few if any terrorist that crossed the border at non monitored border crossings. Save the hate and fear and love your neighbors.TEAR DOWN THAT ILL THOUGHT WALL AND THE NONSENSE OF FAKE SECURITY. IT WILL NOT HELP