The wall

Maybe so, but banning the gun isn't going to stop it either. There are many more factors that need to be addressed. Poverty, access to good mental healthcare especially among teens. Teachers need to be trained on how to spot "troubled *******". Gun training in use and safety along with accident prevention should be required when purchasing a firearm. And again, instructors should be trained in how to spot "troubled applicants". Just a few suggestions.

I agree with the entirety of this statement. I would add that people with diagnosed mental health issues be stripped of their right to own a gun. Not unlike what we already do to convicted felons.

I have to run but I will try to respond to the rest of your post later.
I agree with the entirety of this statement. I would add that people with diagnosed mental health issues be stripped of their right to own a gun. Not unlike what we already do to convicted felons.

I have to run but I will try to respond to the rest of your post later.

start here!

I know you listen EVERYDAY...but do you pay attention to what your man rush Limbaugh has to say.....the same one that called some college girl a slut on ******* because she spoke up...…..the one that got arrested for bringing ******* into the country?...and spend some time in rehab......that's just a start for this 2 faced asshole....and didn't he also tell you he would not vote for nor support trump? he is pushing trump for this wall and got your mindless ass paying attention to it

Rush Limbaugh isnt a Senator or Representative in the US government and he doesnt vote on laws.
How come you conservatives love to protect an embryo before it even is a human fetus, but you have no problems killing them once they're born and on their own. Is that just the short-sightedness of the party platform or are you just callus to human life? You have no problem with pulling the trigger on a gun or switch on a death chamber, but have major problems ending the life of an embryo in the first 4-8 weeks. Why is that?
Guns killed 3,410 children in 2017, and our society inundated with mass shootings like Sandy Hook, Parkland, Orlando, Aurora, Charleston, Columbine ... and the list goes on. Last year our NC general assembly enacted the concealed weapon law which requires no additional guidelines past the right to own the firearm. In 2016, more people were killed of firearms in NC than in any year in NC history in 35 years. Don't you think just maybe you have your priorities WRONG?

No i dont have my priorities wrong and i will tell you why. Because the people i dont have a problem killing are violent criminals who are already on death row or in prison for life.

Big difference between that and an innocent fetus. My question is why you HAVE a problem executing these morons.

Trust me if our justice system was stiffer and more swift, the crime rate and gun violence rate would go down.

What you wanna do is punish innocent people with unnecessary gun laws before they even commit a crime. I say once they commit a gun crime then hammer them with stiff sentences so they dont become a repeat offender. Our justice system and criminal laws in general in this country our very soft.

Maybe some of these idiots will get the message and think before doing something dumb.
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and they try to say the right is not racist.....Mmmm seems like this would be a good example of redneck racism to me

Tell me why its racist??? Because i disagree with the socialist crap these three spew?

I never said anything racist. You are the one thats racist for even bringing up the race card. Typical the race card when you dont like someone who disagrees with you.
Big difference between that and an innocent fetus. My question is why you HAVE a problem executing these morons.
Well, for one, I didn't say I was totally against the death penalty. No doubt some killers deserve the ultimate sacrifice for taking life.
Secondly, you should note that I specifically mention the first 4-8 weeks ... which makes it still an embryo, not a fetus. But, I can assure you, if your kid or grandkid were raped & impregnated by a baby molester (not a *******) or gang raped, you'd find a place to provide her an abortion.
But most conservatives wish to totally overturn Roe vs Wade, not diminish it. Unlike most liberals who do NOT wish to take away all your guns.
and they try to say the right is not racist.....Mmmm seems like this would be a good example of redneck racism to me

The left’s last defense - you’re a racist !!!
A beanbag is a beanbag is a beanbag no matter what race they are - just because they are from a certain ethnic background doesn’t give them immunity from criticism - unless of course you’re a liberal.
Well, for one, I didn't say I was totally against the death penalty. No doubt some killers deserve the ultimate sacrifice for taking life.
Secondly, you should note that I specifically mention the first 4-8 weeks ... which makes it still an embryo, not a fetus. But, I can assure you, if your kid or grandkid were raped & impregnated by a baby molester (not a *******) or gang raped, you'd find a place to provide her an abortion.
But most conservatives wish to totally overturn Roe vs Wade, not diminish it. Unlike most liberals who do NOT wish to take away all your guns.

But its your party, The dems pushing for late term abortion. I also never said i was completely against any type of abortion under any circumstance.
The dems pushing for late term abortion.
Not voluntary 3rd trimester abortions, Alanm. Only under extreme circumstances. The "kicking and screaming baby out of the womb" abortions is total bullshit. You must be following the Virginia debates with the Democrats & the Gov vs the Republicans. Since this thread is about the "wall" and not abortion, I'll go no further with the discussion, but you're reading extreme BS (as usual) from the far right. How 'bout getting the facts right.
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I’m basing my opinion with the same unclassified information provided to the public, I provided the links below. It’s extremely difficult to explain why I’m opposed to “The Wall” without including the financial aspect of it, so I’m going to do it anyways. I’m 100 percent for increasing border security, but feel that we would get a better return on our investment by increasing the DHS budget to account for increasing the number of Border Patrol Agents, Air and Marine Enforcement and Interdiction Agents, and Customs and Border Protection Officers at our borders and ports of entry. But I cannot find an unclassified document or plan for the wall he wants. I think he proposed roughly $5 billion for the wall. FY 2019 is using $1.6 billion to construct 65 miles of new border wall construction. We do have military members that are conducting border support operations at the US-Mexico border. BIB 2019.pdf
Not voluntary 3rd trimester abortions, Alanm. Only under extreme circumstances. The "kicking and screaming baby out of the womb" abortions is total bullshit. You must be following the Virginia debates with the Democrats & the Gov vs the Republicans. Since this thread is about the "wall" and not abortion, I'll go no further with the discussion, but you're reading extreme BS (as usual) from the far right. How 'bout getting the facts right.

So there is no bill in Virginia sponsored by a Democrat to repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions. And Kathy Tran the Democrat from Delaware didnt say when asked if a woman was giving birth and then wanted an abortion she could ask for that and that her bill would allow that. Your saying both of those statements are not true. I dont buy for a second that these "extreme" circumstances will be able to be enforced or that every doctor will follow them.
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I’m basing my opinion with the same unclassified information provided to the public, I provided the links below. It’s extremely difficult to explain why I’m opposed to “The Wall” without including the financial aspect of it, so I’m going to do it anyways. I’m 100 percent for increasing border security, but feel that we would get a better return on our investment by increasing the DHS budget to account for increasing the number of Border Patrol Agents, Air and Marine Enforcement and Interdiction Agents, and Customs and Border Protection Officers at our borders and ports of entry. But I cannot find an unclassified document or plan for the wall he wants. I think he proposed roughly $5 billion for the wall. FY 2019 is using $1.6 billion to construct 65 miles of new border wall construction. We do have military members that are conducting border support operations at the US-Mexico border. BIB 2019.pdf

I agree that i am also for more funding for the DHS budget but i say if we can figure out a way to get the wall built then build it. Its not gonna hurt. Will it stop everyone from coming in no but it will surely slow it down.

And that will help DHS in getting control of the situation at the border instead of it being all out mayhem with constant crossings and overloaded detention facilities. Full of illegals and some with criminal histories and violents pasts.
So there is no bill in Virginia sponsored by a Democrat to repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions.
Oh, so, some congresswoman submits a bill for abortions anytime a woman wants, and you take that as some new platform of the democrats. I can assure you mainstream democrats do not and would not support that kind of bill. If I recall, it opens a option for 3rd term abortions only under very critical circumstances to avoid the high medical costs associated with maintaining a highly defective baby or the option of saving either/or mom/baby life. Its certainly not an 'elective option' by the mom to simply end her pregnancy. If the shoe were on your foot, you'd want the same option. If a doctor pulls a live fetus from a mom only to end its life, the procedure is an exception not the rule of common practice ... lots of situations in all aspects of our life where people don't follow protocols; nothing we can do about that except punish those who get caught doing it.
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