The wall

I would really like to hear from the folks that are against the border wall and why? And i am not talking about the financing of it issue. I already realize that is an issue.

I am talking from a strictly border security issue why some folks are still against it.
Why do you need a wall?
Is the spend a return on the investment ?
Worried about dying ? You had 325 mass shootings in America - spend the money on education and proper gun control?
It is so painfully obvious how stupid th decision is to build a wall, but then again Trump is an oxygen thief
Why do you need a wall?
Is the spend a return on the investment ?
Worried about dying ? You had 325 mass shootings in America - spend the money on education and proper gun control?
It is so painfully obvious how stupid th decision is to build a wall, but then again Trump is an oxygen thief

Funny how someone from Australia is commenting on how we dont need a border wall. Let me ask you how easy is it for illegals to just come into Australia. Its not. You have operation sovereign borders....which has a 0 tolerance policy on illegal immigrants arriving at Australian shores. So dont speak your hypocrisy abouts borders when Australia has a 0 tolerance policy. Proper gun mean like we have in Chicago.....which has done absolutely nothing to curb gun violence.

More like how about we revise the judicial system and start being tough on criminals when the actually commit a gun offense. Instead you have repeat offenders floating around society. We need old school justice.

Start executing some of these a holes on death row instead of letting them sit there for decades. Start giving these young punks 20 or 30 years for gun offenses not just 6 months and probabtion. They maybe some of these delinquent idiots will think twice before commiting crimes.

These are the 3 scariest people in American politics. Read some of the stuff they actually say. Its frightening. Trump is nothing compared to these 3 nuts.

Thats the future of the Democratic party.
Proper gun mean like we have in Chicago.....which has done absolutely nothing to curb gun violence.

Australia doesn't have gun control - they think they do, but they don't.
In fact, there are more guns in Australia now than before 1996 when the gun amnesty program started. They have also had an increase in gun related homicide. It went from 1.5 per 100K in 1996 to 1.8 per 100K in 2000, while in America, the gun homicide rate fell from 7.4 to 5.5 per 100K in the same time period. Brazil - same story. They went from 21.3 to 32.4 per 100K (and that is really really high considering the total population of Brazil). Similar story in London, you can't even defend yourself in the UK. Gun amnesty works about as well as a wall does, it will keep the "would be" crosser from crossing, but the criminals are still going to come.

I'm for what ever we can do to help secure our border, wall or no wall - SOMETHING needs be done, I here a lot of bitching from the left about it but no answers or suggestions (other than open boarders to gain votes). If we can patrol the boarder 24/7 using drones instead of a wall, I'm for that too. Drones have a 98% ******* rate - I mean, maybe we could stun them or something.

Yes this country was built on immigrants - but most of them entered legally and assimilated with American culture, followed our laws, and became mostly productive. It's funny how I have black and Hispanic friends but when I run into groups of people against the wall, there isn't a single minority in their group and yet they seem to know what is best for them. I have mentioned before, my closest neighbors are legal immigrants and don't understand why we don't have a wall already.
well damn....can't speak for himself again so uses someone else's words in some stupid vid

and then to top it off he uses tucker Carlson from fox news......I'm sure I want to watch that...NOT!

Don't cha just love someone else giving an opinion......and having someone else express it for them...makes you wonder if they are smart enough to form an opinion
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These are the 3 scariest people in American politics. Read some of the stuff they actually say. Its frightening. Trump is nothing compared to these 3 nuts.

Thats the future of the Democratic party.

I know you listen EVERYDAY...but do you pay attention to what your man rush Limbaugh has to say.....the same one that called some college girl a slut on ******* because she spoke up...…..the one that got arrested for bringing ******* into the country?...and spend some time in rehab......that's just a start for this 2 faced asshole....and didn't he also tell you he would not vote for nor support trump? he is pushing trump for this wall and got your mindless ass paying attention to it
Rush Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke, Woman Denied Right To Speak ...
Feb 29, 2012 · Rush Limbaugh called the woman who was denied the right to speak at a controversial contraception hearing a "slut" on Wednesday. Sandra Fluke, a student at …

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On ******* Charges - CBS News*******-charges
Jul 16, 2007 · Rush Limbaugh and prosecutors in the long-running prescription fraud case against him have reached a deal calling for the only charge against the …

Rush Limbaugh Turns Himself In On Fraud Charge In Rx ******* ...
Apr 29, 2006 · MIAMI, April 28 -- Talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh surrendered to authorities Friday on a charge of committing fraud to obtain prescription *******, …

It's people like this that put hate and division in politics...…..and you listen to every word he says....doesn't say much for your thinking does it?

Rush Limbaugh Pressed About His Stance On Trump, Finally Gives His Answer

The caller, only identified as “Terry,” called Rush Limbaugh’s talk show on Thursday, stating she was a “little confused” and began pressuring Rush to answer for not “warning” his audience about what she considers to be the “dangers of a Donald Trump presidency,” The Blaze reports.

After pleasantries were exchanged, Terry laid in to the real reason for her call, as she began, “I’ve been listening to you warn us for years about the Democrats, you say, ‘When you can’t win in the arena of ideas you resort to personal attacks,’ and that’s what Donald Trump does all the time,” according to an online transcript. She continued, pointing out what she sees as abhorrent behavior from Donald Trump, and she questioned whether he’d use “the IRS, the EPA, and the FBI to go after his enemies.”

Rush didn’t seem too worried or impressed, as he simply responded, “Yeah, isn’t it amazing how he gets away with this stuff? Why do you think that is, Terry?” After Terry replied that she did not know, Rush added, “Well, there has to be a reason.”

“Well, there has to be a reason, but we don’t need another know-it-all with a king complex in the White House,” Terry replied. “When asked who he consults on foreign policy, he said himself.” She continued her scathing assessment, saying, “Just like Obama, he always thinks he’s the smartest man in the room.”

Rush attempted to correct Terry, “No, not correct. I talk about the news here,” he said. “I don’t do topics, and I don’t do causes. Yesterday’s entire first two hours was about Ted Cruz. It was in total support. It was defining what Cruz was doing. It was defending him.”

Terry still wasn’t sold, and after acknowledging that she’s never heard Rush say anything bad about Ted Cruz, she again pressed Rush about his warnings against the Democrats every day, but lack of such caution when it comes to Donald Trump, demanding to know, “Why aren’t you warning us? Why aren’t you warning people?”

That’s the moment Rush Limbaugh put all on the line regarding his stance, where Donald Trump is concerned, and it’s an answer ever right-wing conservative should carefully ponder.

Rush elaborated, stating that the Democratic Party is “the most destructive ******* in this country today” and that he would not vote for Hillary “no matter what.” He explained, “Daffy Duck could be our nominee. He gets my vote. I am not voting for Hillary or Bernie or Biden or whoever ends up being the nominee, pure and simple.”

And why do you want the wall so bad? Because you are told we need the wall!

Limbaugh: Trump can build border wall without Congress ...
Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh says there might be “hell to pay,” but he says the time has come for President Trump to “break” the Democrats and build the border wall using the executive …

Limbaugh fumes on border wall: 'Trump gets nothing and the ...
Rush Limbaugh is fuming over the White House's decision to drop its demand that $5 billion for President Trump's border wall be included in a government funding bill.

when you get the ability to think for yourself....we might consider your opinion noteworthy!
Trump doesn't mention HOW and HOW MUCH the additional costs to obtain land rights is going to cost. Already hundreds of lawsuits exists with land owners over the value price of their land ... of course Trump figures he'll just overpower these landowners and make them sell cheap through imminent domain. But, government domain takes huge chunks of land ... 1-mile or more from the fence line. This will only add more costs to the supposedly $5.6 he wants. Figure in the hundreds more lawsuits, court costs, lawyers fees, cost of time, etc ...
As usual, Republicans submit their "wants" with no idea what the REAL costs will be ... no budget ... no nothing ... just let the deep pockets of the middleclass shoulder the costs ... whatever it might be.
Trump doesn't mention HOW and HOW MUCH the additional costs to obtain land rights is going to cost. Already hundreds of lawsuits exists with land owners over the value price of their land ... of course Trump figures he'll just overpower these landowners and make them sell cheap through imminent domain. But, government domain takes huge chunks of land ... 1-mile or more from the fence line. This will only add more costs to the supposedly $5.6 he wants. Figure in the hundreds more lawsuits, court costs, lawyers fees, cost of time, etc ...
As usual, Republicans submit their "wants" with no idea what the REAL costs will be ... no budget ... no nothing ... just let the deep pockets of the middleclass shoulder the costs ... whatever it might be.

hell with all the savings and money back in taxes.....people like 2bi could just take it out of chump change and pay for it
Start executing some of these a holes on death row instead of letting them sit there for decades.
How come you conservatives love to protect an embryo before it even is a human fetus, but you have no problems killing them once they're born and on their own. Is that just the short-sightedness of the party platform or are you just callus to human life? You have no problem with pulling the trigger on a gun or switch on a death chamber, but have major problems ending the life of an embryo in the first 4-8 weeks. Why is that?
Guns killed 3,410 children in 2017, and our society inundated with mass shootings like Sandy Hook, Parkland, Orlando, Aurora, Charleston, Columbine ... and the list goes on. Last year our NC general assembly enacted the concealed weapon law which requires no additional guidelines past the right to own the firearm. In 2016, more people were killed of firearms in NC than in any year in NC history in 35 years. Don't you think just maybe you have your priorities WRONG?
How come you conservatives love to protect an embryo before it even is a human fetus, but you have no problems killing them once they're born and on their own. I

Because an unborn human life hasn't committed a crime yet. HUGE difference - I could ask the same question - why do you not give a ******* about a unborn life but want to protect a life that has proven to be unworthy of living???

You have no problem with pulling the trigger on a gun or switch on a death chamber, but have major problems ending the life of an embryo in the first 4-8 weeks. Why is that?
Again, we have no problem pulling the trigger on a criminal, who has committed crimes and does not deserve the benefits of tax payer dollars with life in prison. We do however have a major problem pulling the trigger on a innocent life. - see the difference? of course you don't. It doesn't fit your narrative.

You are comparing an innocent life to one that has lived and proven they are not worth living. The ones on death row had their chance. The one aborted never had a chance. Death row punishes the crime, not simply because the person is alive. Abortion punishes one life, for the mistake of the other - the "choice" comes before you have sex, not after.

Don't you think just maybe you have your priorities WRONG?
Not at all. But you might.

Gun deaths are not the leading cause of death. If you are so concerned about human life why are you not advocating for cures to heart disease and cancer? Why are you not Pro-Prohibition? Why are you not demanding laws against obesity? You see, ******* by gun is at the bottom of the list but you liberals scream loudest about it. Solve the mental health issues and crime and a lot of the gun deaths will drop drastically. It is you that has your priorities messed up, you attack the symptom instead of the problem and knee-jerk react to everything that offends you.


Have you ever wondered WHY people need to take medications for the rest of their life? It's because medications only treat the symptoms and not the actual cause of the problem. The problem is still there, it just doesn't show as much but it's still going to get you in the end. Going after the guns is only treating the symptom.
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Because an unborn human life hasn't committed a crime yet. HUGE difference - I could ask the same question - why do you not give a ******* about a unborn life but want to protect a life that has proven to be unworthy of living???

Again, we have no problem pulling the trigger on a criminal, who has committed crimes and does not deserve the benefits of tax payer dollars with life in prison. We do however have a major problem pulling the trigger on a innocent life. - see the difference? of course you don't. It doesn't fit your narrative.

You are comparing an innocent life to one that has lived and proven they are not worth living. The ones on death row had their chance. The one aborted never had a chance. Death row punishes the crime, not simply because the person is alive. Abortion punishes one life, for the mistake of the other - the "choice" comes before you have sex, not after.

Not at all. But you might.

Gun deaths are not the leading cause of death. If you are so concerned about human life why are you not advocating for cures to heart disease and cancer? Why are you not Pro-Prohibition? Why are you not demanding laws against obesity? You see, ******* by gun is at the bottom of the list but you liberals scream loudest about it. Solve the mental health issues and crime and a lot of the gun deaths will drop drastically. It is you that has your priorities messed up, you attack the symptom instead of the problem and knee-jerk react to everything that offends you.


Have you ever wondered WHY people need to take medications for the rest of their life? It's because medications only treat the symptoms and not the actual cause of the problem. The problem is still there, it just doesn't show as much but it's still going to get you in the end. Going after the guns is only treating the symptom.
So then what is the problem?
So then what is the problem?

As I stated in that post - Mental illness and crime are the 2 leading problems.
Considering that the vast majority of gun deaths in America are from Suicide, I would say mental state of mind would be a big factor. It is very hard to obtain a gun in Japan, but yet they still have a high suicide rate - Why? because you don't need a gun to ******* yourself or anyone else for that matter. With most - if not all - the mass shootings the shooter has been found to have mental issues.

The leading cause of gun murders is crime related. all the mass shootings combined does not add up to the amount of life taken by illegal gun owners and gang involvement. 99% of responsible gun owners didn't ******* anyone, gun bans punish the responsible owner and does nothing to the criminal. It is already illegal to ******* or harm another person, do you think additional laws is going to change a criminals mindset? However a fast track to death row might.
As I stated in that post - Mental illness and crime are the 2 leading problems.
Considering that the vast majority of gun deaths in America are from Suicide, I would say mental state of mind would be a big factor. It is very hard to obtain a gun in Japan, but yet they still have a high suicide rate - Why? because you don't need a gun to ******* yourself or anyone else for that matter. With most - if not all - the mass shootings the shooter has been found to have mental issues.

The leading cause of gun murders is crime related. all the mass shootings combined does not add up to the amount of life taken by illegal gun owners and gang involvement. 99% of responsible gun owners didn't ******* anyone, gun bans punish the responsible owner and does nothing to the criminal. It is already illegal to ******* or harm another person, do you think additional laws is going to change a criminals mindset? However a fast track to death row might.
You do know the threat of death row isn't a deterrent right? And it is more expensive than holding someone for life.

Now don't get me wrong. I am pro capital punishment. It just doesn't do what you suggest it will. Essentially it just ensures "a rabid dog" never makes it back to the streets through an escape.

Additionally, a fetus is only a potential life. Miscarriages are common in the first three months of pregnancy.
You do know the threat of death row isn't a deterrent right? And it is more expensive than holding someone for life.

Now don't get me wrong. I am pro capital punishment. It just doesn't do what you suggest it will. Essentially it just ensures "a rabid dog" never makes it back to the streets through an escape.
Maybe so, but banning the gun isn't going to stop it either. There are many more factors that need to be addressed. Poverty, access to good mental healthcare especially among teens. Teachers need to be trained on how to spot "troubled *******". Gun training in use and safety along with accident prevention should be required when purchasing a firearm. And again, instructors should be trained in how to spot "troubled applicants". Just a few suggestions.

Additionally, a fetus is only a potential life. Miscarriages are common in the first three months of pregnancy.

A miscarriage is far different than an abortion - A natural death doesn't excuse or even give reason to a ****** death.

I'm not totally against abortion, I am in favor of the morning after pill and personally much prefer that over abortion. A heartbeat can be detected as early as 8 weeks. I can even give every women 1 abortion within 3 months but I can not agree with New York's new law. Some are even talking about after birth abortion. Is that not *******? Women us the reason - my body, my choice. But if you let it go to term - the damage to your body is done, aborting at term isn't going to change anything, your body isn't going to magically spring back to where it was. Before 3 months, human life is debatable - up to term it's not. I don't judge those that have had an abortion - they have their reasons and they must live with it but it is not something I would do.

In my city you can go to any clinic and get free birth control, condoms or pills. I got free condoms there myself a few times as teen. Like any other health issue, prevention is far cheaper than treatment. Over 40% of abortions are repeats. 11% are more than 2. Maybe after 2 there needs to be accountability. Other than health issues or *******, abortion comes down to a matter of convince or economical reasons. Over 90% of abortions are for social reasons. Poverty probably plays a major roll I'm sure. Goes hand in hand with Crime. lower poverty, crime will drop, gun deaths will drop and I'm betting abortion numbers drop, quality of life will go up and suicide could possibly drop as well.