The wall

you live on an island the ocean is your fence
It doesn't stop them. They come over every day on rafts, dinghies, in trucks through the tunnel etc.
The main problem is we aren't allowed to send most of them back once they get here. Where there's a will there's a way - they mostly get in on visas and then overstay and claim asylum etc
Good fences make good neighbors
they also seclude you from everything around you that could help for what won't help you...….well a lock stops the curious nothing stops a thief...with that fence up people can't see that you are being robbed!
small percentage of people/******* and etc coming across the border....90% coming in through check points!
It doesn't stop them. They come over every day on rafts, dinghies, in trucks through the tunnel etc.
The main problem is we aren't allowed to send most of them back once they get here. Where there's a will there's a way - they mostly get in on visas and then overstay and claim asylum etc
you should give them everything for free that citizens have to pay for
Keeps honest people honest

very true......but those that want in...WILL get in!
guess you haven't heard of the tunnels?....or a lot coming in IN TRUCKS!
even those that are coming in on the boarder.....most are coming to check points seeking asylum....and to show them we don't want them..... we take their ******* away and make them a ward of the country for the rest of their lives.... because we have no idea who their parents are
It doesn't stop them. They come over every day on rafts, dinghies, in trucks through the tunnel etc.
The main problem is we aren't allowed to send most of them back once they get here. Where there's a will there's a way - they mostly get in on visas and then overstay and claim asylum etc

Wait - your saying that is a "problem"? Why then when we say it's a "problem" you call us racist?

Think about this; the Democrats passed a Law that penalizes US citizens for not paying for health care. Those same democrats want to give FREE healthcare to illegal immigrants. Does that sound like party that has our interest in mind?

you should give them everything for free that citizens have to pay for
I agree, Tit for tat.
And this is the problem with internet discussion - people immediately polarise themselves into left or right, for or against, when in reality we probably agree on many issues.
I can't stand trump and I tend to lean left, but I've voted what we call Tory (right) in the past and even green party.
I've never called you a racist, but I do think trump is.
It is simply common sense to be wary of illegals here, because it is relatively easy to get into Britain within two or three days of overland travel from the middle east. There are sleeper cells here planning atrocities right now.
I live in Rio Rico, AZ about 7 miles from Mexico and worked in Mexico for 5 years. The wall is about stirring the people that don't understand the Dynamics of the border. This is about nothing but xenophobia, and being a non blonde haired, blue eyed American originating from Northern Europe. If that aren't a carbon copy of N Europe the haters are going to stir and misrepresent. There are few if any terrorist that crossed the border at non monitored border crossings. Save the hate and fear and love your neighbors.TEAR DOWN THAT ILL THOUGHT WALL AND THE NONSENSE OF FAKE SECURITY. IT WILL NOT HELP

Um really is that what its about. No its about securing our nations borders. If you want to come to this country LEGALLY then the wall should not bother you. Do it the right way. Yes its time consuming and takes a long time but thats the way it needs done.

Cant have people just strolling in anytime they want and i am not even talking about criminals....even everyday people from Mexico, just cant be allowed to happen.

Same way in every country, not just US.
very true......but those that want in...WILL get in!
guess you haven't heard of the tunnels?....or a lot coming in IN TRUCKS!
even those that are coming in on the boarder.....most are coming to check points seeking asylum....and to show them we don't want them..... we take their ******* away and make them a ward of the country for the rest of their lives.... because we have no idea who their parents are

Ok lets use your analogy. Those that want in will get in right. Well those that want a gun will get a gun so should we stop having gun laws.

Ohhh i am sure you would agree with gun laws so why not immigration laws including a border wall. Doesnt matter how they get in the problem is they are getting in illegally so why not put up a wall. Not gonna stop everyone but its like a background check with gun laws. Gonna stop some of them
Um really is that what its about. No its about securing our nations borders. If you want to come to this country LEGALLY then the wall should not bother you. Do it the right way. Yes its time consuming and takes a long time but thats the way it needs done.

Cant have people just strolling in anytime they want and i am not even talking about criminals....even everyday people from Mexico, just cant be allowed to happen.

Same way in every country, not just US.
If they want to come here legally, we don't need a wal l.
Um really is that what its about. No its about securing our nations borders. If you want to come to this country LEGALLY then the wall should not bother you. Do it the right way. Yes its time consuming and takes a long time but thats the way it needs done.

Cant have people just strolling in anytime they want and i am not even talking about criminals....even everyday people from Mexico, just cant be allowed to happen.

Same way in every country, not just US.

wrong again there scattered brain

Where Does Illegal Immigration Mostly Occur? Here's What ...
Jan 10, 2019 · Where Does Illegal Immigration Mostly Occur? Here's What The Data Tell Us The Trump administration says there is a national security crisis at the Southern border. But most people in the country ...

Ramos: 40% of undocumented immigrants come by air
Sep 02, 2015 · Ramos is far from the first person to deploy the statistic that 40 percent of unauthorized immigrants come into the country under a legal visa and then stay beyond its expiration date. Two Republican presidential candidates, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, have said the same thing.

How do illegal immigrants enter the US? - Quora
Jan 27, 2018 · The majority of illegal immigration to the U.S. is because of Human Trafficking and jumping over the U.S. — Mexico border. I would also add there are underground tunnels, build by Human Traffickers and ******* Cartels, that smuggle illegals into the country through the U.S. — Mexico border.
Ok lets use your analogy. Those that want in will get in right. Well those that want a gun will get a gun so should we stop having gun laws.

Ohhh i am sure you would agree with gun laws so why not immigration laws including a border wall. Doesnt matter how they get in the problem is they are getting in illegally so why not put up a wall. Not gonna stop everyone but its like a background check with gun laws. Gonna stop some of them

my original statement still holds...….a 4th century answer to a 20th century castles still have moats? we still have a cavalry?....what happened to the bi-plane?......all out dated!

equipment to see inside trucks......underground tunnels....better technology for ******* equipment!
No matter what you do if they want in they will get in...those that you hear so much about are seeking asylum....and trump taking away money from those countries is not helping any...they are running from bad conditions and wanting in legally....what we are doing to them should be and might be illegal!
the people in the news is not the problem nor are they trying to get in illegal...….don't listen to your lord and master and use your head!

If we spent just half of what he wants for a wall trying to help and work with the countries they are fleeing from would be a good start...maybe they would want to stay in their and safety for their family is their priority....they come here we separate them from their families put them in cages...starve them ...give them no medical attention
If the risk out weighed the reward they might imigrate legally

they are trying that is why they are in those detention centers....the ones that sneak across either make it or go to jail

how about spending some money in those countries helping them out...not give it to a corrupt government...but there are other ways of giving food and etc to help...and regardless of what is said..some UN presence to keep the crime think they WANT to travel all that way here and risk not getting in under this then look at Venuz...people starving even their interim pres and wife came here and met with trump...he pledged support and food...sent all kimds of food there......Russia put troops there....and have heard nothing anymore about it....guy has no balls...just what he wants to do (the wall) regardless of what the answer is...and if Russia spreads it's influence even more around there you know trump will do even less...and even more will show up here

out of all the solutions....the wall is the last one...even several republicans told him that they gave him money for new technology and more staff.....but when he pushed for the wall they all ran like mice

most cases they use those little remote "spy jobs" (can't think of the name of them...even ******* have them) and they can monitor the boarder anyway

and if immigration is such a problem....why did he wait until a few months ago to fire the ones that have worked for him for years....then throw in the fact his first 2 years he had control of the house and the senate and didn't do anything then....this is all just a distraction to keep mueller and impeachment out of the news
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So your answer is to pay them to stay home

Hell what country don't we give money to?
on top of that we already were giving them was just going to a corrupt gov

but that is just one solution and I think a pretty decent one.....but there are several others......increase the number if drones....******* couldn't think of that last post.....but they have some down there now.....increase them and the manpower...a lot of solutions..but the wall isn't it....guess people haven't noticed but not long after the wall...they built ladders...even trump's moch-up wall showed them climbing in a few seconds