The wall

Maybe if it wasn't so easy to get a free ride

they are not looking for a free ride they are looking to escape death and starvation...there is no benefit they can get free here...unless they become a citizen.....that is not quick nor easy

people want to blame the immigrants at the border for all this...they are just doing what anyone else would do in their situation....I am not saying open the gates and let them right in....but the wall is not it either...a little diplomacy in other countries wouldn't hurt any for a with those countries to try and change the conditions they are escaping from.....what do you want to bet that husband and wife that came here and met with trump from Venez are dead right now?!

had we backed them instead of letting Russia bully us out that would be one less country they are fleeing from...and who knows maybe some from other countries might flee to there

BTW quit making fun of my mom E. Warren...I get all my answers from her!
Bullshit they get full benefits in ma

you need to talk to your former republican gov MITT ROMNEY......he did that and health care...but both seem to be good programs

Can undocumented immigrants qualify for welfare benefits ...
Mar 28, 2017 · The network says undocumented immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. It also says most of these programs require proof of legal immigration status and under the 1996 welfare law, even legal immigrants cannot receive these benefits...

If you need help making ends meet, you can apply for economic assistance (cash benefits) through the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). DTA offers 3 economic assistance programs: Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC), Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC), and the State Supplement Program (SSP). The benefits include 2 monthly payments, health insurance, and employment support while you work to get back on your feet. You cannot apply online.
they are trying that is why they are in those detention centers....the ones that sneak across either make it or go to jail

how about spending some money in those countries helping them out...not give it to a corrupt government...but there are other ways of giving food and etc to help...and regardless of what is said..some UN presence to keep the crime think they WANT to travel all that way here and risk not getting in under this then look at Venuz...people starving even their interim pres and wife came here and met with trump...he pledged support and food...sent all kimds of food there......Russia put troops there....and have heard nothing anymore about it....guy has no balls...just what he wants to do (the wall) regardless of what the answer is...and if Russia spreads it's influence even more around there you know trump will do even less...and even more will show up here

out of all the solutions....the wall is the last one...even several republicans told him that they gave him money for new technology and more staff.....but when he pushed for the wall they all ran like mice

most cases they use those little remote "spy jobs" (can't think of the name of them...even ******* have them) and they can monitor the boarder anyway

and if immigration is such a problem....why did he wait until a few months ago to fire the ones that have worked for him for years....then throw in the fact his first 2 years he had control of the house and the senate and didn't do anything then....this is all just a distraction to keep mueller and impeachment out of the news

So why dont you tell us why you are OK with people breaking our nations law? I mean why as a citizen of this country are you ok with anyone just walking across the southern border. Why?

Unlike you i am not. I have zero tolerance for illegals of any sort coming from anywhere.

If you want to come here legally and can contribute to our society than by all means welcome.

But you seem to want to just let everyone in without any regulation.
they are not looking for a free ride they are looking to escape death and starvation...there is no benefit they can get free here...unless they become a citizen.....that is not quick nor easy

people want to blame the immigrants at the border for all this...they are just doing what anyone else would do in their situation....I am not saying open the gates and let them right in....but the wall is not it either...a little diplomacy in other countries wouldn't hurt any for a with those countries to try and change the conditions they are escaping from.....what do you want to bet that husband and wife that came here and met with trump from Venez are dead right now?!

had we backed them instead of letting Russia bully us out that would be one less country they are fleeing from...and who knows maybe some from other countries might flee to there

BTW quit making fun of my mom E. Warren...I get all my answers from her!

Wait with other countries to help improve the conditions. Really. Have you ever been to Mexico. The government is not in control, the ******* cartels are. So how would you propose working with them.

I think if any democratic president was in office and trying to build the wall you would be all for it.
So why dont you tell us why you are OK with people breaking our nations law? I mean why as a citizen of this country are you ok with anyone just walking across the southern border. Why?

Unlike you i am not. I have zero tolerance for illegals of any sort coming from anywhere.

If you want to come here legally and can contribute to our society than by all means welcome.

But you seem to want to just let everyone in without any regulation.

typical right wing nut job...….where did I say that....point it out to are as bad and ??? as a couple others on here!

you come in on the tail end of a that is completely over your head to begin with and want to twist it to what you think it expect some kind of decent reply...make a decent using just a little bit of effort to read and requiring a bit more smarts
typical right wing nut job...….where did I say that....point it out to are as bad and ??? as a couple others on here!

you come in on the tail end of a that is completely over your head to begin with and want to twist it to what you think it expect some kind of decent reply...make a decent using just a little bit of effort to read and requiring a bit more smarts

You dont want the wall do you??????? So what is your plan to keep out illegals
typical right wing nut job...….where did I say that....point it out to are as bad and ??? as a couple others on here!

you come in on the tail end of a that is completely over your head to begin with and want to twist it to what you think it expect some kind of decent reply...make a decent using just a little bit of effort to read and requiring a bit more smarts

Your a typical liberal....always bitching about the right but never has any real ideas themselves.

Here is my question to you smart read. If you dont want the do you propose to keep out illegals?????
You dont want the wall do you??????? So what is your plan to keep out illegals

see several of my above posts!

even several republicans agreed there were better ways of dealing with this than the wall!

there are a lot of better answers......for the most part the ones coming in are NOT from Mexico...the Mexican ones coming in usually know exactly where they are pick crops..and don't stay long...….the majority of them right now are from central America where crime and violence safe housing and food are not there for them...….and most come right to the centers wanting asylum....damn seems like I have said this a few times now...….90% of illegals come in in airplanes!...just never renew their visa...a lot come in under cover trucks......with the right technology we could see in those trucks...some come in through tunnels....with the right technology we could find those.....they already built a moch-up wall in Arizona and it took less than a minute to climb and be over

work on central America the crime and corruption there....better equipment and more manpower...we already have some drones patoling the border now...need more...far more effective than an unattended wall they can and will scale...even the right said we needed more technology as the answer but trump insisted on his wall....cried to the public and the right shut up and let him have his way....but Pelosi hasn't!