My wife's bull once told me I should be thankful we met him or I wouldn't have had a chance of having a *******. And when I think back how it all happened, I realise he's right. She is a great wife, sweet and loyal, but sex wasn't always satisfying with me. It's her bulls who gave her what she needed. And I am lucky to watch them enjoying each other's bodies. So I believe there's a bond between my wife and me: our wedding rings and a fantastic friendship. She says I'm better than any other girlfriend of her's ever. But they also have a bond, her bulls and her: their joining sexual organs and a state of mind. They are dirty and wild when they come together. So I humbly accept my place and role, and hope to keep this balance for a very long time.
IT's a beautiful life and lifestyle when a white bf/husband understands and even enjoys his natural role...


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