The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Why hate anything? It may be annoying- but we're all brothers and sisters stuck on the same rock!

One can live in hate- or one can live in love!

The worst, to me, is when people are closed minded, refuse to question, and follow the herd on every matter...

View attachment 7261719
I’m all for questioning the status quo.
But I doing so you then need to collect more data to prove and disprove your hypothesis.
You have to make sure your method of collecting is uniform and your source is mostly uncontaminated .
Where do you collect your data from?
Fox News ?
Because they had to pay out 779 million for lying
Newsmax ?
Because the had to play a two minute apology re stolen election
We'll all SEE how the DEBATE works out next Thursday ... personally, I can't hardly wait.
Prediction ... the Orange Orangutan will do as he did in the debate of 2020 and interrupt & talk over Biden once again, except his mic will be OFF this time and he'll complain about the biasness of the debate to silence him particularly since it will be CNN. Will he whine & walk of the stage ... since there'll be no audience, that's a very possible.
Then he'll return to his cult the very next day and declare himself the WINNER and his MAGA cult will cheer & clap and believe him as usual.
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Funny how you are prepared to look past trump character
Isn’t that important in a President?
In order to talk about things like character, integrity, and honesty you have to understand the meaning of those words.
MAGAs are simply drones ... do what the master says, regardless, and question NOTHING he says.
We'll all SEE how the DEBATE works out next Thursday ... personally, I can't hardly wait.
Prediction ... the Orange Orangutan will do as he did in the debate of 2020 and interrupt & talk over Biden once again, except his mic will be OFF this time and he'll complain about the biasness of the debate to silence him particularly since it will be CNN. Will he whine & walk of the stage ... since there'll be no audience, that's a very possible.
Then he'll return to his cult the very next day and declare himself the WINNER and his MAGA cult will cheer & clap and believe him as usual.
I don’t think he will show
In order to talk about things like character, integrity, and honesty you have to understand the meaning of those words.
MAGAs are simply drones ... do what the master says, regardless, and question NOTHING he says.
I’m always amused to listen to the rankings of MAGA.
How does Biden weaponise the DOJ
here are the trump cases :-

Federal Jan. 6 Case​

Related to efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and obstruct the certification of the electoral vote.​

Election Case in Georgia​

Related to efforts to reverse the 2020 election results in Georgia.

Classified Documents Case​

Related to possession of classified documents and obstructing efforts to retrieve them.

Manhattan Hush-Money Case​

Related to falsifying business records.

how does trump breaking the law have anything to do with Biden 🤦‍♀️. Can anyone tell me?
I’m always amused to listen to the rankings of MAGA.
How does Biden weaponise the DOJ
Nothing EVER makes sense with the MAGAs. Weaponising the DOJ against Trump is all BS talk encouraged by Trump to his drones.

WE are LIVING an HISTORICAL EVENT of our COUNTRY ... one of the most important events OUR COUNTRY has ever encountered. Is this how ROME fell ... politically from within?
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I’m all for questioning the status quo.
But I doing so you then need to collect more data to prove and disprove your hypothesis.
You have to make sure your method of collecting is uniform and your source is mostly uncontaminated .
Where do you collect your data from?
Fox News ?
Because they had to pay out 779 million for lying
Newsmax ?
Because the had to play a two minute apology re stolen election
Sister the PEOPLE are the only real journalists now- we all have phones and can talk to each other. Why ever turn on the "news"?

The Smith-Mundt Act being overturned in 2013 ADMITS that the TV is legal propaganda now...

I'm with you on being careful and cautious as to where the info comes from... which leads to my next question- where did you hear that it was "SAFE" from? And do you know what their definition of "safe" is?
I am taking most of the information from doctors, nurses, and patients who spoke out with 1sthand experience giving or taking the vax...

Did you read the release form for the jab, before you took it? Did you see that it said "long-term side effects unknown"?

Does it get anymore researched than the actual paper you failed to read before rolling the sleeve up?

Do you know vaccines take 10 years to be produced, but they claimed this one was done in a matter of months? RUSHING=DEATH & HARM

Do you realize that you were created with a perfect immune system that can handle everything, as long as you feed it alkaline food?
Check out Dr. Arnold Ehret- The Mucusless Diet

Do you realize that health is a personal responsibility, not a one-size-fits-all solution from some government?

Let's collect info from the vaccine-injured themselves, let's take NO hearsay from TV!
Is the horses' mouth good enough for you sis?👆🏻

Is there even ONE vaccine that actually helps anything?:
Or is it just a huge business selling products to all the sheep that will beLIEve in FEAR enough to damage themselves?
Nothing EVER makes sense with the MAGAs. Weaponising the DOJ against Trump is all BS talk encouraged by Trump to his drones.

WE are LIVING an HISTORICAL EVENT of our COUNTRY ... one of the most important events OUR COUNTRY has ever encountered. Is this how ROME fell ... politically from within?
Actually General Smedley Butler told us in the 1930's that the fall was already happening... this has been an obvious slave ship ever since, probably even before that... this is nothing new today- it actually is just the continued stage play that keeps people thinking it didn't fall decades ago...

Never fall for the show... both parties have been wings of the same bird for a long time. Any belief otherwise is childish ignorance.
We'll all SEE how the DEBATE works out next Thursday ... personally, I can't hardly wait.
Prediction ... the Orange Orangutan will do as he did in the debate of 2020 and interrupt & talk over Biden once again, except his mic will be OFF this time and he'll complain about the biasness of the debate to silence him particularly since it will be CNN. Will he whine & walk of the stage ... since there'll be no audience, that's a very possible.
Then he'll return to his cult the very next day and declare himself the WINNER and his MAGA cult will cheer & clap and believe him as usual.
Actually General Smedley Butler told us in the 1930's that the fall was already happening... this has been an obvious slave ship ever since, probably even before that... this is nothing new today- it actually is just the continued stage play that keeps people thinking it didn't fall decades ago...

Never fall for the show... both parties have been wings of the same bird for a long time. Any belief otherwise is childish ignorance.
That's no excuse to fall into a rabbit hole of silly conspiracy theories.
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