The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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The problem is the MAGA cult are the same people who hoard ammunition and guns because they believe everyone is coming to “tick dere jerbs” and it’s all a war 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.
Mentally ill.
I think you should do some research on the moderate day tea party and libertarians. I have to two confused.
Um it’s more than an example.
What the government policy does creates financial success or failure.
Many investment managers and pension funds own a heap of American assets.
In the financial world trump is seen as a failure (because he knows nothing about finances) and Biden a success (because he listens to all stakeholders)
You should know (broadly speaking) the democrats try to keep the assets in American hands/government .
The republicans sell it to anyone.
When you sell it to anyone , they just keep increasing the prices and you pay for it.
😂 You know Jane I'm not at all surprised that you didn't get what I was eluding to... As @The Headmaster did. It's clear that we come from two radically different perspectives😅.
I was referring to the racism, bigotry, prejudice and biased stereotypes this country exports worldwide...Along with its other products 😏.
Many foreigners if not most. View Black Americans through the historical/current prism of the USA's white supremacist system. Which some believe gives them the "right" to treat Blacks as "less than".
That being said...I appreciate your acumen and enthusiasm for the subject matter. Also thanks for the mini lesson in macroeconomics 👍🏽😆👌🏽.
There's still some time before the ballots are to be cast...Or not.
Maybe I'll have a change of heart...Or not.
Carry On 😉.
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Nothing that we're discussing has anything to do with Chicago. Engaging in whataboutism is a known racist tactic and a very bad look for you.
Why are you here?
... please enlighten us ALL ... just what do you THINK we ARE discussing? Certainly not photos of you or some resemblance fucking some slut white woman that any black man or yard dog couldn't get.
So tell us, please Headmaster ... what do YOU think we're discussing here?
I liked it when he was President and put the good ole USA first instead of last !!!
Trump has NEVER put anything first above TRUMP, ever ... that's not even debatable. Hell, he was off fucking his current wife when his second wife was in labor with his SO.N ... now say THAT AIN'T SO?
Where are YOU getting your sources, blkdlaur? Good god man, come back to earth or quit taking whatever you're taking to sound like Trump.
I agree with you except about the whole "vaxx" thing ..I just find it pointless still debating about a vaxx that 5 years old now .people on own their on journey and on that journey they make their own choices are correct
Who is debating?

The real science is clear- it was never a "vax" to begin with. None of them are helpful- they all contain heavy metals and d*ead b*aby cells... more similar to witchcraft...

Everyone who looked past what the consent sheet stated, absolutely rolled up their own sleeves... but there are a LOT of hurting people today from that "5 year old vax"... it is a very huge issue that should have made a lot more people realize that "the government agencies" only have profit in mind, and that it is going off track fast- full of greed and visions of control...

So that "5 year old vax" is the same to me as nine-eleven, operation northwoods, and countless other domestic t*rrorism... more evidence that the ones wearing the suits are only concerned with greed and self, never the people... why do people even care what gov says? Gov is ONLY supposed to defend borders and print money...
Trump has NEVER put anything first above TRUMP, ever ... that's not even debatable. Hell, he was off fucking his current wife when his second wife was in labor with his SO.N ... now say THAT AIN'T SO?
Where are YOU getting your sources, blkdlaur? Good god man, come back to earth or quit taking whatever you're taking to sound like Trump.

I don’t care who Trump fucked - just like I don’t care who Slick Willy fucked - but one thing I’m pretty sure is ole Debacle Joe prolly can’t even find his dick amymore and if he did he wouldn’t know what to do with it 😆
I don’t care who Trump fucked - just like I don’t care who Slick Willy fucked - but one thing I’m pretty sure is ole Debacle Joe prolly can’t even find his dick amymore and if he did he wouldn’t know what to do with it 😆
.... and that applies HOW in the security of the USA that you can extend praises to Trump for giving you "what"? An autocracy does THIS country no good and only makes it a poorer country for most of the citizens who live here.

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Who is debating?

The real science is clear- it was never a "vax" to begin with. None of them are helpful- they all contain heavy metals and d*ead b*aby cells... more similar to witchcraft...

Everyone who looked past what the consent sheet stated, absolutely rolled up their own sleeves... but there are a LOT of hurting people today from that "5 year old vax"... it is a very huge issue that should have made a lot more people realize that "the government agencies" only have profit in mind, and that it is going off track fast- full of greed and visions of control...

So that "5 year old vax" is the same to me as nine-eleven, operation northwoods, and countless other domestic t*rrorism... more evidence that the ones wearing the suits are only concerned with greed and self, never the people... why do people even care what gov says? Gov is ONLY supposed to defend borders and print money...
I hate it when dumb people think they're intelligent.
Who is debating?

The real science is clear- it was never a "vax" to begin with. None of them are helpful- they all contain heavy metals and d*ead b*aby cells... more similar to witchcraft...

Everyone who looked past what the consent sheet stated, absolutely rolled up their own sleeves... but there are a LOT of hurting people today from that "5 year old vax"... it is a very huge issue that should have made a lot more people realize that "the government agencies" only have profit in mind, and that it is going off track fast- full of greed and visions of control...

So that "5 year old vax" is the same to me as nine-eleven, operation northwoods, and countless other domestic t*rrorism... more evidence that the ones wearing the suits are only concerned with greed and self, never the people... why do people even care what gov says? Gov is ONLY supposed to defend borders and print money...
Where did you hear this nonsense? Newsmax
I don’t care who Trump fucked - just like I don’t care who Slick Willy fucked - but one thing I’m pretty sure is ole Debacle Joe prolly can’t even find his dick amymore and if he did he wouldn’t know what to do with it 😆
Funny how you are prepared to look past trump character
Isn’t that important in a President?
If he had lied and cheated on all three wives, altered a weather map with a sharpie , lied about a stolen election..,
Why do you think he’s telling you the truth now ?
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