The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Sister the PEOPLE are the only real journalists now- we all have phones and can talk to each other. Why ever turn on the "news"?

The Smith-Mundt Act being overturned in 2013 ADMITS that the TV is legal propaganda now...

I'm with you on being careful and cautious as to where the info comes from... which leads to my next question- where did you hear that it was "SAFE" from? And do you know what their definition of "safe" is?
I am taking most of the information from doctors, nurses, and patients who spoke out with 1sthand experience giving or taking the vax...

Did you read the release form for the jab, before you took it? Did you see that it said "long-term side effects unknown"?

Does it get anymore researched than the actual paper you failed to read before rolling the sleeve up?

Do you know vaccines take 10 years to be produced, but they claimed this one was done in a matter of months? RUSHING=DEATH & HARM

Do you realize that you were created with a perfect immune system that can handle everything, as long as you feed it alkaline food?
Check out Dr. Arnold Ehret- The Mucusless Diet

Do you realize that health is a personal responsibility, not a one-size-fits-all solution from some government?

Let's collect info from the vaccine-injured themselves, let's take NO hearsay from TV!
Is the horses' mouth good enough for you sis?👆🏻

Is there even ONE vaccine that actually helps anything?:
Or is it just a huge business selling products to all the sheep that will beLIEve in FEAR enough to damage themselves?
I don’t really know where to start on this nonsense so I’ll just pick a few.
Firstly while I work in finance I actually hold a Bachelor of science majoring in biochemistry .
I’m not sure whether I go on. I was going to explain each of your points but I recognise the name “bitchute”🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Here is what is said about bitchute
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence

Why does MAGA get fooled so easily!
Actually General Smedley Butler told us in the 1930's that the fall was already happening... this has been an obvious slave ship ever since, probably even before that... this is nothing new today- it actually is just the continued stage play that keeps people thinking it didn't fall decades ago...

Never fall for the show... both parties have been wings of the same bird for a long time. Any belief otherwise is childish ignorance.
lol you like MAGA provide such great entertainment
I don’t really know where to start on this nonsense so I’ll just pick a few.
Firstly while I work in finance I actually hold a Bachelor of science majoring in biochemistry .
I’m not sure whether I go on. I was going to explain each of your points but I recognise the name “bitchute”🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Here is what is said about bitchute
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence

Why does MAGA get fooled so easily!
Little-to-no critical thinking skills
Prone to being duped
Desperately wanting to believe that they're smarter than everyone else, even people who are educated on particular subjects such as biology and virology.
A desperate need to be part of something social, even if that social setting has cult-like sensibilities.
I don’t really know where to start on this nonsense so I’ll just pick a few.
Firstly while I work in finance I actually hold a Bachelor of science majoring in biochemistry .
I’m not sure whether I go on. I was going to explain each of your points but I recognise the name “bitchute”🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Here is what is said about bitchute
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence

Why does MAGA get fooled so easily!

I dunno after 2 and a half years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - who is it that gets EASILY fooled ????
Little-to-no critical thinking skills
Prone to being duped
Desperately wanting to believe that they're smarter than everyone else, even people who are educated on particular subjects such as biology and virology.
A desperate need to be part of something social, even if that social setting has cult-like sensibilities.
I can’t figure out how they think they are ‘ critical’ thinkers .
He’s cited one source.
Also when ever we put foreign bodies into our body there IS a reaction.
He says vaccines takes 10 years.
With the internet this has changed we can share information quicker globally .
This was global with countries pooling resources.
With trump as president we had a larger sample set of sick people to choose from of all ages, sexes, nationality to run sample tests to create a vaccine quicker.
Remember for those that think this was just a normal flu, how come you ran out of freezer space?
The internet has allowed MAGA to find support in other 🤡s
I can’t figure out how they think they are ‘ critical’ thinkers .
He’s cited one source.
Also when ever we put foreign bodies into our body there IS a reaction.
He says vaccines takes 10 years.
With the internet this has changed we can share information quicker globally .
This was global with countries pooling resources.
With trump as president we had a larger sample set of sick people to choose from of all ages, sexes, nationality to run sample tests to create a vaccine quicker.
Remember for those that think this was just a normal flu, how come you ran out of freezer space?
The internet has allowed MAGA to find support in other 🤡s
Exactly. Add that to a profoundly dumbed down society, and you get this.
I dunno after 2 and a half years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - who is it that gets EASILY fooled ????
I’ve post before the timeline that demonstrates the trump campaign meeting with Russian officials.
Given trumps request of Ukrainian leader to announce an investigation into Biden before giving aid .
You look like a 🤡 for repeating the same useless nonsense.
You are as useful as a fly screen on a submarine
Don't need to. You people have turned on each other.
Exactly republicans testifying against each other
Majorie getting kicked out of the freedom caucus
Georgia trial against trump brought by republicans
Republicans trying to block trump from spending campaign money on his lawyers (criminal act)
Removing speaker of the house

It’s amazing watching their destruction
Blkdlaur….duh… huh
I’ve post before the timeline that demonstrates the trump campaign meeting with Russian officials.
Given trumps request of Ukrainian leader to announce an investigation into Biden before giving aid .
You look like a 🤡 for repeating the same useless nonsense.
You are as useful as a fly screen on a submarine

TRUE ☝️🤡 - still believes Hill-a-beans RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - so easily propagandized 😆
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