The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Me personally Jane I don't "wanfor anything. I do have a vested interest in what's good for Black people as a whole. That doesn't necessarily mean voting or not voting for either candidate. Neither addresses compensation for the descendants of enslaved people... Which is a significant barrier for many Black people in America to achieve true equality. Almost every metric that you can think clearly shows that Black people have been and still are disenfranchised due to slavery. You think voting for either piece of s.hit is going to change that? If Dump is President I'm still going to thrive. If Jim Crow Joe is president I'm still going to thrive. I was brought up that way.
Incorrect but you do you.
I hear you about slavery
But while some people are waiting for government this… and government that….
Some African Americans are achieving whether it be sport, science, art, politics, music.
They are governed by the same if not worst circumstances than you and me.
I absolutely agree government needs to do more but while we wait…
I'm sure @Jane M won't mind me borrowing this... At least she has some advice of value to offer 😆.
"You shouldn’t smoke crack and post at the same time🤣"
Dragons Den Television GIF by CBC
Incorrect but you do you.
I hear you about slavery
But while some people are waiting for government this… and government that….
Some African Americans are achieving whether it be sport, science, art, politics, music.
They are governed by the same if not worst circumstances than you and me.
I absolutely agree government needs to do more but while we wait…
There are many that thrive "in spite of"...
I'm talking about Black people as a whole. We as a group have a long way to go to achieve true equality here. It's the US government who's responsible for the inequalities... Therefore they should also be held accountable. And while we wait...We just keep on keeping on. That means different things to different people. For me voicing that which should be voiced and thriving are not mutually exclusive😉.
Question is Which citizen in America needs an AR?
What do you mean needs? Are you saying that you love government tyranny and that governments or elected officials have the right to decide what you need? What if I just want one? Are you saying that isn’t good enough? That I need to prove I need it? I bet you have 200 things in your house right now that you don’t need. How about I run for office and then declare myself king because I am smarter than everyone else and then I send my henchmen to your home to take away everything that you don’t “need”? Don’t come at me with your blind idiocy and talk to me about your love of tyranny. Typical of an un-knowledgeable woman to lecture someone on what they need. Ok nurse Ratchet. Listen sweetie it was men with military grade weapons that gave you the freedom you now enjoy and if it wasn’t for those men that fought off tyranny with the firearms you think they didn’t need you would be scrubbing floors right now for your king with no more rights than the goat out in the stable. Stop thinking you understand what society needs. You have no clue.
Yea that’ll reduce mass shootings
Mass shootings happen because modern lifestyles have made people crazy not because a gun shop sells firearms. Since the day the firearm was invented humans will have firearms and no law can stop that. The areas of the world where there is the most gun violence there are laws completely banning the ownership of firearms. Please name the substance or item that is completely banned and because of that you can’t find it anywhere? Please pretty please stop being stupid. You cannot stop criminals from getting firearms with a million laws just like you can’t stop them from getting crack. DUH
Yea that’ll reduce mass shootings
Oh and one more thing. There are a very large number of killers and rapists entering the country lately because of the politicians you voted for. And the amazing thing is they are ******* and killing people like you. Women. Not only women but young girls. When one of them grabs you on the running trail you are going to wish you had a firearm on you. Since women decided they didn’t need men anymore there is nobody that needs a firearm more than women right now. The smart ones have been at the range practicing because they know every time they leave their house they may not come back. But you keep on voting for the tyrannical gun grabbing open the border guys. They love you 😘
Lol but who trying to get into Australia? lmfao
Whats does Australia offer to the world trade ?
Australia is nothing more then a extra bodies when Americans want to start a war ?

And if that comparing the land of opportunities to the land who couldn't even get rid of a flightless bird lol

Honest question. Did you finish school?
I’m mean I’m talking about oranges and you are eating crayons hiding under your bed 🤦‍♀️
I’ve already listed our social strategy in earlier conversations. If that doesn’t convince you
Check our mineral deposits and gas reserves.
Not bad for 28 million ppl.
You said that you understand why people from third world countries come here.
@Jane M said the only ones beating down the door to come here are from 3rd world countries...
It's almost as if you two are in agreement...😱.
If I'm wrong... I'll put it up to "Contact High" 🤣
I didn't take it that way, similarly to how you took Annie on a comment recently. You mistook hers, I am taking this one as a mocking due to the ".yea" so unless it tells me different I don't see it that way.
What do you mean needs? Are you saying that you love government tyranny and that governments or elected officials have the right to decide what you need? What if I just want one? Are you saying that isn’t good enough? That I need to prove I need it? I bet you have 200 things in your house right now that you don’t need. How about I run for office and then declare myself king because I am smarter than everyone else and then I send my henchmen to your home to take away everything that you don’t “need”? Don’t come at me with your blind idiocy and talk to me about your love of tyranny. Typical of an un-knowledgeable woman to lecture someone on what they need. Ok nurse Ratchet. Listen sweetie it was men with military grade weapons that gave you the freedom you now enjoy and if it wasn’t for those men that fought off tyranny with the firearms you think they didn’t need you would be scrubbing floors right now for your king with no more rights than the goat out in the stable. Stop thinking you understand what society needs. You have no clue.
I bet you’d like to drive your car at 200kms per hour . Tell me why can’t you
Mass shootings happen because modern lifestyles have made people crazy not because a gun shop sells firearms. Since the day the firearm was invented humans will have firearms and no law can stop that. The areas of the world where there is the most gun violence there are laws completely banning the ownership of firearms. Please name the substance or item that is completely banned and because of that you can’t find it anywhere? Please pretty please stop being stupid. You cannot stop criminals from getting firearms with a million laws just like you can’t stop them from getting crack. DUH
Well since you said that let’s then get rid of all laws , because people will do anything they want anyway.🤦‍♀️
This is like debating MAGA lunatics
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