The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Right a whole fucking country of red necks who can't fucking shoot

But got the nerves to try to change ppl minds .

This crocodile eating hoes needs you watch her fucking words before I embarrassed her ..

Tf no black dick having ass bitch
Soft must be your middle name.
Now now
Like I say to blkdlaur
Log off and lie down. Reflection on why you lost the argument is most important 😂😂😂😂
Australia? The new land of tyranny? What were the Covid camps like over there? How many people did they send to the Covid camps? You know nothing about shootings. It’s widely accepted after a million studies that bans on firearms do not stop mass shooting or medium shootings or little bitty shootings. In Australia you brainiac before that mass shooting when firearms were legal and fun and everywhere you also had a 50 year period with no mass shootings. You act like you were having one a week and then a law went into effect and they all stopped. It wasn’t a law that stopped mass shootings it was the simple fact that you never had any before that one either. Wow you are a real smart lady. Try to impress me some more I’m having a great time.
Oh please
You got 400 million guns
Ya mass shooting still going
Is 500 million guns going to help.
Here *
You dropped ya pipe
dave chappelle tyrone biggums GIF
Oh please
You got 400 million guns
Ya mass shooting still going
Is 500 million guns going to help.
Here *
You dropped ya pipe
So we have 300 million people in the most diverse country in human history and 400 million firearms. Ok let’s do some math like Sesame Street. If firearms k i l l people and the sale of firearms creates mass shootings then we should have a certain number of mass shootings. Let me get out the cosmic calculator here and run the numbers. Yes we should have 50 mass shootings per week. Wait we only have a couple each year though so that doesn’t match up. Let’s check Australia where you have one mass shooting every 30 years according to you. Ok so you have a huge desert like country with mostly Aussies that are quickly losing their testosterone and the population is 5 people per square mile and about 1,000 guns. Yep the cosmic calculator says you are on the same pace as the US with your one shooting per 30 years. Yea you are fun alright. Just like a lefty to compare apples to spaceships.
Yup sure is you going to do about it beside bitch and moan .you kangaroo arm pit hair having ass 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I bet in Australia when you don't take a bath for a week it's call a tan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 .
That is that is your burn?
This is what passes for a burn in Kentucky . 🤦‍♀️.
So when you are all around the spittoon drinking your moonshine - yelling “yeee har” this is how you burn your peeps
The real heros are the people who have to put up with you daily.
That is that is your burn?
This is what passes for a burn in Kentucky . 🤦‍♀️.
So when you are all around the spittoon drinking your moonshine - yelling “yeee har” this is how you burn your peeps
The real heros are the people who have to put up with you daily.
Oh honey this is why they talk 💩 to ya, everything you just said is 100% stereotypical and tv dramatized 🤭 this proof y'all across the pond don't understand or truly realize 😘
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