The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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If Hunter is guilty he should be prosecuted and punished
Now you say the same about trump

Yeah he should be - but they have him on REAL charges not the contortion of law they used on Trump in NYC - hell that’s even what CNN said 😉
I saw it and wasn't the least bit impressed. Suggests & encourages the emphasis & self-empowerment of small groups of people with their AWs to claim themselves militias and take laws into their own hands. There is a large quantity of AW owners who are simply itching to have excuses to shoot innocent people with their fancy military weapons simply for the thrill of it.
Don't waste your money on the film, it only encourages rebellion. The acting wasn't all that great, either.
I think you mean AR’s as in AR-14 or AR-15 and you need to stop watching CNN. Rifles that citizens can legally purchase at the gun shop are not military rifles. It’s more than funny when people say that. No U.S. soldier is breaking down a door in Iraq or taking a hill in Afghanistan or securing a bunker in Mogadishu holding an AR-15. He might as well be holding his dick when he’s up against Arab troops with AK47’s. The U.S. military carries an M-16 which is a fully automatic rifle and rifles you buy at the gun shop are semi automatic which is a big difference. It’s like saying that a Mustang is a race car just because they design it to look fast. You see Americans are easy to brainwash when you believe the news channels are trying to educate you when really they are filling your tiny head with propaganda.
Yeah he should be - but they have him on REAL charges not the contortion of law they used on Trump in NYC - hell that’s even what CNN said 😉
Oh but I thought CNN was fake news.
What about the Republicans bringing the next case on election fraud against trump!
As you would say - So bigly good
Imagine the Republican candidate putting up a convicted felon . What a 💩show.
I think you mean AR’s as in AR-14 or AR-15 and you need to stop watching CNN. Rifles that citizens can legally purchase at the gun shop are not military rifles. It’s more than funny when people say that. No U.S. soldier is breaking down a door in Iraq or taking a hill in Afghanistan or securing a bunker in Mogadishu holding an AR-15. He might as well be holding his dick when he’s up against Arab troops with AK47’s. The U.S. military carries an M-16 which is a fully automatic rifle and rifles you buy at the gun shop are semi automatic which is a big difference. It’s like saying that a Mustang is a race car just because they design it to look fast. You see Americans are easy to brainwash when you believe the news channels are trying to educate you when really they are filling your tiny head with propaganda.
Question is Which citizen in America needs an AR?
👎🏽😆👎🏽... They're not red but I'm sure you get it. 🤣 Don't want to lower your positive reaction stat😂.

There's still time... You're more than just a little bit entertaining. Carry on 😉.
Wait! Does that mean you don't want her to come? She can live in a hut dar away in a completely different country!?!?! 🤞
🤦‍♀️. Perhaps put your energy into complaining. You do that better than comedy
Nah...I put my energy into thriving regardless of what empty suit inhabits the White House...😏
You equate speaking out against the inequalities that exist for Black people here in America with complaining ?
As if somehow that prevents one from doing what needs to be done to move forward simultaneously ?
It's no longer a question... You are daft🤣.
Glad I'm at least as amusing to you as you are to me 😉.
Question is Which citizen in America needs an AR?
At this rate Jane we all do in the US. It's not all roses and daffodils over here. It's reckless, it's rude, it's disrespectful, it's ignorant. No one has any empathy, it's all about faking social media, news and it's honestly disgusting. I don't know why anyone would see this 💩 hole as a promise land! You know it can promise you PTSD, anxiety, bizarre food allergies, GMOs! You say you can change things her, no you can't unless you have billions of 💰💰 your grievances goes on deaf ears. People here pay money for fake transcript for their overly privilege ******* to get into ivy league. We live here, we do our best with what we got, so if that means we have to bitch and moan it's because we need another outlet so we don't all go on a shooting spree.
Nah...I put my energy into thriving regardless of what empty suit inhabits the White House...😏
You equate speaking out against the inequalities that exist for Black people here in America with complaining ?
As if somehow that prevents one from doing what needs to be done to move forward simultaneously ?
It's no longer a question... You are daft🤣.
Glad I'm at least as amusing to you as you are to me 😉.
Thriving ?
lol ok
THRIVING definition: 1. growing, developing, or being successful. 😂
Come on!
You are being a blkdlaur, pretending the earlier conversations didn’t exist
At this rate Jane we all do in the US. It's not all roses and daffodils over here. It's reckless, it's rude, it's disrespectful, it's ignorant. No one has any empathy, it's all about faking social media, news and it's honestly disgusting. I don't know why anyone would see this 💩 hole as a promise land! You know it can promise you PTSD, anxiety, bizarre food allergies, GMOs! You say you can change things her, no you can't unless you have billions of 💰💰 your grievances goes on deaf ears. People here pay money for fake transcript for their overly privilege ******* to get into ivy league. We live here, we do our best with what we got, so if that means we have to bitch and moan it's because we need another outlet so we don't all go on a shooting spree.
Yeah it a ish hole but the reality is ..i rather be here then anywhere else ..why you think all these people over seas want to be over there soo badly..

It's a bad place with literally millions knocking on the door to get in
Yeah it a ish hole but the reality is ..i rather be here then anywhere else ..why you think all these people over seas want to be over there soo badly..

It's a bad place with literally millions knocking on the door to get in
I honestly don't understand why. I get the ones that are enduring horribly from certain things in 3rd world kind of countries. But where is the hope the good times of anything I watch things about other countries and they don't have GMOs they don't have the sicknesses, they have like real freedom of anyone saying " don't do this, don't do that" they can actually live. 💩 did I make sense.
Thriving ?
lol ok
THRIVING definition: 1. growing, developing, or being successful. 😂
Come on!
You are being a blkdlaur, pretending the earlier conversations didn’t exist
Me personally Jane I don't "want" for anything. I do have a vested interest in what's good for Black people as a whole. That doesn't necessarily mean voting or not voting for either candidate. Neither addresses compensation for the descendants of enslaved people... Which is a significant barrier for many Black people in America to achieve true equality. Almost every metric that you can think clearly shows that Black people have been and still are disenfranchised due to slavery. You think voting for either piece of s.hit is going to change that? If Dump is President I'm still going to thrive. If Jim Crow Joe is president I'm still going to thrive. I was brought up that way.
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