The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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It will, bc now no one knows who's packing. I hate Texas and Arizona for my own personal reasons, but they don't have that type of gun violence bc everyone knows they ALL have a fire arm. No one wants a gun battle, they want a solo gun fight where only one is the Victor
Nice reply. Thats exactly correct. If people want gun violence to go away try going in the opposite direction. Train every single kid how to use a firearm from age 16 to 18 and then every adult walks around with a sidearm. A holster and a ******* on every single person and let’s see who has the balls to pull off a mass shooting or even a robbery. There is a reason why no thugs ever try to rob a gun shop. Fact of the matter is regardless of old western movies the wild Wild West back in the 1800s had very few shootings. Nobody messed with anyone because they all had a sidearm. You try to start some trouble in a Walmart and in 2 seconds there will be 8 people pointing a ******* at you. Problem solved. In fact I will say in the direction this country is going this scenario isn’t too far from truth. If you have a homogenous society where everyone respects each other and works towards a common goal like in Japan yea then nobody needs a firearm. However in a diversity loving country like the U.S. where you have the media spreading fears of racism every 5 minutes and a government letting in the third world everyone needs a firearm because the police aren’t coming until you are dead.
I didn't take it that way, similarly to how you took Annie on a comment recently. You mistook hers, I am taking this one as a mocking due to the ".yea" so unless it tells me different I don't see it that way.
True...It did have it's value in seeing who's in cahoots with you know who. You do know what I'm talking about right?
Or are you into your second vial...😱? "Cracker barrel, crack of ass, I don't give a fuck... It's in the pipe Baby🤣.
Blow that s.hit out Mama 😆.
...ummm where's the line to stand for "yo mama so dumb" jokes 🙄 this is why y'all need help maybe even Jesus, no for sure y'all need Jesus. Where's Mac is he in B2W jail for being a racist? Holy 💩 if the world was based on y'all and your facts, and your finger pointing, trump who, Biden what? Y'all tire me out and I'm like 15/20 years younger. Maybe y'all need some Metamucil losen💩up 🤣🤣🤣
True...It did have it's value in seeing who's in cahoots with you know who. You do know what I'm talking about right?
Or are you into your second vial...😱? "Cracker barrel, crack of ass, I don't give a fuck... It's in the pipe Baby🤣.
Blow that s.hit out Mama 😆.
I'm sure you wished it was your pipe I was sucking on tho 😉
Well since you said that let’s then get rid of all laws , because people will do anything they want anyway.🤦‍♀️
This is like debating MAGA lunatics
Are you saying there are some laws left? Really? Which ones? You see now I know I’m talking to a government tyranny loving looney because normal people have already figured out the laws mean nothing. The federal government has always treated the bill of rights like privileges instead of rights but in the last decade they have basically done away with it. They stripped you of your 1st, 4th, 5th, and 10th amendments like it was taking candy from a baby. Which it basically was. They said a scary virus was going to k i l l everyone and they took millions of jobs away from citizens. Just like in 1941 when Japanese citizens flew planes into Pearl Harbor and dropped some bombs and then your boy FDR put American citizens into concentration camps and stripped them of all their rights because they were of Japanese heritage. They were AMERICAN CITIZENS and your lovely democrats put them in camps like dogs at the kennel. Why did they have trials in Nuremberg for Nazis but no trials in NY for democrats? Is one concentration camp better than the others? A wise man once said “For the good of mankind is always the excuse of tyrants.” You must love government supremacy.
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...ummm where's the line to stand for "yo mama so dumb" jokes 🙄 this is why y'all need help maybe even Jesus, no for sure y'all need Jesus. Where's Mac is he in B2W jail for being a racist? Holy 💩 if the world was based on y'all and your facts, and your finger pointing, trump who, Biden what? Y'all tire me out and I'm like 15/20 years younger. Maybe y'all need some Metamucil losen💩up 🤣🤣🤣
I like Jesus. A very misunderstood dude. I really love the WWJD stuff. Funny as hell. What would Jesus do? Well if he was alive today I bet he wouldn’t be living in America right now. Probably be in India hanging out with Ghandi. This is what I would say. Anyone who says to me Jesus never carried a gun I would say no he didn’t but he was nailed to a board by a tyrannical government for practicing free speech so there you go. For the people that want to be a martyr have at it but even though I love Jesus martyrdom isn’t my thing.
Smh GIF by Robert E Blackmon
Honest question. Did you finish school?
I’m mean I’m talking about oranges and you are eating crayons hiding under your bed 🤦‍♀️
I’ve already listed our social strategy in earlier conversations. If that doesn’t convince you
Check our mineral deposits and gas reserves.
Not bad for 28 million ppl.
Fuck you musty jdingo fucking want to be I got that same energy

Don't get mad at us because you live in a ish bowl ..

Tf like I said before your country export nothing anyone want but ish beer and boomerangs

read the fucking room brat ..
You on a sex site making dicks soft
And wondering why nobody gives a flying fuck what you talking about .
Nice reply. Thats exactly correct. If people want gun violence to go away try going in the opposite direction. Train every single kid how to use a firearm from age 16 to 18 and then every adult walks around with a sidearm. A holster and a ******* on every single person and let’s see who has the balls to pull off a mass shooting or even a robbery. There is a reason why no thugs ever try to rob a gun shop. Fact of the matter is regardless of old western movies the wild Wild West back in the 1800s had very few shootings. Nobody messed with anyone because they all had a sidearm. You try to start some trouble in a Walmart and in 2 seconds there will be 8 people pointing a ******* at you. Problem solved. In fact I will say in the direction this country is going this scenario isn’t too far from truth. If you have a homogenous society where everyone respects each other and works towards a common goal like in Japan yea then nobody needs a firearm. However in a diversity loving country like the U.S. where you have the media spreading fears of racism every 5 minutes and a government letting in the third world everyone needs a firearm because the police aren’t coming until you are dead.
Stop smoking crack and posting this NRA garbage.
In Australia we had a mass shooting in 1998(I think) conservatives banned semiautomatic guns (except for farmers) .
How many mass shooting do you think we’ve had since then
The last mass shooting was a farmer with a gun who killed his wife and *******.
You can have a hand gun but strong license requirements.
Incorrect but you do you.
I hear you about slavery
But while some people are waiting for government this… and government that….
Some African Americans are achieving whether it be sport, science, art, politics, music.
They are governed by the same if not worst circumstances than you and me.
I absolutely agree government needs to do more but while we wait…

The government IS the PROBLEM !!!!
Fuck you musty jdingo fucking want to be I got that same energy

Don't get mad at us because you live in a ish bowl ..

Tf like I said before your country export nothing anyone want but ish beer and boomerangs

read the fucking room brat ..
You on a sex site making dicks soft
And wondering why nobody gives a flying fuck what you talking about .
Ohhhhh triggered
Nobody give a flying fk?
Yet here you are.

I refer you again to our mineral deposits and gas reserves.
Stop smoking crack and posting this NRA garbage.
In Australia we had a mass shooting in 1998(I think) conservatives banned semiautomatic guns (except for farmers) .
How many mass shooting do you think we’ve had since then
The last mass shooting was a farmer with a gun who killed his wife and *******.
You can have a hand gun but strong license requirements.
Australia? The new land of tyranny? What were the Covid camps like over there? How many people did they send to the Covid camps? You know nothing about shootings. It’s widely accepted after a million studies that bans on firearms do not stop mass shooting or medium shootings or little bitty shootings. In Australia you brainiac before that mass shooting when firearms were legal and fun and everywhere you also had a 50 year period with no mass shootings. You act like you were having one a week and then a law went into effect and they all stopped. It wasn’t a law that stopped mass shootings it was the simple fact that you never had any before that one either. Wow you are a real smart lady. Try to impress me some more I’m having a great time.
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