The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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The truth of the matter is crime in America and let alone the black community has nothing to do with both parents not being in the home ..if that was true then you wouldn't be calling trump a criminal. Wealth both's doesn't fit your narrative.

You want to talk about the root of black issues ..ok

Let's talk about the generations of disenfranchise red lining and the fewer opportunities that been offer to us since that civil war

Ya know the stuff we are repeatly called "victims " for acknowledging ..

The same stuff you yourself call us victim for acknowledging

Do you really want to talk about black issues
Or you want to keep the blame ?

Of course? You want to be like most white people and push a false sense of oppression because modern day white people need a defensive point.

You want to know the difference between your oppression and mine ? You want to know makes black people disenfranchise?

It's because both of our great grand ancestors was steel workers but mines didn't get ppe ,so they want blind . They moved from the south to escape jim crow but they was folded they could live in certain neighborhoods.

let's me let you on a American secret that was create by Italians and Jewish American mafia .....CRIME PAYS

YOU sitting here with the soo holy mentality that created prohibition
If there was any REAL evidence of a crime Trump committed regarding Russia there is absofuckinglutely NO doubt this DOJ would be prosecuting it NOW in keeping with their 🍌Republic policy of LAWFARE against their political rival. NO DOUBT !!!!!
I just can’t seem to fathom.
You keep saying the same thing over and over.

do you think the DOJ is weaponised against hunter Biden? How come Joe Biden didn’t cry and call the DOJ corrupt ?

What about when the fbi raided democrat henry culllers home? They also have a shoot to ******* capability. No democrat said it was an assignation attempt.

You lot are just lost
And one last thing want to fix the issue with delusional delinquents in America..

How about stop making life soo fucking hard for the young because life wasn't easy for you ..

We can't raise everyone one
And it ain't nobody business how you raise your

but I don't believe if you quit making the world to be a fuck up place all the time and simply protect give them them guidance and the them the truth once in a while then maybe just maybe you might not raise another fuck up individual

Idk where you come from but I spoiled mines just because I had least ..that's the point
I just can’t seem to fathom.
You keep saying the same thing over and over.

do you think the DOJ is weaponised against hunter Biden? How come Joe Biden didn’t cry and call the DOJ corrupt ?

What about when the fbi raided democrat henry culllers home? They also have a shoot to ******* capability. No democrat said it was an assignation attempt.

You lot are just lost

Yes - I FINALLY agree with ya - you just can’t seem to fathom !!!!!

Why I keep saying the same thing over and over 😉

You’re the one that seems to be lost in your TDS.
Yes - I FINALLY agree with ya - you just can’t seem to fathom !!!!!

Why I keep saying the same thing over and over 😉

You’re the one that seems to be lost in your TDS.
You’ve yet again dodged the question
While you are crying about Soros and weaponise DOJ, system is rigged etc
Is it when the FBI raided Henry or DOJ prosecuted Hunter?
You’ve yet again dodged the question
While you are crying about Soros and weaponise DOJ, system is rigged etc
Is it when the FBI raided Henry or DOJ prosecuted Hunter?
Have read anything I just said if the system isn't rigged think soros don't equal Murdock? You think the fbi and doj wasn't
Weaponize against mlk Malcom x and the black panther party

The truth is ..they have always been used as political weapons..
You’ve yet again dodged the question
While you are crying about Soros and weaponise DOJ, system is rigged etc
Is it when the FBI raided Henry or DOJ prosecuted Hunter?

The DOJ tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal so he and ole Debacle Joe could avoid ALL future prosecution for everything but got caught by a righteous judge - so THAT’s why he’s in the trouble he’s in now - the same prosecutor that was in on the sweetheart deal allowed the statute of limitations to run out on $2 million worth of income and no taxes were ever paid on that income - yet ole Debacle Joe rails about every American paying their fair share of taxes - such HYPOCRITES. Guess it’s HARD to pay the taxes on BRIBES.

Henry was putting pressure on the Dems for Debacle Joe’s border crisis I believe so no surprise there that this DOJ went after him.
The DOJ tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal so he and ole Debacle Joe could avoid ALL future prosecution for everything but got caught by a righteous judge - so THAT’s why he’s in the trouble he’s in now - the same prosecutor that was in on the sweetheart deal allowed the statute of limitations to run out on $2 million worth of income and no taxes were ever paid on that income - yet ole Debacle Joe rails about every American paying their fair share of taxes - such HYPOCRITES. Guess it’s HARD to pay the taxes on BRIBES.

Henry was putting pressure on the Dems for Debacle Joe’s border crisis I believe so no surprise there that this DOJ went after him.
So the DoJ is weaponised against democrats also?
Gees that must be strong
The DOJ tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal so he and ole Debacle Joe could avoid ALL future prosecution for everything but got caught by a righteous judge - so THAT’s why he’s in the trouble he’s in now - the same prosecutor that was in on the sweetheart deal allowed the statute of limitations to run out on $2 million worth of income and no taxes were ever paid on that income - yet ole Debacle Joe rails about every American paying their fair share of taxes - such HYPOCRITES. Guess it’s HARD to pay the taxes on BRIBES.

Henry was putting pressure on the Dems for Debacle Joe’s border crisis I believe so no surprise there that this DOJ went after him.
How do you get “caught” by a judge?
I mean think about the 💩 you say please.
Have read anything I just said if the system isn't rigged think soros don't equal Murdock? You think the fbi and doj wasn't
Weaponize against mlk Malcom x and the black panther party

The truth is ..they have always been used as political weapons..
Is the whole system against you?
I get there are systemic issues at play with various institutions.
How do you fix it?
Not vote?
Is the whole system against you?
I get there are systemic issues at play with various institutions.
How do you fix it?
Not vote?
If you are gambling with a cheater. You would keep playing because you think you can beat them at their game lol .

How about stop gambling with the cheater and get your money?

how will voting in a rigged system help the rigged system lol

If that was the case then most of the stuff we waste many hours a day talking about would never occur.

You want to know how you fix that? Huh ? your money
If you are gambling with a cheater. You would keep playing because you think you can beat them at their game lol .

How about stop gambling with the cheater and get your money?

how will voting in a rigged system help the rigged system lol

If that was the case then most of the stuff we waste many hours a day talking about would never occur.

You want to know how you fix that? Huh ? your money
🤦‍♀️ enjoy you two weeks vacation and highest ******* mortality rate while the rest of the developed countries enjoy their life and you just complain….
It irks me how you have lot have given up.
Check it - the judge caught the sweetheart deal - you should learn the facts before ya run your rather large aperture.
So the system works that’s why they called Trump.
If Hunter is found guilty he should be punished
Now you say the same thing about Trump.
🤦‍♀️ enjoy you two weeks vacation and highest ******* mortality rate while the rest of the developed countries enjoy their life and you just complain….
It irks me how you have lot have given up
Huh? You are don't understand the American system at all .you watch you t.v and wish you can save the world ..

You and mac are critics .a bunch of side line jockeys ask everyone what are they going to do next

No need to ask you the same .you are just going to flood the comments with a bunch of political crap
Non sensual crap and gibberish because you can't do anything but complain and sit in our miserable disability lol

What is your problem? You think you doing important work of the behalf of Americans by starting ambiguous conversations and ending them by suggesting that we not done do enough. Lol

So you plan to change people's minds by the dismissal of their opinion..lmfao

That is beyond ignorance
Learn some tolerance
How the fuck you going to change the world if you can't even get alone with people on the internet?

Think about it for once
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