The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Unless you're just wishing to inject yourself to more insulting, I suggest you stay out of this one. I wasn't addressing you, just the SAMBO who started insulting me first.
Relax and stay out of it ... maybe this thread will last another 15-20 minutes, ok?
Maybe threads would stick around longer if you didn't come in slinging derogatory racial epithets around like calling black men Sambo....
Me and the wife watched it. we like dystopian movies and societal breakdown is something I have always been intrigued by. the movie didn't really explain anything about the why or exactly what.

fucking lighten up

Expected mac ...he can go fuck himself back to Boston.
If you can't take it, you shouldn't dish it out ... I give you the same respect you give me. You start these arguments and then whine when someone returns an insult. I suggest you just keep your insults to yourself or expect the same back ... "bucko" ... ohhhh is that considered a RACIAL slur?

Your issue is you don't like "white men" in what you like to consider black male threads ... especially when the white males aren't subservient. You start insulting me, I return the insult, works that way. Don't want to be insulted, don't be insulting me.
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You should play nice with me, I'm the only one that's half way decent to you. However,.the weak tend to prey on the ones they think are the weakest.
Ohhhhhh you're so nice .... please, don't piss on my shoe and then tell me its raining. Move along, you like to instigate problems then point fingers at the starter of the fights. Now go find you a blackcock to play with and adios!
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You and I will never agree on the mainstream media - after the years they pushed RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - with me at least they lost all credibility.
Why do you NOT feel the same way about Obama's birth certificate ... OrangeMan pushed it for 8 years.
What about Election Fraud ... never proven and even Republicans admit there was not fraud, but OrangeMan still pushes it. He's pushing the 2024 election as fraud now.
I can go on and on and on ... stuff OrangeMan has continually said but NEVER proven ... why are you not upset with these LIES?

Can't wait for Thursday NIGHT DEBATE ... no audience, no notes, dead mics while other candidate is talking. What is TRUMP gonna DO?
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Your issue is you don't like "white men" in what you like to consider black male threads ... especially when the white males aren't subservient. You start insulting me, I return the insult, works that way. Don't want to be insulted, don't be insulting me.
Follow the thread backwards and see who started the insulting ... then STFU HH-tattletale.
Ohhhhhh you're so nice .... please, don't piss on my shoe and then tell me its raining. Move along, you like to instigate problems. Now go find you a cock to play with and adios!
Why do you NOT feel the same way about Obama's birth certificate ... OrangeMan pushed it for 8 years.
What about Election Fraud ... never proven and even Republicans admit there wasn't fraud, but
OrangeMan still pushes it.
I can go on and on and on ... stuff OrangeMan has continually said
Sure doing alot of bitching and moaning about a movie

So you still mad because I told you that white people should stay out of black issues ?

Ok win wtf do you want ? You want to be left alone? You want us to treat you like @Lebain and just stop responding to you all together?

I just want to know .why flood politics in every post and Blame other when they get took down?
Why ?
Is it a beef with b2w and you just baiting the rest of us ?

Because at this point is start to just be too petty for most of us .it not about the insults anymore .most of us honestly laugh at ourselves about them and take them as jokes .
So here your peace ...
So you still mad because I told you that white people should stay out of black issues ?
You ask, I'll tell ya ...
Not mad in the least, I'm just wondering if you really know what those black issues really are. Any response heard from black men like yourself always ties white males to the problems (always) ... you just won't admit that fatherlessness is a major problem ... just keep populating the world with more fathe.rless ki.ds who "gang up" and continue the crime sprees. We just nabbed 3 k.ids (all under 18) a few weeks ago who were breaking into cars and homes ever since this past Christmas. They were really getting bold ... going up to the doors of homes at 2AM knocking & ringing doorbells. Neighborhood residents getting tired of that ... sad thing, 'cause the courts don't want anything to do with them either. Usually these ki.ds get released in a few days to their guardian, usually a grandmother, and back on the street they go. I posted a photo of one a few weeks, you folks raised so much hell about the posting that it got taken down rather than "discussed" as should have been.
So, I am just wondering when you will admit that part of the problem is fatherless k.ids and what YOU are going to do to help the situation 'cause the police get tired of the emergency phone calls from the public at 3AM in the morning. Some car breakends costing $2,000 and up and the homeowners footing the bills.
We can't seem to have a gentlemanly discussion about this ... no one accepts the problem as "their own". Its always someone else.
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Why do you NOT feel the same way about Obama's birth certificate ... OrangeMan pushed it for 8 years.
What about Election Fraud ... never proven and even Republicans admit there was not fraud, but OrangeMan still pushes it. He's pushing the 2024 election as fraud now.
I can go on and on and on ... stuff OrangeMan has continually said but NEVER proven ... why are you not upset with these LIES?

Can't wait for Thursday NIGHT DEBATE ... no audience, no notes, dead mics while other candidate is talking. What is TRUMP gonna DO?

I was talking about the mainstream media not Trump. Trouble is with Dems whenever you talk about a subject - any subject - all ya get back is Trump. I remember vividly for over 2 years the mainstream media telling me 24/7 that Trump was guilty of “COLLUSION” - guess what he wasn’t - that should cause any reasonable person to doubt the propaganda spewed by them. They destroyed their credibility.

Yeah I can’t wait for the debate either - be interesting for sure - wonder if ole Debacle Joe will be his normal bumbling word slurring self or Jacked Up Joe all full of piss and vinegar - I hope it’s the latter so it’s a better debate 😉
I was talking about the mainstream media not Trump. Trouble is with Dems whenever you talk about a subject - any subject - all ya get back is Trump. I remember vividly for over 2 years the mainstream media telling me 24/7 that Trump was guilty of “COLLUSION” - guess what he wasn’t - that should cause any reasonable person to doubt the propaganda spewed by them. They destroyed their credibility.

Yeah I can’t wait for the debate either - be interesting for sure - wonder if ole Debacle Joe will be his normal bumbling word slurring self or Jacked Up Joe all full of piss and vinegar - I hope it’s the latter so it’s a better debate 😉
This is why we think MAGA are just prohibited chemical on legs. I’ve posted line item after line item of evidence of trump’s campaign meeting with Russians.
There was an inquiry into this .
Trump lied in his tweet (surprise surprise)

“According to Rosenstein, the Russians “recruited and paid real Americans to engage in political activities, promote political campaigns and stage political rallies. The defendants and their co-conspirators pretended to be grassroots activists. According to the indictment, the Americans did not know that they were communicating with Russians.”

Later, Rosenstein noted that, “the nature of the scheme was the defendants took extraordinary steps to make it appear that they were ordinary American political activists, even going so far as to base their activities on a virtual private network here in the United States so, if anybody traced it back to that first jump, they appeared to be Americans.””
This is why we think MAGA are just prohibited chemical on legs. I’ve posted line item after line item of evidence of trump’s campaign meeting with Russians.
There was an inquiry into this .
Trump lied in his tweet (surprise surprise)

“According to Rosenstein, the Russians “recruited and paid real Americans to engage in political activities, promote political campaigns and stage political rallies. The defendants and their co-conspirators pretended to be grassroots activists. According to the indictment, the Americans did not know that they were communicating with Russians.”

Later, Rosenstein noted that, “the nature of the scheme was the defendants took extraordinary steps to make it appear that they were ordinary American political activists, even going so far as to base their activities on a virtual private network here in the United States so, if anybody traced it back to that first jump, they appeared to be Americans.””

If there was any REAL evidence of a crime Trump committed regarding Russia there is absofuckinglutely NO doubt this DOJ would be prosecuting it NOW in keeping with their 🍌Republic policy of LAWFARE against their political rival. NO DOUBT !!!!!
Ohhhhhh you're so nice .... please, don't piss on my shoe and then tell me its raining. Move along, you like to instigate problems then point fingers at the starter of the fights. Now go find you a blackcock to play with and adios!
Your just jealous because I can actually get a big beautiful black mans dick! See now if you were nice, I'd let you lick the piss of your shoe 😉😘 instead of me just pissing on them. 🤣😛
"Sambo" mental attitudes are so entertaining ... the infallible black man. You and your "brutha" need to quit fishing for an argument with me. My superiority to you is way beyond the mentality of a "bbc" ... LOL
Focus on your own business and quit trying to agitate me, fool.
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You ask, I'll tell ya ...
Not mad in the least, I'm just wondering if you really know what those black issues really are. Any response heard from black men like yourself always ties white males to the problems (always) ... you just won't admit that fatherlessness is a major problem ... just keep populating the world with more fathe.rless ki.ds who "gang up" and continue the crime sprees. We just nabbed 3 k.ids (all under 18) a few weeks ago who were breaking into cars and homes ever since this past Christmas. They were really getting bold ... going up to the doors of homes at 2AM knocking & ringing doorbells. Neighborhood residents getting tired of that ... sad thing, 'cause the courts don't want anything to do with them either. Usually these ki.ds get released in a few days to their guardian, usually a grandmother, and back on the street they go. I posted a photo of one a few weeks, you folks raised so much hell about the posting that it got taken down rather than "discussed" as should have been.
So, I am just wondering when you will admit that part of the problem is fatherless k.ids and what YOU are going to do to help the situation 'cause the police get tired of the emergency phone calls from the public at 3AM in the morning. Some car breakends costing $2,000 and up and the homeowners footing the bills.
We can't seem to have a gentlemanly discussion about this ... no one accepts the problem as "their own". Its always someone else.
Captain Obvious opinion.jpg
You ask, I'll tell ya ...
Not mad in the least, I'm just wondering if you really know what those black issues really are. Any response heard from black men like yourself always ties white males to the problems (always) ... you just won't admit that fatherlessness is a major problem ... just keep populating the world with more fathe.rless ki.ds who "gang up" and continue the crime sprees. We just nabbed 3 k.ids (all under 18) a few weeks ago who were breaking into cars and homes ever since this past Christmas. They were really getting bold ... going up to the doors of homes at 2AM knocking & ringing doorbells. Neighborhood residents getting tired of that ... sad thing, 'cause the courts don't want anything to do with them either. Usually these ki.ds get released in a few days to their guardian, usually a grandmother, and back on the street they go. I posted a photo of one a few weeks, you folks raised so much hell about the posting that it got taken down rather than "discussed" as should have been.
So, I am just wondering when you will admit that part of the problem is fatherless k.ids and what YOU are going to do to help the situation 'cause the police get tired of the emergency phone calls from the public at 3AM in the morning. Some car breakends costing $2,000 and up and the homeowners footing the bills.
We can't seem to have a gentlemanly discussion about this ... no one accepts the problem as "their own". Its always someone else.
So that's your problem? So my question is that because I said white people should stay out of black issues then I should be the one to hold all black delinquents accountable?

Lol what an I going to do about it ? Huh? What am I supposed to do about crime in your neighbor?

If you want a gentlemanly conversation you should start by not thinking that I have some type of black magic power to control or black people for their actions

I get it but it completely illogical to ask me "what am I going to do? " especially about parents not being in the home .

Am going to do the same thing you do .nothing and worry about me and mines

Now if you mad because black people keep population the world's only make sense that you are a nazi and that is your problem and once again something that I can't control

You just took the time to prove that your peace is to point fingers's is fine but for clarity let it be noted that nobody ask you to "fix" white criminals

I'm just trying to make the connection of black people breeding and you on a sex site where that idea is a fetish

Regardless of how I approach this .the truth is that because your goal is to blame .you will look pass logic because you are not satisfied with my answer.

But ultimately your comment simply falls right into my opinion of white people staying out of black issue

You and Jane has sit here and criticize people and repeatedly ask "what will you do"
All the while doing nothing beside keep a unwanted conversation going

So if yall are better people then the rest of us ,what will you be doing to help ?

I have seen nothing but no action and complaints

Just daily rants about how everyone is insulting you .

Both of you claim to be soo much smarter then everyone .. well what's the answer? To blame others?
seriously how can you talk all that ultra democrats b.s ..go out and vote pro choice just to come here and say dumb ish and black people's offsprings

This is America not can have as many youngling as you want .. everyone here choice regardless of race and status .

Everything you have said just sounds like black people should have least rights so you can feel more comfortable. No solution at all but to limit what black people can do

Is that your answer?
I posted a photo of one a few weeks, you folks raised so much hell about the posting that it got taken down rather than "discussed" as should have been.
So your volition of the rules is everyone else fault?

This is what I'm talking about broke the rules therefore because you didn't get the results you was looking for's everyone else fault..but all black people should be accountable for their actions ..

This is why what you say don't go far with people at all ..
The truth of the matter is crime in America and let alone the black community has nothing to do with both parents not being in the home ..if that was true then you wouldn't be calling trump a criminal. Wealth both's doesn't fit your narrative.

You want to talk about the root of black issues ..ok

Let's talk about the generations of disenfranchise red lining and the fewer opportunities that been offer to us since that civil war

Ya know the stuff we are repeatly called "victims " for acknowledging ..

The same stuff you yourself call us victim for acknowledging

Do you really want to talk about black issues
Or you want to keep the blame ?

Of course? You want to be like most white people and push a false sense of oppression because modern day white people need a defensive point.

You want to know the difference between your oppression and mine ? You want to know makes black people disenfranchise?

It's because both of our great grand ancestors was steel workers but mines didn't get ppe ,so they want blind . They moved from the south to escape jim crow but they was told they couldnt live in certain neighborhoods.

let's me let you on a American secret that was create by Italians and Jewish American mafia .....CRIME PAYS

YOU sitting here with the soo holy mentality that created prohibition
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And one last thing want to fix the issue with delusional delinquents in America..

How about stop making life soo fucking hard for the young because life wasn't easy for you ..

We can't raise everyone one
And it ain't nobody business how you raise your

but I don't believe if you quit making the world to be a fuck up place all the time and simply protect give them them guidance and the them the truth once in a while then maybe just maybe you might not raise another fuck up individual

Idk where you come from but I spoiled mines just because I had least ..that's the point
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