The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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As a person of faith...Not necessarily religion. I believe this world/reality is under the Dominion of negative energy. You just have to navigate your way through it as best you can. Your vision is wonderful... However unlikely.
I'm aware of the unlikeliness... I still have hope!

I love navigating to live in love and peace in a world full of malcontents!
Haters only bother themselves!

As for the religion aspect- I'm glad you made that clarification! I think it is important to stay away from dogmatic religions that are a haven for people who need a collective and handrails for life.

The book has AMAZING stuff in it- however the churches are ALL ABOUT CONTROL AND MONEY!!!
Jesus went to church ONE time as an adult, and that was to TEAR IT UP and kick people out!

If the churches taught the real message- we may have a better world already...
Bitchute is just a medium toots- it has nothing to do with the work there. Recognize it or not- why shoot the place where the message is, instead of giving it an honest listen?

You are doing the classic "ignore the message" and just reciting your own BS. If you sent something to learn from, I would love to be open minded enough to check it out (in case I am very wrong). (But what if it is YOU who is wrong/indoctrinated here?)

It matter NONE where info is posted, what matters is what is IN the info and does it align with reality... wake up sweetie. You really trust the TV because they TOLD you to!! The TV is the one shouting "everything is fake", while being caught in lie after lie themselves... again- wake up!

As for your BS degree
- it is exactly that... the useful idiots go to college to serve the corporations.. just because you got some piece of paper, there is no correlation with CRITICAL THINKING... college/school teach WHAT to think, instead of HOW to think...

What does MAGA have to do with anything here? There is ZERO political care from me sis- I would appreciate if you removed your ASSumptions... they are making you look like an ass.

Just because you are stuck in a 2 party mindset doesn't mean everyone else is... some people govern themselves- no need for an outside daddy for real grownups...

Keep trusting the media and injecting yourself with POISON! You SURE are smart with that degree!
1. You are listening and reading garbage. The first paragraph you wrote demonstrates how little you understand. Bitchute information is false information. Simple. It’s just ramblings from prohibited chemical heads . The information is not tested , nor peer reviewed. It’s just a bunch of opinions.

2. Trust the tv? No I trust science and its methodology. It’s not always right but better than you thinking you have the answer.

3. I agree there are many who have degrees but are not critical thinkers but those without do not get the vast exposure to cutting edge knowledge from around the world. Bitchute is not cutting edge knowledge. Reading articles on bitchute reminds me of the stories my 9year old niece wrote.

4. Literally bitchute feeds MAGA. The 💩 you wrote above is why MAGA stormed the Capitol. The believe anything 🤦‍♀️ from trump because they lack intellectual skills. Just look at the nonsense blkdlaur writes over and over again.

5. “Some people govern themselves” 😂. No you don’t . You buy meat from the supermarket, governed by regulations. You ******* water from a tap governed by regulations. You drive on roads built by government. The cigarettes you smoke - yep governed by regulations. Just because you spend one weekend every six months hunting in the bush doesn’t mean you “govern yourself “
You’re funny

6, do you smoke?
6, do you smoke?

fucking lighten up

Pool Party Swimming GIF by The Dodo

Expected mac ...he can go fuck himself back to Boston.
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