The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Hey Mac, serious question - is Sub still around ? I miss his torrent of memes and reposting of mainstream media propaganda - I really hope the grawfully ole bastard is doing ok - I miss him in a weird kinda way.
Hey Mac, serious question - is Sub still around ? I miss his torrent of memes and reposting of mainstream media propaganda - I really hope the grawfully ole bastard is doing ok - I miss him in a weird kinda way.
He dropped me a note a few weeks ago. Some of the Admin personnel were deleting practically everything he posted so he said "he was done". Not sure if that means forever or for just a rest. His account is still active. He was treated rather unfairly, no doubt, and I miss him as well.
If I talk with him again I'll tell him you asked about him.

PS ... please accept that "mainstream" media is NOT fake, biased news. Maybe some opinion pieces are leaning sometimes, but mainstream is AMERICA before TRUMP.
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He dropped me a note a few weeks ago. Some of the Admin personnel were deleting practically everything he posted so he said "he was done". Not sure if that means forever or for just a rest. His account is still active. He was treated rarely unfairly, no doubt, and I miss him as well.
If I talk with him again I'll tell him you asked about him.

PS ... please accept that "mainstream" media is NOT fake, biased news. Maybe some opinion pieces are leaning sometimes, but mainstream is AMERICA before TRUMP.

I simply can’t understand this site not appreciating him for all he has done and posted - makes absofuckinglutely NO sense to me. Appreciate ya telling him I miss him and hope he’s doing well.

You and I will never agree on the mainstream media - after the years they pushed RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - with me at least they lost all credibility.
Well, I don't know about that, now ... I'll match my follows to your followers any day, sweetheart. Anyways, usually, if one has a lot of friends, one also has a lot more enemies as well. That goes with the territory, doesn't it?
Maybe just YOU don't want to be my friend ... that's your preference. Which then brings up the Q ... as to why you contacted me in the first place. Is it normal for you to contact someone just to tell them they don't have any friends?
I have no argument with you ... that I can think of. Or do I? You tell me?
So, maybe you just want to hurt my "itty, bitty feelings" ... huh? I do have sensitive feelings. You believe that, right? Just ask my wife, she'd tell ya right off that I'm sometimes an insensitive jerk. But the Administration says I'm Sweet & Cordial.
Maybe you just don't have your fan base here, tonight, you're lonely and need someone to talk with. I'm all EARS until the clock hits midnight.
Who knows, who cares 🤷🏼‍♀️ sorry I actually went out last night after playing with y'all. 😉
Who knows, who cares 🤷🏼‍♀️ sorry I actually went out last night after playing with y'all. 😉
Ikr ...I was about to write a comment about two hours ago . But then I actually did something 😅

In kentucky it's been in the 90s for the last week and a half .I be chilling cooling maxing relaxing In the mf pool while my nuts float .

Them flipping burger in my swinning trunks

I be outside smoking a j in my garden

They just going to ki.ll out the conversation and call us sheep because we don't give a fuck .lol

🤷🏾 I'm about to plan a vacation to Memphis next month and check out the steam boats and civil right museum

Mac can't go there ..too black too many .soo white he will be a victim .got to turn off his location. Post the Picture when he gets home

I'm outside ...✌🏾
Ikr ...I was about to write a comment about two hours ago . But then I actually did something 😅

In kentucky it's been in the 90s for the last week and a half .I be chilling cooling maxing relaxing In the mf pool while my nuts float .

Them flipping burger in my swinning trunks

I be outside smoking a j in my garden

They just going to ki.ll out the conversation and call us sheep because we don't give a fuck .lol

🤷🏾 I'm about to plan a vacation to Memphis next month and check out the steam boats and civil right museum

Mac can't go there ..too black too many .soo white he will be a victim .got to turn off his location. Post the Picture when he gets home

I'm outside ...✌🏾
It's summer time!!!!! Beach weather, vacations, random sex with strangers! I fell ya! Smell of the neighborhood all Q'n at the same time! It's heaven..
Lmfao@ mac too white = victim 🤣 😂 💀
Winter where I am ! Fortunately
Ya know I actually find Australian culture interesting. The accents are very sexy .and a very beautiful country..

I find Australian laws and people are very similar to Canada. Unlike American there's somewhat of a embracing repect for the monarch and even authority.

Us Americans don't have that .
American core vaule is to oppose British culture and crown in the name of Christianity /god .

Alot of Americans laws was originally written from religion and bibles some states still do .

I know that Australia was created from England's convicted but it not like a rebellious nature it's actually more like Australians are proud of it ..

Fuck me up when I seen someone do a shoey
and I actually like woman's college netball
So that totally something I would be interested for you to chime in on
Winter where I am ! Fortunately!
Well, when we're cursing winter, you'll be tanning!
boo you real housewives of new york city GIF
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