How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Hitler had two decades to destroy his country's government into a dictator; Trump, in his 2 1/2 years is destroying our constitution 'brick by brick' by totally ignoring Congress oversight requests, lying to the PEOPLE 5-10 times a day, obstructing the function of Congress, meeting privately and undocumented with heads of our adversarial countries, sharing highly classified information with our adversarial countries (under executive privilege), inciting violence of our People, ignoring campaign fund regulations, assaulting the freedom of the press, violations of Emolument laws, inviting Russian interference into US elections, preventing the Sec. of Treasury & White House Counsel from honoring congressional subpoenas, etc. The first responsibility of Congress (to their oath of office) is to oversight & conduct business for the country and the President; instead, the alt-President takes it upon himself to bypass Congress and do this on his own.

You know that isn't true. Look at my last post, at the attachment regarding Communism & Fascism. Now tell me that you actually READ any part of that attachment? No, forget it, I don't want to make you have to lie.
At some point the Supreme Court will probably intervene, and we'll see if Trump gets the same results from them that he did with his NEW LAWYER, AG Barr ... who's going to be called out as well, eventually.

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Sounds like you are yet another victim of the fake news. Shame
The lefties in here take everything the totally biased Main Street Media reports - which are mainly the dictated talking points of the Democrat party and simply regurgitate it in here and expect us to buy into their complete horseshite - never seen such sheep or better yet such lemmings ;}
Sounds like you are yet another victim of the fake news. Shame
You wouldn't care to elaborate, would you? If you're going to call a man a fool, at least be specific as to why you're calling him a fool? Or are you one of the drones just says "yes, master, whatever you say, Master Trump?

Let me give you one example (just today) of what I'm talking about; with Trump, its extremely easy thing to do on a daily basis, ok?
I assume you're calling the Associated Press "fake news", or, is every news source that reports anything disagreeable about Trump, "fake news"?

I think the ones who are the victims are those who've accepted Trump's assessment as to what Fake News is! Afterall, just YESTERDAY, both Trump and his wonderful lawyer, Giuliani, were promoting the fake video of the House Speaker Pelosi being *******!
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You seem to be a very angry person. Why are you angry that our country is doing better than it ever has ? Why don’t you just show us wife.. and let us fill her with cum.
You seem to be a very angry person. Why are you angry that our country is doing better than it ever has ? Why don’t you just show us wife.. and let us fill her with cum.
Ok, so you wish to "invite yourself to the discussion" huh? You'll need to do a bit better than "opinion", ok? How about you start talking in specifics as to what you say the country is doing way better under Trump ... and if you have "facts" ... how 'bout showing them.
Job Growth? Stock Market? GDP? Poverty Rate? Stock Market? Health Care? National Debt & Deficit? Trade Deficit?
Republicans like to ignore or deny the seriousness of the 2008-2010 economy crash. Lots of things happened and it was a "sink or swim" time in our US economy. We know what Obama inherited when he took over the Presidency in February, 2010 ... a crashing economy on a magnum scale. And, we know what Trump inherited when he took over the economy in February, 2015 ... a recovering economy. So, maybe its best we start there, ok,, bbcinny?
Gotta run ... but back later tonight! Mac
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So angry, be happy America is stronger than ever rn dude. Also I love how the argument is always .. trump is awful this and that .. good luck finding a valid left presidential candidate ????

I mean u have Cory booker ? ????
Macnfries I have a full time job and don’t need to spend that much time laying it out for you. Do the research urself and figure out why unemployment is at an all time low etc etc
Quick jabs at others posts ... calling us FOOLS, basically. Yet, nothing to back it up. Just insults?
I have looked it up, and I have my graphs & numbers handy. You are basically parroting what you hear Trump tell everyone. That's exactly what he wants ... no details, no facts, just say what you desire and MOVE ON to the next liberal comment.
I was just wondering IF you had any details to share about how wonderful the Trump has made things for you. I see you're no more detailed than most the other drones who walk around ...
"Trump is GREAT ... Long live Trump"
Zombies2.gif ...... Zombies3.gif
Macnfries I have a full time job and don’t need to spend that much time laying it out for you. Do the research urself and figure out why unemployment is at an all time low etc etc
Totally agree, and thank you for having a JOB so us poor liberals can eat those free lunches, and sell our food stamps for high quality beer. LOL
You don't know how many times I've said exactly the same thing in these political forums. You see, with some here, its not posting anything credible, its about having the last sarcastic comment, like blkdlaur. He's one of the minions who waits until "The Pack" shows up for "insulting", then he provides harmonizing.
Thanks anyways ... Mac
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Macnfries I have a full time job and don’t need to spend that much time laying it out for you. Do the research urself and figure out why unemployment is at an all time low etc etc
So here's the Jobs Report from the time GW Bush took office until Obama prepared to step down.
When Bush took over, the workforce was decreasing by almost 800,000 jobs a month. Remember?
Jobs began to come back a couple months after Obama took office ... in fact, 74 consecutive months of Job Growth under Obama.
When Trump became President, he began bragging of how he had created a million new jobs in his first six months of office ... remember?
Do you have any facts on President Trump's job growth numbers?
Trump use to claim (before his taking office) that the unemployment numbers were fake. However, Trump inherited a low unemployment number from Obama and the unemployment numbers continued trending downward. Unemployment was at 9.6% when Obama took office, at 4.8% when Trump took office, and 4.1% this past December.


AND what was Trump saying about the Obama Jobs Numbers BEFORE he was elected ... typical Trump hyperbole!
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So here's the Jobs Report from the time GW Bush took office until Obama prepared to step down.
When Bush took over, the workforce was decreasing by almost 800,000 jobs a month. Remember?
Jobs began to come back a couple months after Obama took office ... in fact, 74 consecutive months of Job Growth under Obama.

Largely due to the democratic housing bubble, but you like to blame that on the Republicans too even though Bush was blocked trying to correct it. But lets ignore that little tid bit (not to mention he took office after the stock market burst). Lets also ignore the fact that the vast majority of "Obama's job growth" was government created part time jobs which are mostly all gone now. Private sector jobs and small businesses were still declining during Obama. Not to mention millions became retired during that time lowering the labor *******.

"The longest streak of private-sector job growth on record"!
"U.S. businesses have now added 14.4 million jobs over 73 straight months"!
"The labor ******* participation rate rose to 63% in March, the same level as in November 2013"!

All those quotes -- minus the exclamation points -- came from White House top economist Jason Furman. And they are all accurate.

What's missing, however, is context. Because when you look at these numbers in context, not only do the exclamation points disappear, but so do any claims of robust job growth under this administration.

The public sector grew during Mr. Carter's term (up 1,304,000), during Mr. Reagan's terms (up 1,414,000), during Mr. G.H.W. Bush's term (up 1,127,000), during Mr. Clinton's terms (up 1,934,000), and during Mr. G.W. Bush's terms (up 1,744,000 jobs). However the public sector declined significantly while Mr. Obama was in office (down 269,000 jobs).

During the first 27 months of Mr. Trump's term, the economy has added 237,000 public sector jobs.
Read more at https://www.calculatedriskblog.com/...-sector-payroll-jobs.html#XETTPIvU1e60Ilrt.99
Y’all were fooled by Obama. Trump has done more for blacks than him by a mile.

Also 90% of blacks are democrats.. sounds to me like media has brainwashed good people into believing everything they say.

That's exactly right, the Democrats are more concerned with getting your vote than anything else. They Dangle that carrot and string you along.
Y’all were fooled by Obama. Trump has done more for blacks than him by a mile.

Also 90% of blacks are democrats.. sounds to me like media has brainwashed good people into believing everything they say.

Only brainwashed the liberals - who wanna hear what they got to say.
Totally agree, and thank you for having a JOB so us poor liberals can eat those free lunches, and sell our food stamps for high quality beer. LOL
You don't know how many times I've said exactly the same thing in these political forums. You see, with some here, its not posting anything credible, its about having the last sarcastic comment, like blkdlaur. He's one of the minions who waits until "The Pack" shows up for "insulting", then he provides harmonizing.
Thanks anyways ... Mac

You lefties make me laugh - you do 99.9% of the insulting and then accuse us of doing what you’re doing. As stated before I mainly just post my opinion - I know the left no longer believes in free speech - but really - tuff ******* - it’s still America - I just pop in here mostly just to see what horseshite you guys are flinging and comment - I have never timed coming in here to gang up on anyone - you just hate hearing that other people don’t see things the way you do - in fact that they are diametrically opposed to most of the crap your political propaganda division - that being the Main Street Media dishes out and is quite often proven to be FAKE!!!!!