How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Is it just me - or do lefties come off with this superior know it all attitude while they disparage anyone that disagrees with their daily talking points dictated by the totally biased media ??? They’re truly the sheep they accuse us of being seems to me.

well must admit...we do have a superior intellect......and that bothers those that don't...as for disagreeing...that fine...express what you want...but we know better and can't understand your unwillingness to learn the facts!.....especially when we so readily provide them
Your modesty knows no bounds.
Intellect is in the eye of the beholder - methinks

thank you...it goes with my good looks and charming personality...….my modesty is only out done by my conceit....

there you go again.....trying to think for yourself......just listen to what I tell you and you can't go wrong
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You one of those people that was only wrong once - and - that was when you thought you were wrong???? ;}
Your attempt to synonym fascism to liberalism doesn't make sense. Fascism is the worse case scenario for capitalism, which Trump, a vulture capitalist, totally believes in. An extreme to liberal capitalism is communism, if you truly wish to relate synonymic words.
I'm surprised you didn't recognize the description of Trump as you typed the words attempting to attach fascism to liberalism.
Go read how those words inter-relate, or remain uninformed, as usual. As a liberal, I take the prosecuting position of Trump and his illegal "fascist" acts. You, on the other hand, may take the defensive position of our alt-President; I won't continue to help YOU with your defense. Make sense? When it comes to Trump, I'm the Offense, you're the Defense ... compendia'?

Actually Mac, Hex is exactly right. All these laws that control others, telling them how to think and how to conduct their private business is just that - Fascism. Liberalism use to stand for smaller government, now you want a larger government to enforce your ideas onto others. Besides, he didn't say they were the same or synonymous, he said it would come in the form of Liberalism. The left has already lost it's way, today's "Progressive Liberals" are not like those from the 60's. We are already loosing our 1st amendment rights, rights to privacy, rights to do what we will to our own bodies (i.e. mandated healthcare) including abortions and assisted suicide. We treat our Prisoners better than we treat our students in school because of the ******* heart liberals. We have our own citizens, many veterans, starving in the streets and the left liberal demands we take care of Ten's of thousands illegals. All in the name of liberalism.
Be careful what you wish for.

And I am still waiting on ANY evidence that Trump is trying to change our current form of government, been almost 3 years now. He better get a move on.
I am still waiting on ANY evidence that Trump is trying to change our current form of government, been almost 3 years now.
There's absolutely no point, and I certainly don't have the time that many of you posters have to this website, to go back and forth, endlessly, when the politics is as polarized as it is. Sorry, but I just value my time way more than some of you do, I guess. If you can't agree that Trump has lied, cheated, and obstructed his way to the Presidency, there's no reason to discuss the topic. You can't deny (surely) that he hasn't obstructed access to his financial records and the full, un-redacted Mueller report even though he continues saying he's done nothing wrong. You can't say he didn't lie about the WALL that Mexico would pay for, or the healthcare that would be better and less expensive than Obamacare. You can't argue that he's not given members of his staff ORDERS which many have declined to carry out and were either fired or resigned. And surely you can't say he hasn't ******* favorable taxation to the wealthy & the corporations at the expense of the working middleclass.
He believes he can't be indicted as a sitting President; that he's above the laws of the constitution. He has employed biased judges and others to carry out his obstructions. The list is so long of his illegal acts that this one post could fill a complete page. The only reason Trump hasn't taken over full control is because of Democrats who have obstructed HIS actions.
But, no, I have no intent on going back and forth with you or anyone else for days on end ... I actually have a LIFE, a JOB and FAMILY obligations. It appears some HERE do not have those things. Not knocking it, just pointing out again that my time is very valuable to me these days.

pic_MacNfries&Wife-1a.jpg pic_MacNfries-signature.jpg
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There's absolutely no point, and I certainly don't have the time that many of you posters have to this website, to go back and forth, endlessly, when the politics is as polarized as it is. Sorry, but I just value my time way more than some of you do, I guess. If you can't agree that Trump has lied, cheated, and obstructed his way to the Presidency, there's no reason to discuss the topic. You can't deny (surely) that he hasn't obstructed access to his financial records and the full, un-redacted Mueller report even though he continues saying he's done nothing wrong. You can't say he didn't lie about the WALL that Mexico would pay for, or the healthcare that would be better and less expensive than Obamacare. You can't argue that he's not given members of his staff ORDERS which many have declined to carry out and were either fired or resigned. And surely you can't say he hasn't ******* favorable taxation to the wealthy & the corporations at the expense of the working middleclass.
He believes he can't be indicted as a sitting President; that he's above the laws of the constitution. He's employed biased judges and others to carry out his obstructions. The list is so long of his illegal acts that this one post could fill a complete page. The only reason Trump hasn't taken over full control is because of Democrats who have obstructed HIS actions.
But, no, I have no intent on going back and forth with you or anyone else for days on end ... I actually have a LIFE, a JOB and FAMILY obligations. It appears some HERE do not have those things. Not knocking it, just pointing out again that my time is very valuable to me these days.

View attachment 2618079 View attachment 2618080

So if you believe Trump lied, cheated and obstructed his way to the presidency, then are you saying you have NO FAITH in government institutions being competent? After all wouldn't the IRS have caught any discrepancies in his tax returns? Or if banks detected fraud or illegal activities, reported him to the government? (As they are required to do) Do you have NO FAITH in the work the Mueller investigation did which declared there was no collusion by the Trump campaign with a foreign government? Don't even get me started on the NSA ...

And special counsel reports are not for the public - they are solely for the AG to refer (or not) crimes discovered for prosecution BUT it was Trump that pushed for it to be released only with redactions that are MANDATED by law. The redactions are mandated by law TO PROTECT people who are mentioned in the report but aren't charged - it's part of the foundation of American law (you get to face your accuser in court, judged by your peers)

Frankly I think you're the type of person who can't admit when ur wrong and now that your TDS is coming to a head, instead of accepting and admitting your Trump reality is blatantly wrong you're doubling down on insane. Your time would be better spent researching from new and credible information sources instead of arguing here using democrat talking points as facts.
I certainly don't have the time that many of you posters have to this website,
Ah yes, MacNLies oldie but goodie when cornered....I don't have the time to spend on here like you do....

A simple search anyone can do shows # of posts in April on this site:

TwoBi 46
HH 21

Clearly MacNLies is too busy on here spreading Bullshit to have any time to respond when his Bullshit gets called out.
Actually Mac, Hex is exactly right. All these laws that control others, telling them how to think and how to conduct their private business is just that - Fascism. Liberalism use to stand for smaller government, now you want a larger government to enforce your ideas onto others. Besides, he didn't say they were the same or synonymous, he said it would come in the form of Liberalism. The left has already lost it's way, today's "Progressive Liberals" are not like those from the 60's. We are already loosing our 1st amendment rights, rights to privacy, rights to do what we will to our own bodies (i.e. mandated healthcare) including abortions and assisted suicide. We treat our Prisoners better than we treat our students in school because of the ******* heart liberals. We have our own citizens, many veterans, starving in the streets and the left liberal demands we take care of Ten's of thousands illegals. All in the name of liberalism.
Be careful what you wish for.

And I am still waiting on ANY evidence that Trump is trying to change our current form of government, been almost 3 years now. He better get a move on.
You have to forgive Mac....everything he knows about Fascism he learned from internet memes
There's absolutely no point,

You feel that way because you can't support or prove your BS. If you know anything at all about past history - Hitler actually took steps to CHANGE the then German government structure. Mussolini actually took steps to CHANGE the then Italian government structure. So far - Trump has not. Your claims are nothing more than fear mongering. The only ones I see trying to change our constitution, discredit our flag and anthem, and destroy our boarders is the FAR LEFT. Or if you prefer, progressive liberals.
Just a wind up but still funny. My main point, and again just an opinion of an outsider with very little personal interest in this either way, why you’ve all been battling yourselves (just like we have) the rest of the world has been looking on and seeing little more than weakness. As far as I can see, he doesn’t seem to of done a bad job. He certainly seems to have America’s best interests at heart. Or at least what he believes to be America’s best interests. When politicians are voted into power with a mandate they should be allowed to fitful that mandate.

Trump is def going to win 2020. Hands down .. because of the left attacking him every day ( doing a great job for our countrys best interest btw ). Left is mad, ignorant, and have no clue how to give America a message as to why to choose them. Also fuck Pelosi and Schumer just Bc they’re awful.
You feel that way because you can't support or prove your BS.
If you know anything at all about past history - Hitler actually took steps to CHANGE the then German government structure. Mussolini actually took steps to CHANGE the then Italian government structure. So far - Trump has not. Your claims are nothing more than fear mongering. The only ones I see trying to change our constitution, discredit our flag and anthem, and destroy our boarders is the FAR LEFT. Or if you prefer, progressive liberals.
Hitler had two decades to destroy his country's government into a dictator; Trump, in his 2 1/2 years is destroying our constitution 'brick by brick' by totally ignoring Congress oversight requests, lying to the PEOPLE 5-10 times a day, obstructing the function of Congress, meeting privately and undocumented with heads of our adversarial countries, sharing highly classified information with our adversarial countries (under executive privilege), inciting violence of our People, ignoring campaign fund regulations, assaulting the freedom of the press, violations of Emolument laws, inviting Russian interference into US elections, preventing the Sec. of Treasury & White House Counsel from honoring congressional subpoenas, etc. The first responsibility of Congress (to their oath of office) is to oversight & conduct business for the country and the President; instead, the alt-President takes it upon himself to bypass Congress and do this on his own.
You feel that way because you can't support or prove your BS
You know that isn't true. Look at my last post, at the attachment regarding Communism & Fascism. Now tell me that you actually READ any part of that attachment? No, forget it, I don't want to make you have to lie.
At some point the Supreme Court will probably intervene, and we'll see if Trump gets the same results from them that he did with his NEW LAWYER, AG Barr ... who's going to be called out as well, eventually.

Hitler had two decades to destroy his country's government into a dictator; Trump, in his 2 1/2 years is destroying our constitution 'brick by brick'

Link? His lying and other legal BS isn't destroying our constitution LOL - give me a break. Is Trump actively seeking to change the constitution? no - only the left is doing that. Took Hitler 2 decades you say - but you think Trump can do it in 4 years? (face palm).
If Trump is able to skirt the law, then what does that say about the rest of our government?

You know that isn't true. Look at my last post,
Your link proves nothing, Trump is not changing our form of government. He has made no steps to do so. Hyper boil.