How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Anybody who agrees with how the democrat leadership is burning down the government, turning law upside down AND escalating violence through rhetoric because they dont want an outsider (Trump) waking up the people to the fact that politicians have been selling us out and ******* the $$$ out of the US, needs to find some shithole dictatorship country that they"ll feel comfortable living in and gtfo of America asap.

NONE of what we are living through is normal or democratic, beginning with the governments secret infiltration of a political party's campaign (opposite of the then sitting president) that then morphed into a (failed) silent coup of a sitting president using the FBI. Regardless ofhow you feel about Trump or Republicans, if you love America and consider yourself a "good citizen" and a patriot then you'll fully rebuke the democrats in office until they stop abusing their positions in power.

damn....what are you smoking?

the dems just want to know what he is hiding? and just who he is actually working for!
turning the law upside down.....guess you don't watch or read the news any do you?
your man is doing all he can to escalate the violence and promote hate and discontent......you just have your head in the sand
the only factual statement you have made is trump is an outsider......if you consider he might be working for P u t I n ...guess that is an outsider
yes politicians have been selling us out...he was going to drain the swamp...but look at everyone he has hired...all corrupt.....even lobbying is at an all time high...something else he was going to do away with
yes the politicians have been selling us out Trump Cruz McConnell and Rubio just to name a few all drawing Russian funds for their campaigns....you think they care about us?
we are just about in a dicktatorship right now.....under this Hitler wanna be
funny how people only see what they want to see....facts be damned

I will let blkdlaur give you a few words of wisdom on all this......oh wait...he forgot where he put the book on political remarks
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damn....what are you smoking?
Truth - you should change your strain, will help get your head right. If you didnt think the progression of how Trump was quickly labeled a Russian asset which almost IMMEDIATELY upon his swearing in as president led to a special counsel investigation which ultimately only squeezed low hanging fruit, for non related "crimes" was highly suspicious then you dont have enough sense to have a political opinion let alone, vote.

Dont you think its outrageous that president Trump COULDNT EVEN MAKE A SECURE PHONE CALL FROM THE WHITE HOUSE to a foreign dignitary WITHOUT it being leaked, IN TRANSCRIPT FORM, to the media later that day? That wasnt from some obama holdover staffer, that was done by the intelligence agencies as a warning that Trump had no safe spaces from them, not even in the White House. Remember Senator Chuck Schumer's public, indirect threat to Trump, "When you take on the intelligence agencies, they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you" - Who the FUCK in US government openly threatens a president like that?

Doesnt matter who you voted for, we are in VERY dangerous times.
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Truth - you should change your strain, will help get your head right. If you didnt think the progression of how Trump was quickly labeled a Russian asset which almost IMMEDIATELY upon his swearing in as president led to a special counsel investigation which ultimately only squeezed low hanging fruit, was highly suspicious then you dont have enough sense to have a political opinion let alone, vote.

Dont you think its outrageous that president Trump COULDNT EVEN MAKE A SECURE PHONE CALL FROM THE WHITE HOUSE to a foreign dignitary WITHOUT it being leaked, IN TRANSCRIPT FORM, to the media later that day? That wasnt from some obama holdover staffer, that was done by the intelligence agencies as a warning that Trump had no safe spaces from them, not even in the White House. Remember Senator Chuck Schumer's public, indirect threat to Trump, "When you take on the intelligence agencies, they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you" - Who the FUCK in US government openly threatens a president like that?

Doesnt matter who you voted for, we are in VERY dangerous times.
does your Dr. know you are out unattended?
damn....what are you smoking?

the dems just want to know what he is hiding? and just who he is actually working for!
turning the law upside down.....guess you don't watch or read the news any do you?
your man is doing all he can to escalate the violence and promote hate and discontent......you just have your head in the sand
the only factual statement you have made is trump is an outsider......if you consider he might be working for P u t I n ...guess that is an outsider
yes politicians have been selling us out...he was going to drain the swamp...but look at everyone he has hired...all corrupt.....even lobbying is at an all time high...something else he was going to do away with
yes the politicians have been selling us out Trump Cruz McConnell and Rubio just to name a few all drawing Russian funds for their campaigns....you think they care about us?
we are just about in a dicktatorship right now.....under this Hitler wanna be
funny how people only see what they want to see....facts be damned

I will let blkdlaur give you a few words of wisdom on all this......oh wait...he forgot where he put the book on political remarks

In AMERICA you DONT get to investigate people unless you have evidence of a crime or reason to believe a crime has been committed and then you have to get a warrant because the warrant supercedes the accused Constitutional rights. The fact the Mueller report cleared the president means there wasnt enough evidence originally to even START an investigation into him to begin with which is a HUGE legal problem and a potential Constitutional crisis.

Now CONGRESS doesnt even have investigative power which is why they are now abusing their oversight power and legislative duties by saying their need to see the presidents confidential and personal records are for legitimate "legislative purposes". That is bullshit, they know it and dont care because they know there are enough weaponized judges on the bench to help them in court (such as these last 2 rulings from obama appointed federal judges) - so this is ANOTHER potential Constitutional crisis

The Mueller "report" cleared Trump of the non crime of "collusion" with Russia so you dont have to worry about Trump and Russia anymore. And if you dont like the fact he hasnt released his taxes yet then dont vote for him in 2020 - THAT is the American way. But frankly people dont care - releasing taxes is not a requirement and CAN NEVER BE a requirement as the Constitution forbids it. (Unless an Amendment is passed)
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In AMERICA you DONT get to investigate people unless you have evidence of a crime or reason to believe a crime has been committed and then you have to get a warrant because the warrant supercedes the accused Constitutional rights. The fact the Mueller report cleared the president means there wasnt enough evidence originally to even START an investigation into him to begin with which is a HUGE legal problem and a potential Constitutional crisis.

Now CONGRESS doesnt even have investigative power which is why they are now abusing their oversight power and legislative duties by saying their need to see the presidents confidential and personal records are for legitimate "legislative purposes". That is bullshit, they know it and dont care because they know there are enough weaponized judges on the bench to help them in court (such as these last 2 rulings from obama appointed federal judges) - so this is ANOTHER potential Constitutional crisis

The Mueller "report" cleared Trump of the non crime of "collusion" with Russia so you dont have to worry about Trump and Russia anymore. And if you dont like the fact he hasnt released his taxes yet then dont vote for him in 2020 - THAT is the American way. But frankly people dont care - releasing taxes is not a requirement and CAN NEVER BE a requirement as the Constitution forbids it. (Unless an Amendment is passed)

NICE - to hear the voice of REASON !!!!!
In AMERICA you DONT get to investigate people unless you have evidence of a crime or reason to believe a crime has been committed and then you have to get a warrant because the warrant supercedes the accused Constitutional rights.
I think you best do a bit more reading, sweetie.
EX: You've left a bar at 1 AM and driving a bit erratic. A cop pulls you over and asked if you've been drinking. You say "yes, I had two drinks" ... the cop request a sobriety test and a search of your car for an open container. You refuse the sobriety test and allowing the cop to search your car.
You want to tell us what your RIGHTS are at this point?

So, Deutche Bank employees observe suspicious traffic in some Trump accounts and report it as required by their bank rules. The bank senior staff refuse to investigate the suspicious accounts; this being a bank that has been penalized several times for money laundering, and Congress wishes to investigate these accounts. Are you saying Congress has no right to investigate those accounts?
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I think you best do a bit more reading, sweetie.
EX: You've left a bar at 1 AM and driving a bit erratic. A cop pulls you over and asked if you've been drinking. You say "yes, I had two drinks" ... the cop request a sobriety test and a search of your car for an open container. You refuse the sobriety test and allowing the cop to search your car.
You want to tell us what your RIGHTS are at this point?
This is the problem with people who think higher of themselves than they are knowledgeable.

#1 driving is not a right, its a privilege so you can be pulled over at any time and asked for your documents - this you agree to when you sign your license.
#2 the cop asks if you've been drinking to trick you into giving them an easy probable cause - most people are honest and will tell the truth even if caught doing something wrong. So you say "two drinks" and that, along with your erratic driving gives them enough to arrest you on the spot.
#3 even if you said you didnt say you had a *******, a smell of alcohol on you gives the officer reasonable suspicion that you had and lied which is enough to arrest you.
#4 Most states you cannot refuse a field sobriety test without automatic forfeiture of your license for x months (my state does that) furthermore some states allow a ******* sample to be drawn against your consent if you refuse the field sobriety.
#5 an officer is allowed to search your vehicles cabin if they see something "suspicious" through the windows. If they suspect you got something in the trunk (like *******) they bring a k9 to sniff around the outside of the trunk. If the dog barks, they get to search.

The whole process is VERY formulaic and designed to help them build evidence against YOU but you agreed to it by signing your license. A bail bonds friend told me, "if you get pulled over and you know you're getting a dui the BEST thing to do is say nothing but take me to jail." it minimizes your charges.

However to your point with respect to my posts, Donald Trump did not forfeit his rights when he became president. Congress has oversight into the functioning of the executive branch BUT NOT the president himself nor the life he had before joining office. They dont get insight to what his thoughts are, they dont get foresight to what hes planning. Congress is a co-equal branch of government BUT thats split into two houses filled with about 550 elected representatives so its authority and power is diluted. However the executive is run by one elected person, the president, from whom all other authority in the executive is delegated. So even if all the democrats in congress were against Trump they still dont have the Constitutional power to constrain him UNLESS they had a majority in both houses that can impeach him. (Simple majority in house, 2/3rds in Senate) - the executive is the strong branch of government for that reason. The judiciary is the weak branch. But even then impeachment has to be for "high crimes and misdemeanors" as per the Constitution (when the Constitution was written there was no such thing as a "felony" - a misdemeanor was a crime punishable by death so its not like jaywalking can get you impeached)

If anything the presidents rights should be amplified on account of his great responsibilities to the country and the citizens because of the Constitutionally mandated powers he does not share with anyone else, unlike congress or the courts.
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Fascism will come to the USA in the name of liberalism. Shutting down opposing opinions, name calling, victimhood culture, wanting to eliminate the electoral college (which is necessary because we aren't a pure democracy), they've become the very thing they swore to destroy.
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JS indicates Bucket 5, first tranche of declassified materials, within 14 days. We'll see. Bucket 5 is exculpatory material not represented to FISC.
Fascism will come to the USA in the name of liberalism. Shutting down opposing opinions, name calling, victimhood culture, wanting to eliminate the electoral college (which is necessary because we aren't a pure democracy), they've become the very thing they swore to destroy.

Once again the voice of reason rings loud and clear!!!!!
Once again the voice of reason rings loud and clear!!!!!

that ringing you hear is typical of someone that has nothing inside...and the wind makes a ringing or sometimes a whistling noise as it passes through a hollow object....there is a reason people want to hold your hand when you go somewhere
He won't be impeached and I'm not even a supporter of his. The left has been deceiving themselves.

true....right now impeaching him would just ignite the stupid class...and you thought there was only 3 classes of people....trump has created a 4th....

why create issues with the walking brain dead....the upcoming election should purge us of Adolph Trump
Fascism will come to the USA in the name of liberalism. Shutting down opposing opinions, name calling, victimhood culture, wanting to eliminate the electoral college (which is necessary because we aren't a pure democracy), they've become the very thing they swore to destroy.
Your attempt to synonym fascism to liberalism doesn't make sense. Fascism is the worse case scenario for capitalism, which Trump, a vulture capitalist, totally believes in. An extreme to liberal capitalism is communism, if you truly wish to relate synonymic words.
I'm surprised you didn't recognize the description of Trump as you typed the words attempting to attach fascism to liberalism.
Go read how those words inter-relate, or remain uninformed, as usual. As a liberal, I take the prosecuting position of Trump and his illegal "fascist" acts. You, on the other hand, may take the defensive position of our alt-President; I won't continue to help YOU with your defense. Make sense? When it comes to Trump, I'm the Offense, you're the Defense ... compendia'?
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Is it just me - or do lefties come off with this superior know it all attitude while they disparage anyone that disagrees with their daily talking points dictated by the totally biased media ??? They’re truly the sheep they accuse us of being seems to me.
Is it just me - or do lefties come off with this superior know it all attitude while they disparage anyone that disagrees with their daily talking point
Its just YOU; glad I could help you out with that. Any other questions?
ie: "They’re truly the sheep they accuse us of being seems to me" .... again, taking off my offensive hat to make YOUR POINT on defense ... your position is well noted WHEN we have a polarization of politics as we do now. By the way, you can thank Newt Gingrich for that. We both take reflective view points of each other's posts. We liberals think exactly the same as you except in reverse. Make sense, or do you prefer to just stay 'contrary' to every liberal post you read?​
I certainly don't consider myself a far-left Democrat or liberal; more of a "left of center". I consider anything good to a point ... "everything in moderation". I believe in a "balanced budget" ... no excesses of spending or cutting revenue.​
At least I make an attempt to understand YOUR side of the arguments; you should TRY IT! Its called "negotiate" or "compromise".​
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