How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
You lefties make me laugh - you do 99.9% of the insulting and then accuse us of doing what you’re doing. As stated before I mainly just post my opinion - I know the left no longer believes in free speech - but really - tuff ******* - it’s still America - I just pop in here mostly just to see what horseshite you guys are flinging and comment - I have never timed coming in here to gang up on anyone - you just hate hearing that other people don’t see things the way you do - in fact that they are diametrically opposed to most of the crap your political propaganda division - that being the Main Street Media dishes out and is quite often proven to be FAKE!!!!!
Whomp Whomp
Give us a break, TwoBi, on that BS ... it took Republicans exactly one year to destroy a surplus to handed to him and Republicans when he took office.
Not this horseshit again :rolleyes: You've been schooled on this before. Ole Bubba blowjobs with interns Clinton didn't hand GW a surplus. Sure with accounting tricks they were close enough to fools the useful idiots into thinking that (clearly worked!). But here's the federal debt for all of Clinton's years....straight from Obummer's white house archive.gov site:

1994 4,643,307
1995 4,920,586
1996 5,181,465
1997 5,369,206
1998 5,478,189
1999 5,605,523
2000 5,628,700
2001 5,769,881


Now try really hard little Macky and use your best math skills....tell us which of those years the federal debt went down....

You've also been schooled that Bubba turned over an economy heading into recession. He had a good run, riding the dot com bubble, but that had burst. Consumer confidence (a leading indicator) had plummeted all the way from 145 to 85 when he dumped the turd in GWs lap.

Despite the double whammy of the dot com recession followed by the tragedy of 9-11, GW got it back up to 110 before the housing bubble burst tanking the economy. We've posted many times on here showing GWs administration telling congress they had to address the sub prime market to prevent a housing collapse.....and the Democrap leaders like Frank and Waters blocking them claiming there was no problem brewing....for example:

In 2003 when the Republican's & GW were pushing for regulation, Barney said: " I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC and OTS. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing. " Too bad we all paid so much for Barney & the Dems rolling snake eyes.

Official record of Barney's statement is here: http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/bank/hba92628.000/hba92628_0f.htm
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Not this horseshit again :rolleyes: You've been schooled on this before.


.... and there you go with the same interest deficit again. We all know the ReThugs put the initial $10 trillion on the books with their "trickle down" don't we? Bush & ReThugs handed a disappearing deficit, and managed to reverse that back to a growing debt, AS USUAL ... but Cheney said deficient spending doesn't matter .... except when Democrats are in control, right? Now, FUCK OFF and leave me alone, asshole.
Poor baby, no one to "play with" this morning, huh? As usual, I have NO time for YOU ... I wouldn't have time for you if I was doing nothing like you. Why not take this time to look for a JOB or go look for your WIFE. Now,buzz off asshole!
Couldn’t be sweeter or more cordial - just taint possible ;} - guess it’s just a lefty thing - call yourself one thing - act exactly the opposite - o well - kinda used to this behavior coming from the left - agree with my bullshite or “buzz off”. They really only wanna hear what they believe from other likeminded fools - tantrums from them if you dare to disagree :|
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We all know the ReThugs put the initial $10 trillion on the books with their "trickle down" don't we?
No, because here in reality land, that isn't true. The data I just gave you from Obummer's archive proves otherwise. Ole Bubba added over a trillion of that by himself.

Now, FUCK OFF and leave me alone, asshole.
Poor baby, no one to "play with" this morning, huh? As usual, I have NO time for YOU ... I wouldn't have time for you if I was doing nothing like you. Why not take this time to look for a JOB or go look for your WIFE. Now,buzz off asshole!
Does it make you feel like a big boy when you throw your tantrums little Macky ?????
Does it make you feel like a big boy when you throw your tantrums little Macky ?????

Lots of difference between annual deficits & surpluses, which was what I was referring and something Republicans know nothing about, and national debt determined by its overall IOUs of floating debts, funded debts, and unfunded debts.
You bring up the national debt only because it gives you a position of argument. Thing is, the national debt wouldn't be even a tenth of what it is now had it not been for Reaganomics; as would be the huge divide between the 1%ers and the rest of the country. As usual, conservatives give their tax cuts to the rich without properly adjusting their spending.

I guess you aren't interested in "finding a real job" or where your spouse is. At least you have your "friends" now ... you can jerk each other off as you support the brilliant alt-President.
Yep. The losers on the left still can't cope with the fact they lost...their own rigged election...with their own paid off media companies.

Its really quite strange watching these people act like they are some kind of oppressed underdogs when they were literally the status quo for a decade. I'm just glad that piss poor excuse of a man they called Obama is gone. Like yeah, Trump might be an asshole but at least he's not the guy who fucked me over with an eat ******* tax for being too poor to buy health insurance.

Black culture has become so boring and wack now that it just revolves around hating Trump, like do something cool for a change.
It took me a long time to understand the liberal way of thinking until it was explained to me in a very simple way.

It's all about emotions and beliefs, that's what they base their opinions on and this is why they are so violent and angry at others who don't share their views. They base their opinions on their rules and beliefs not on reality or practicality. A liberal does not think in a practical way when they make their decisions, they base their decisions on what they feel is right and good. The outcome does not matter to them.

Here's an example. I live in Southern California and we suffered a huge fire in San Diego a few years ago. Thousands of acres of forest land destroyed, people died - including a few fire fighters - many homes lost, billions of dollars of damage. All as a result of liberal policies and beliefs. And they still have not changed their policies.

A liberal sees the vast forest land around San Diego and wants to protect it. They see the logging and timber corporations as evil, big, and bad. They are the enemy. All corporations are run by rich white men and therefore, they are bad for humanity and the environment. They do not want the logging companies to take over the forest land and remove dead trees and lumber and clear the brush. Cutting down trees is wrong and harms the birds and animals that live there. It's an emotional decision, it has nothing to do with reality or practicality. We must protect nature and not allow big, evil corporations from ruining the forest land. So they made the land around San Diego off limits for any sort of logging or clearing out, even dead, decaying wood and brush. They felt good, they stopped the encroachment of corporations from managing the land.

The result? Complete and utter destruction due to fires and subsequent mud slides. Tens of thousands of acres destroyed, lives lost, billions of dollars lost, people's homes destroyed, tons of pollution spewed into the air. They still to this day have not changed their policies or accepted responsibility for their decsions and policies.

If the logging companies were allowed to properly manage those areas, the destruction would never have happened. Logging companies come in, clear out and thin out the forest, and plant new trees to start the cycle all over again.

But liberals would not allow this because it feels like the wrong decision to them and goes against their beliefs to 'save the planet' and that corporations are evil. Even though they can plainly see that their policies harm the environment, they will not change. It doesn't feel right to them.

A conservative thinks beyond his emotions and looks at the outcome, that's what they base their decisions on.

Liberal anger and hatred comes from their perceived notion that if you are against their beliefs, you are evil and worthy of hatred. You want to cut down trees? You are evil and attempting to destroy the earth. Never mind that the forest burns every 20 years, if you believe that lumber corporations should cut down trees, you are an evil, capitalist, anti global warming ******ist (just add 'ist' to any adjective) and not as enlightened as they are. This can be applied to any liberal notion or policy. (free health care for all is a good example. Sounds good but it really turned out to be a $800 tax on everyone)

Hope this helps, it has helped me understand why some people hold on to their beliefs even when reality is completely opposite of what they are trying to achieve.
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Yep. The losers on the left still can't cope with the fact they lost...their own rigged election...with their own paid off media companies.

Its really quite strange watching these people act like they are some kind of oppressed underdogs when they were literally the status quo for a decade. I'm just glad that piss poor excuse of a man they called Obama is gone. Like yeah, Trump might be an asshole but at least he's not the guy who fucked me over with an eat ******* tax for being too poor to buy health insurance.

Black culture has become so boring and wack now that it just revolves around hating Trump, like do something cool for a change.
spoken like a true trumptard...go and check to see if your rebel flag is still flying
It took me a long time to understand the liberal way of thinking until it was explained to me in a very simple way.

It's all about emotions and beliefs, that's what they base their opinions on and this is why they are so violent and angry at others who don't share their views. They base their opinions on their rules and beliefs not on reality or practicality. A liberal does not think in a practical way when they make their decisions, they base their decisions on what they feel is right and good. The outcome does not matter to them.

Here's an example. I live in Southern California and we suffered a huge fire in San Diego a few years ago. Thousands of acres of forest land destroyed, people died - including a few fire fighters - many homes lost, billions of dollars of damage. All as a result of liberal policies and beliefs. And they still have not changed their policies.

A liberal sees the vast forest land around San Diego and wants to protect it. They see the logging and timber corporations as evil, big, and bad. They are the enemy. All corporations are run by rich white men and therefore, they are bad for humanity and the environment. They do not want the logging companies to take over the forest land and remove dead trees and lumber and clear the brush. Cutting down trees is wrong and harms the birds and animals that live there. It's an emotional decision, it has nothing to do with reality or practicality. We must protect nature and not allow big, evil corporations from ruining the forest land. So they made the land around San Diego off limits for any sort of logging or clearing out, even dead, decaying wood and brush. They felt good, they stopped the encroachment of corporations from managing the land.

The result? Complete and utter destruction due to fires and subsequent mud slides. Tens of thousands of acres destroyed, lives lost, billions of dollars lost, people's homes destroyed, tons of pollution spewed into the air. They still to this day have not changed their policies or accepted responsibility for their decsions and policies.

If the logging companies were allowed to properly manage those areas, the destruction would never have happened. Logging companies come in, clear out and thin out the forest, and plant new trees to start the cycle all over again.

But liberals would not allow this because it feels like the wrong decision to them and goes against their beliefs to 'save the planet' and that corporations are evil. Even though they can plainly see that their policies harm the environment, they will not change. It doesn't feel right to them.

A conservative thinks beyond his emotions and looks at the outcome, that's what they base their decisions on.

Liberal anger and hatred comes from their perceived notion that if you are against their beliefs, you are evil and worthy of hatred. You want to cut down trees? You are evil and attempting to destroy the earth. Never mind that the forest burns every 20 years, if you believe that lumber corporations should cut down trees, you are an evil, capitalist, anti global warming ******ist (just add 'ist' to any adjective) and not as enlightened as they are. This can be applied to any liberal notion or policy. (free health care for all is a good example. Sounds good but it really turned out to be a $800 tax on everyone)

Hope this helps, it has helped me understand why some people hold on to their beliefs even when reality is completely opposite of what they are trying to achieve.

Thank you - makes perfect sense - and - explains a lot of what transpires in here.
It took me a long time to understand the liberal way of thinking until it was explained to me in a very simple way.

It's all about emotions and beliefs, that's what they base their opinions on and this is why they are so violent and angry at others who don't share their views. They base their opinions on their rules and beliefs not on reality or practicality. A liberal does not think in a practical way when they make their decisions, they base their decisions on what they feel is right and good. The outcome does not matter to them.

Here's an example. I live in Southern California and we suffered a huge fire in San Diego a few years ago. Thousands of acres of forest land destroyed, people died - including a few fire fighters - many homes lost, billions of dollars of damage. All as a result of liberal policies and beliefs. And they still have not changed their policies.

A liberal sees the vast forest land around San Diego and wants to protect it. They see the logging and timber corporations as evil, big, and bad. They are the enemy. All corporations are run by rich white men and therefore, they are bad for humanity and the environment. They do not want the logging companies to take over the forest land and remove dead trees and lumber and clear the brush. Cutting down trees is wrong and harms the birds and animals that live there. It's an emotional decision, it has nothing to do with reality or practicality. We must protect nature and not allow big, evil corporations from ruining the forest land. So they made the land around San Diego off limits for any sort of logging or clearing out, even dead, decaying wood and brush. They felt good, they stopped the encroachment of corporations from managing the land.

The result? Complete and utter destruction due to fires and subsequent mud slides. Tens of thousands of acres destroyed, lives lost, billions of dollars lost, people's homes destroyed, tons of pollution spewed into the air. They still to this day have not changed their policies or accepted responsibility for their decsions and policies.

If the logging companies were allowed to properly manage those areas, the destruction would never have happened. Logging companies come in, clear out and thin out the forest, and plant new trees to start the cycle all over again.

But liberals would not allow this because it feels like the wrong decision to them and goes against their beliefs to 'save the planet' and that corporations are evil. Even though they can plainly see that their policies harm the environment, they will not change. It doesn't feel right to them.

A conservative thinks beyond his emotions and looks at the outcome, that's what they base their decisions on.

Liberal anger and hatred comes from their perceived notion that if you are against their beliefs, you are evil and worthy of hatred. You want to cut down trees? You are evil and attempting to destroy the earth. Never mind that the forest burns every 20 years, if you believe that lumber corporations should cut down trees, you are an evil, capitalist, anti global warming ******ist (just add 'ist' to any adjective) and not as enlightened as they are. This can be applied to any liberal notion or policy. (free health care for all is a good example. Sounds good but it really turned out to be a $800 tax on everyone)

Hope this helps, it has helped me understand why some people hold on to their beliefs even when reality is completely opposite of what they are trying to achieve.
and if they don't agree...bann them is that it?