How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Your responses are noble but why waste them on these drones? They do no thinking for themselves. Its all going to start spilling out fairly soon, anyway. Thing is, if the evidence mounting on Trump results in his resignation, he'll end up getting off scot-free from his federal charges. As corrupt as this fool is, he deserves a little time in both a federal & state prison. Maybe his ******* will serve some time with him as well.

I have very similar feelings regarding prison time - for Hillary ;}
I have very similar feelings regarding prison time - for Hillary ;}
Hillary spent over 11 straight hours in front of a mainly Republican committee, under oath, responding to questions. How many did Trump spend? There were 9 separate investigations of Hillary ... how many for Trump? Hillary wasn't the sitting president of the USA, Trump IS.
There's really no comparison; perjury is a serious crime, however. If Hillary lied under oath, why did the Republicans fail to charge & convict her? What makes you think that there wasn't "fake & fabricated news" regarding Hillary as Trump and his drones claim there have been of him? Trump's been tracked with over 9,000 documented LIES thus far since taking office. He'll top 10,000 well before the end of his Presidency.
If Hillary lied under oath, why did the Republicans fail to charge & convict her?
Do you think, possibly....because Congress doesn't have the power to charge and convict for perjury of a witness??? Nah, you wouldn't engage that many neurons. They do have the authority to refer to the DOJ for criminal investigation...which they did:

Of course the Obummer DOJ put their best man on it....

Do you think, possibly....because Congress doesn't have the power to charge and convict for perjury of a witness??? Nah, you wouldn't engage that many neurons. They do have the authority to refer to the DOJ for criminal investigation...which they did:

Of course the Obummer DOJ put their best man on it....

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seems to me that right now there are a few people serving time for lying to congress.....surely you don't think they would let her lie and get away with it...….you also are reaching
seems to me that right now there are a few people serving time for lying to congress.....surely you don't think they would let her lie and get away with it...….you also are reaching
The Republicans in Congress didn't let her "get away with it". They did all they legally could by filing a criminal referral for her perjury. The Obummer DOJ let her get away with it by ignoring their duty to prosecute her perjury. This was all rather obvious for anyone using a fraction of their grey matter....oh, makes sense you didn't understand.
The Republicans in Congress didn't let her "get away with it". They did all they legally could by filing a criminal referral for her perjury. The Obummer DOJ let her get away with it by ignoring their duty to prosecute her perjury. This was all rather obvious for anyone using a fraction of their grey matter....oh, makes sense you didn't understand.
you are dreaming now....they never caught her in a lie!....for 11 straight hours...and nothing!
you are dreaming now....they never caught her in a lie!....for 11 straight hours...and nothing!
The criminal referral proved you wrong....as does Comey's testimony.

It is fundamentally impossible for both Comey and Clinton's House testimony to be truthful. It is fundamentally possible that both lied to Congress. But you're just showing once again you don't give a ******* about facts and reality.
The Republicans in Congress didn't let her "get away with it". They did all they legally could by filing a criminal referral for her perjury.

Practically all of Congress is staffed with lawyers from big name Ivy League colleges, but, they chose politics over a law practice. Probably because there's not enough brains in the lot of them to convict Hitler, much less Hillary or the "Donald".
Its funny, however, you drones won't admit the Donald's avoidance of facing Mueller under oath was because his lawyers knew he was guilty. Same with the tax returns, even now, since they've now provided proof that the Donald lost over a billion dollars in just ten years and didn't pay a dime in taxes in eight of those years, or the fact that he and his family used money from their charity for personal use, or that the AG Barr (under Trump's order) is refusing to allow congress to view the un-redacted investigational report, or allow anyone including Mueller to be questioned under oath.
Hillary didn't do 1/100th of the BS that Turmp's done in just 2 and a half years in office ... you damn well know he's guilty, but your pride won't allow you to face the truth.
That's fine, I still believe Trump will serve time in prison. I, for one, look forward to that day. Maybe they'll shave that gawd awful yellow hair off him. Love to have the photo when they tell him to bend over and they check his ass crack for contraband.
Practically all of Congress is staffed with lawyers from big name Ivy League colleges, but, they chose politics over a law practice. Probably because there's not enough brains in the lot of them to convict Hitler, much less Hillary or the "Donald".
Its funny, however, you drones won't admit the Donald's avoidance of facing Mueller under oath was because his lawyers knew he was guilty. Same with the tax returns, even now, since they've now provided proof that the Donald lost over a billion dollars in just ten years and didn't pay a dime in taxes in eight of those years, or the fact that he and his family used money from their charity for personal use, or that the AG Barr (under Trump's order) is refusing to allow congress to view the un-redacted investigational report, or allow anyone including Mueller to be questioned under oath.
Hillary didn't do 1/100th of the BS that Turmp's done in just 2 and a half years in office ... you damn well know he's guilty, but your pride won't allow you to face the truth.
That's fine, I still believe Trump will serve time in prison. I, for one, look forward to that day. Maybe they'll shave that gawd awful yellow hair off him. Love to have the photo when they tell him to bend over and they check his ass crack for contraband.
You stated the question: "If Hillary lied under oath, why did the Republicans fail to charge & convict her?"

Of course when that question is answered, and in the process demonstrates how idiotic your question was in the first place.....oh crap....deflect to a different topic.

That's fine....we've come to expect such shallowness of intellect.

As for the first premise in your statement, no "practically all of congress" is not staffed with lawyers....Ivy League or not. 37.8% of the House have legal degrees. You've demonstrated sub 7th grade math skills on here. In case you're unsure 37.8% is a long way from "practically all"....believe it or not, it is even less than half.

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People are getting REALLY sick of the regurgitation of incessant liberal talking points regarding the President especially because the media is so patently and obviously biased.
People are getting REALLY sick of the regurgitation of incessant liberal talking points regarding the President especially because the media is so patently and obviously biased.

true all the lies and cover-ups ******* for brains keeps telling us and we know better...….well most people anyway...
All this emotion creeping into my taken over thread that is for factual news, and well reasoned speculation.
Don't you have something to do ... like go tattletale on someone?
Oh wait, you can tattletale on ME again ...
"Mommy, he called me a tattletale!" gif_BabyCrying3.gif
Anybody who agrees with how the democrat leadership is burning down the government, turning law upside down AND escalating violence through rhetoric because they dont want an outsider (Trump) waking up the people to the fact that politicians have been selling us out and ******* the $$$ out of the US, needs to find some shithole dictatorship country that they"ll feel comfortable living in and gtfo of America asap.

NONE of what we are living through is normal or democratic, beginning with the governments secret infiltration of a political party's campaign (opposite of the then sitting president) that then morphed into a (failed) silent coup of a sitting president using the FBI. Regardless ofhow you feel about Trump or Republicans, if you love America and consider yourself a "good citizen" and a patriot then you'll fully rebuke the democrats in office until they stop abusing their positions in power.