Reverse Cuckold? (White bull)

White men/Black women porn exists of course, and it's exciting like any porn is. But for many it is just regarded as regular porn and doesn't have the "special quality" that Black men/White women porn does. I think there are historical sensitivities too. Black Men/White Women couple is seen from the perspective of White Man's fear of the Black Men sleeping around with a White Women from the slavery and segregation days. A Black Man is hence "getting back at the White Man by taking his White Woman." A Black Woman sleeping with a White Man on the other hand might be seen as reinforcing the already established racist racial hierarchy, maybe this is why it's not as popular. That's my take on it, but time's are changing and this dynamic might change soon. One of the BIG problems I see with Black men/White women is that eventually it will become so common place (it already is) that it will completely lose that "exciting taboo" factor that most of us love. People will become desensitized and bored of it. The porn industry has produced WAY TOO MUCH of it! Man, I wish I could just go back to the early 1970's when the first interracial movies were JUST coming out. No one had ever seen that before, could you imagine the excitement?
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While White Men/Black Women porn is hot to be sure (as all porn and sex in general is really), it doesn't have the same "zing" that Black Men/White Women porn has. I don't know, maybe it needs better marketing? Lol.